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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Smackdown Live After Wrestlemania

Missed my first alarm. My wife woke me up and I went to get Gabriel a bottle and put clothes to dry. Got dressed and made coffee and headed out. Traffic was smooth and found parking. Have a webinar later and a pre forum meeting.
Got to work, it's cold. Checked in and have been doing pretty much nothing. Got some things ready for forum tomorrow and also about to do that webinar.
That webinar was really boring, the topic is good in a sense because it talks about how to connect with older clients, but there seemed to be a string focus on social media. I highly doubt that older clients follow any of our accounts on there. But anyway off to eat leftover meatloaf.

Had lunch, watched some Black Mirror and started my walk to 1440. Got here, did some work, went to go look for a few people. Talked to Cynthia for a bit and came back to print out a few things to review before the meeting. Very irritated at the moment, but I hope it passes. They want me to make decisions on things I should not be making decisions on.
During the pre forum meeting we talked about what would be discussed. After I stayed with 2 of my unit folks and discussed how we wanted to present the materials and maybe try to do a practice round via the Skype teleconference. After I came home to get the kids and go visit Allix.

We went to get food and to visit Arnel, Priscilla and Allix. We had a good time, caught up on somethings. Today Allix turned 1 month. After we came home, put clothes away, put Gabriel to sleep and brushed Javi's teeth, after tool a shower and watched Smackdown Live and will check out a few shows before bed.

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