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Friday, April 19, 2019

Good Friday

Got up, tired. Today we take my Dad's vessel and finally lay him to his eternal resting place. Last night my sister was telling me she was nervous about how she would feel and be during the process. I told her be strong as much as possible,  we don't know how we will be at the cemetery. I think that is where we will lose it.
Had bean soup for breakfast. It's around 10:10 am here, still need to get dressed. They are coming around 12:30 to get this going.

Here we go, it's almost time to go. Got to get up the strength to do this. Got ready and before I knew it, the fire truck was outside. They came in, we said our goodbye in the home with my Dad. We went outside and started walking behind the fire truck. First stop was the church. St. Antonio. After a blessing we went out again and walked over to the park near other church.
The comandante said a few words about my Dad, he said he was a founding member, he was brave and helped with the fire relief after the 1972 Earthquake here in Nicaragua (which happened on my mom and dad's wedding night)
He also mentioned that when my Dad came back to live here, he went right back to helping them out. Donating and other things. After we passed by the house so my Dad could have one last ride by and say goodbye.
We walked behind the fire engine and went to the cemetery. Helped them bring down my Dad and guide him into the tomb. We said our last goodbyes and they sealed it up and now, we are back home. Going to rest for a bit before I start packing.

Our last night here. Ready to go home. Have had a few beers, threw a lot of things away. Been giving most of the things to one of my nephews here. About to watch this procession that passes by the house and finish packing up. Almost packed and ready to go.
Tired and I want to go to sleep. Almost done with what we have to do, I'm about to go to bed.

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