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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Back to our regularly scheduled program

Got up, got Gabriel a bottle, went to get dressed, made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was ok, found parking in one of the last spots in my primary parking area. Going to nap and then start the walk to work.
Got in and saw that the MC topics were reduce to one. The forum was ok, but long. After I went to my desk.

Had lunch and watched the Giants game,  they lost, now waiting for time to go home.
Got home, took out the trash and headed to Target to get some things before getting the boys. We got to my sister's house and hung out for a bit.

Got home, bathed both boys. Played some games with Javi and now trying to put Gabriel to bed.
He went to sleep, but whole I was washing his bottle and getting things ready he threw up again. After a bit my wife put the kids to bed and she came back out. We watched some tv and now going to bed.

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