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Monday, April 1, 2019

Wrestlemania week day #1

Got up, got dressed and headed out to work. Traffic was smooth, but it is cold this morning. Found good parking and now waiting for time to start walking to work. Today is day 1 of Wrestlemania week, today's shirt is Randy Orton's RKO #OuttaNoWhere shirt.
The morning went well, I read the last of the survey results and they looked good. I didn't feel like working much today as I was still not feeling good.

Had lunch, watched Netflix and went back to my desk. Troubleshooted some cases and met Amilcar at Peet's for coffee. When I came back I printed some things out and headed to my car to go get the kids at my sister's.
Gabriel is not feeling well, so Javi was the only one going swimming. He did well and after we came home.

Got home, for some reason my wife has the attitude against me where I could not even get a drink from the fridge so I can eat. It is what it is, I changed Gabriel,  just finished helping Javi shower and now trying to put Gabriel to sleep. Maybe I eat after, who knows. Had dinner and watche tv. After went to bed.

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