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Friday, April 19, 2019

Last day here

It's my last day in Nicaragua. My Dad was laid to rest last night and my heart is happy about that. We went to bed around 1 or 2 am. Woke up around 6:30 am. Took a shower, got ready and waited to leave. My sister took care of some last minute things and I went with my cousin to get gas before we left.
The drive was a comedy of errors. I was so stressed. We were going to meet Elmora at the airport to give us some things for Ulisa and her mom. It tool our cousin way longer to get there. Including going the wrong way, asking several people for directions and a race against the clock.
We finally made it, saw Elmira and William and went to check in. Right now I am drinking a latte with Flor de Caña 25 shot in it and it is not good.

Plane is about to take off. Leaving my Dad resting in peace now. I don't know when I will return, but I know my Dad is always with me. Off to San Salvador.
Got on the plane and took off, we were delayed 40 minutes.

Waiting to get off the plane to get our stuff and go home. Our luggage came out late when we finally got it we were able to take it to the car and go home.
Spent some time talking to my wife about what went on in Nicaragua with my Dad and now about to go to sleep. I hope now that we are safe, back at home, that my Dad will visit me in my dreams tonight. I would like to walk with him again.

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