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Friday, August 31, 2018

Here we go... one last time

Got up a couple times to use the bathroom. Gabriel woke up around 5:30, so I decided to go get ready at that time. Put clothes to dry, washed a bottle and sanitized 3 of them, made coffee and headed out to work. The drive in was smooth. Today is the last day of this set of trainings. Going to try and finish them off with a bang!
The morning training was good. The energy was low at first but Karla and I were able to get the up. It was a good group. I sent out the surveys and answered a few emails before heading out for lunch.

Went to the food trucks to get a California Burrito from Senior Sisig. It was delicious, however they are always a bit small but oh well. We have one more training to go, will try to finish strong.
We thought the last training would go fast, because of the low sign up. But it lasted almost as long as the others. I felt this group may have not fully understood what was going on with what we were saying. But oh well, we gave them the information and the chance to asked questions and they didn't. After I took off to go home.

My wife got hom, Arnel passed by to drop some things off. I ordered Chinese food for us for dinner. It was ok, after it was draft time. I think I have a solid team for being the last to pick. About to shower and go to bed.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Shots, shots, shots....

Gabriel woke up twice, he was not having a good night. Maybe he feels that he is getting his shots today. I get off early today and have to take him to the Dr for his 1 year appointment and shots. Hopefully that goes well. Last night I also drew a picture of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for Javi and left him a note. I hope picture day goes well for him and that he has a great day at school.
The morning was fun, really only made copies and had conversations. That was it. I was off at 11:30.

Got home after picking up some Popeye's chicken. Ate and put Gabriel to nap. Took off when he woke up to go to his appointment. He was good and got 4 shots. After we met my mom, sister. Myrna, dominic and Javi at hop n play. They played for a bit and ate Panda. After we came home.

My wife went to Chevy's and I am here with the kids. I bathed both of them and now they are having dinner. In a bit I will put Gabriel to sleep and take a shower and finish watching the last 49ers pre-season game.
I put both to bed. My wife came home a little after 9. We hung out for a bit. I caught up on my show Better Call Saul and about to go to sleep. One more day of training and we want to finish it with a bang!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Middle of the week

Gabriel did ok up until like 4:30 ish. He woke up for a bottle but it took him some time to go back to sleep. When I got up, I got dressed, washed the bottle he used, made coffee and started the drive to work. The drive was not too bad, I had to get off on Potrero and take it all the way to where I park and now I am waiting for time to start walking to work. Today I have the CF forum and a training at 1440.
The forum went well, my presentation was cut from the agenda. After I talked to my supervisor and started to walk over to 1440.

Ate lunch with Amilcar. Now going to go get ready for the next training today at 2 PM. Training went well I think. Monika started and in my opinion she did well, but the energy in the room was down. It probably was a combination of the training being after lunch, a stuffy room and the material. When it was my turn I had to go a little extra for them to wake them up. I was engaging with them, making them participate, doing my best impression of Karla and we were off. The training ended with a bang. After I talked to Karla for a bit and drove home.

My sister dropped off the boys. We had dinner and since Gabriel was acting up we figured he was tired so I put him to sleep early. Got out, washed and sanitized bottles,  had to head out to Safeway to get formula for Gabriel. Came home too a shower. Had a conversation with Javi because he is not happy with going to school, I was just reassuring him that he is smart and awesome and that it takes time to make friends. He has one in his class, he will make more, he is a great kid.
After we watched a show and about to go to bed.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

One minute before

Woke up around a minute before my alarm. Gabriel slept all night in his crib and I was able to sleep well. Got up, got dressed, put clothes to dry and started the drive to work. The drive was ok, I had to get off on Potrero since the freeway was a little backed up. Now parked and waiting to start the wall to work.
The morning went well. I did all the copying for both sessions today and one tomorrow. I am doing the PM training. Tomorrow I should be going to my desk at 1235 since I have to present at the forum meeting.

Went to look for lunch, ended up getting pizza at Costco. Going to start setting up for the 2 PM training.
The training went really well. We had a good group and most participated willingly. The groups at 1440 are more relaxed, they want the information so they pay attention but also they know they won't have to do the heavy lifting. After I joked around with Amilcar and Karla before going home.

We ended up going to Red Robins and after going to Baskin Robin's for ice cream. We came home, my wife gave Javi a shower. I changed and fed Gabriel and now he is sleeping. About to go make my lunch for tomorrow,  wash and sanitize bottles and after take a shower and watch Smackdown live.
Watched the show and caught the 9th inning of the Giants game. They walked off the Diamondbacks. After I made my lunch and went to bed.

Monday, August 27, 2018


I had a bad night. Interrupted sleep due to bad dreams. I missed both my alarms this morning. I woke up when my wife shook me. Luckily it doesn't take a lot for me to get ready to go, so ingot up and was out the house real quick. Now parked at work and waiting to go in. Training day today.
The morning training went well. Karla and I were the presenters today. We have our routine down, I start. She closes. It works out well.

I went over to Costco to get lunch. They didn't have what I wanted so I just ordered a beef brisket and a smoothie. Came back ate it and chilled for a bit to get in the zone. One more training to go, starts at 2.
The training went well. There were a lot of my people in there. So it was a comfortable fun training. After we had a quick meeting and I headed to get the kids.
I got to my sister's house. I installed the car seat into my mom's car. Went in and hung out for a bit. We were confirming payment of our upcoming Disneyland trip in October. After I drove home.

Got home, emptied out the car of backpacks, kids and car seats and parked. Went in and started laundry, my wife made dinner and I was around with the kids. She bathed Gabriel and I changed him
Just finished putting him down. About to go shower and watch RAW. Watched some tv and about to go to bed.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Easy like Sunday morning

Got up, made breakfast for myself as apparently no one here likes anything I make. I fried up some tortillas, with eggs and onions. It was delicious. I also had a cup of coffee and played with the kids for a bit. Tried putting Gabriel to sleep but he did not want to so he is out and about. We might take Javi to swim later at my sister's, Gabriel will not go since he was coughing last night.

We were headed out to Hillsdale mall but made a detour to eat Sushi at Masu. After we headed to my sister's to go swim. My wife dropped me and the boys off and we got ready, just to have Javi act out on me again and when I said it was time to leave he turns around and starts having fun with my nephews. I just don't get it. Maybe I am a bad dad. People tell me I am not, but Javi sure makes me feel like I am not good to him. I don't mistreat him. I don't hit him, at most I yell at him and have conversations with him about what he did wrong and what he can do to get better, but this feeling sucks. I don't know what to do, this feeling hurts and it's only with me. With his mom she can do whatever but he never acts this way with her. So I am in my sister's house waiting, letting them have fun since apparently I am the problem.

We decided to go watch a movie. CrazybRixh Asains was the pick. We had heard a lot of good things about it. However, we felt it fell a little flat. It had it's good parts, but it lagged a lot. But we liked it,  but we probably wouldn't rush to see it again. After we made a quick stop at target then we picked up the kids. We drove to drop Myrna off at my brother's house and came home. My wife bathed Javi and I changed, fed and put Gabriel to sleep. About to go shave and shower and maybe watch some tv.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

First hair cut

Woke up around 7:30 I think and realized that Gabriel slept in his crib the whole night. That was cool. When we got up we hung out, showered and changed. We were going to go to lunch but Gabriel fell asleep, so I told them to go eat and I would stay.

Gabriel woke up, I fed him and we played. They got home and we headed out to get him his first hair cut. That was interesting. He cried a bit, but he was fine overall. After we went to the park so Javi could practice hitting and throwing a baseball. Some kids wanted to with him and he was okay with that. But when we saw that they were trying to take over everything we left to go run our other errands.
We sent to serramonte to return a gift my sister gave us, exchange Gabriel's Incredibles costume for a bigger size and get some shirts for ourselves.  We ran into my friend from work Mimi and her family, I finally got to meet JJ and held him for a bit. He is a heavy baby, big and healthy. After we got groceries at Target and went home.

We were hanging out, my wife bathed Gabriel and I was trying to help Javi take a shower but he was acting out. I am very disappointed right now with the way he acts. People who don't know, the situation would think that I mistreat him. I've never hit him, i only put him on time outs. But he starts screaming and screeching and crying, it's too much. I hope he changes that soon. It always makes me feel bad, like he thinks of me as a kind of monster.
I was able to put Gabriel to bed, we had a late dinner and watched Tag. Now I am about to go to sleep.

Friday, August 24, 2018

End of the week

Gabriel is not a good sleeper. Again he got up and was acting strange. I put him in his crib and he went to sleep. Later he woke up again, same thing, but then now he wants to go to our bed. I think he fell asleep again before I left. I went to get ready and put clothes to dry. Made my coffee and drove to work. The drive was smooth.
Today we have 2 more trainings, the last at 1235 Mission. Next week we start at 1440 Harrison. I have to switch my time off request for next week and submit my time off for September.
The morning training went well, the group was fun. They had some questions that we were able to answer and some we had to save for later. We finished this one about 15 minutes early so we had time for a quick Q&A session before getting ready for the next one.
After I made some copies I headed out to the post office and got a money order to send out the payment for Javi's after school program for September.
I also was able to switch my time off for Gabriel's appointment and also sent out my request/reminder for time off for September and October.

Had lunch, played some Candy Crush. Kind of fell asleep for a bit. Now waiting for the next training. Last one of the day and of the week.
The second training went ok, it was one of the rougher ones. They just couldn't wrap their heads around the idea of consecutive months. After we wrapped up and got our assignment for next week. Training for me will be Monday, Tuesday and Friday.

Got home, Gabriel was asleep so I put him in the crib. My wife got home and I took Javi out to play with chalk on the sidewalk. Gabriel woke up and we realized that Gabriel had no diapers, so I ran out to get some. Got home, changed him and fed him and put him to sleep. Took a shower and watched some TV including the Giants game. The Rangers tied the game up in the top of the 9th, if they got to extras, I'm going to bed.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Getting close to the weekend

Gabriel had a bad night again. He moves around a lot. I had fallen asleep on the couch and got to the room around 12:50 am, when I got in I saw Gabriel in the bed so I considered going back out, but I decided to stay in and eventually got into my side. When i got up i made him a bottle,  sanitized others, got ready, made coffee and headed out.
Traffic wasn't bad today, it was quick and I got parking quickly. Today I have lunch scheduled with Rebekah and 2 trainings.
The morning training went really well, the group was good and participated. After monika and I caught up Humberto on all that he missed while on vacation.

I walked over to Manorah to meet Rebekah and Cynthia. We had lunch and a good conversation.  When we were done I went back to work to get ready for the 2nd training. That one went well. The group was good, we finished a bit early and around 4:20 I headed over to pick up the kids.
I picked up the kids at my sister's and went home, we were going to go to Javi's school for an open house.
That was a good experience meeting the teacher and getting some information and paperwork we need to fill out.

After the event, I dropped off my wife at home and went to get Burritos. Came home and my wife was trying to sleep train Gabriel. I went in and sang to him and fell asleep. After I showered and watched tv. About to go to bed. There is much to be done tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Trying it again

Feeling much better, but not at 100%. My left ear continues to be a bit hallow and although I do not feel dizzy or nauseous, I am driving without making too make motions. Hopefully everything goes well today.
I got in and checked some emails. Reported for duty. I went to the CF forum and my supervisor presented since I wasn't feeling good. After I reviewed some things and ate my lunch.

Ate lunch, ran over to 1440 and dropped off Tim's birthday gift. After I went to buy some tea and went to my desk. I started getting ready for the training and the ergonomics lady came by for my evaluation. I am getting a new chair, mouse, desk and wireless headset. There will be changes, hopefully soon.
The training went well. There were 8 of them. Not too many questions but they tried to derail the training. But Karla and I got the job done. After I drove home.

Went to serramonte to meet up with my family to get the boys. We ate dinner and went to target. After we went home to get the kids ready for bed.
Gabriel wasn't going down easy, he is not feeling well. I fell asleep on the couch, later went to the bed.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Doctors orders

When I woke up I saw Javi for a bit. My wife went to work, my mother in law went to drop hom off at school while I stayed here with Gabriel. When she got back, I handed him off and went to sleep.

Still sleeping and resting. My mom is here helping with Gabriel. Going to try and shower and eat something. Haven't eaten since yesterday.

My wife came home and we went to target and to go get the kids at my sister's. Still sore and not feeling 100%. Went to say good bye to my dad as he is going back home tonight. I wanted to go to the airport for the drop off, but I wouldn't be much help. So when we got home I bathed both boys and now trying to get Gabriel to sleep.  Javi is next.
After I watched Smackdown live and now going to bed.

Monday, August 20, 2018

And so it begins...

Gabriel had a bad night. He threw up on me twice and my wife had to put him back to sleep out in the living room. When I got up, I washed and sanitized bottles,  made my coffee and headed off to work. The drive was good. Now I am waiting for the alarm to start walking to work. Training starts today.
We did the morning training and it went ok, I could have slowed down a bit, but there were no questions so I kept going. Karla did great, she felt as if she didn't but she was good.
After we had to scramble to fix some of the material.

Had lunch and chilled. Did some accounting and had coffee. We did the 2nd one. That one was more challenging. The push back was crazy, but we got it done. After I had a slight headache. I got home and we took the table and chairs back to the rental place. When we got back home I started to throw up.

After about 3 hours of vomiting, we went to the ER. They confirmed the Vertigo and gave me motion sickness pills. We got home and I slept on the couch.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Turning one!

Got up and both boys came into bed. We started to get ready, I had to run out and get the last of the items for the party. When I got home we changed Gabriel and waited for the party to start.

The house was looking great and people started filtering in around 12:30, almost everyone invited showed up. We had a great time and when everything was done we watched a bit of Summer Slam while cleaning up.

Clean up and Summer Slam continued. Arnel and Priscilla hung out a bit, we talked about his recent trip and after they went home we cleaned up more, changed the kids. Right now I am laying on the floor and stretching my hip. Going to bed soon.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

The night before his big day

Got up and tried to have Gabriel go back to sleep. It did not go well. We all had to get up and eventually got ready to go eat breakfast at Black Bear Diner and head target to get some last items for the party. When we got home we started to decorate the house.

We went to pick up the table and chairs. Picked up the food we ordered and got the cake. After we came back I headed over to my sister's to shower and dress my dad. Now I am back home. NXT Takeover is tonight.
Watched the show and ate my food. It was good, not worth the price in my opinion but, it is what it is. Hung out with the boys while watching wrestling and 49ers football.

Put Gabriel to sleep and went to shave and shower. When I got back out he was up crying in the crib so I put him right back to sleep. Now going out to set up the rest of the party.
We set up quite a bit. We are almost ready. I have to run out tomorrow to get a few things and we should be ready to go. About to go to bed.

Friday, August 17, 2018

That Friday feeling

Seriously,  I do not want to be at work today. Again, the only reason I am here is because of the demo presentation. I think they will cancel that as well. Anyway, I got up, got ready, put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out. The drive in was good, less traffic than yesterday. Today will be a busy day. We have to get the last things for the party. Hopefully everything goes well.
My goodness, so many twists and turns out. So far it's still a go for the demo. I reviewed and edited the material and I was asked to make a new document which I started. About to go to lunch and chill out before the presentation.

Took a walk, got an iced coffee and centered myself for the demonstration. When I got back to the office I spoke briefly to my supervisor and helped set up. When I went to my desk Monika was there waiting, so I gave her a few items. We went over to the room and waited for Karla. We started the presentation, I did the intro, Monika started, I went middle relief and Karla closed it out. We got good feedback. After the meeting we discussed what happened the other day ag 1440 with the MC policy group. So we cleared the air on that and moved on. Before leaving we got an assignment to work on over the weekend so I will be doing that as OT. After that I took off to go home.

After I got home we went to the dollar tree to get the candy for the party. After we went to my sister's to roll the flautas. We hung out until around 8:15 and came home. Just put Gabriel down and now going to shower.
I started to work on some decorations for the party and when I was finished  I headed off to bed. Tomorrow is NXT Takeover, Sunday Gabriel's birthday and Summer Slam.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Back to work

Better night last night. My left bicep is killing me. My right side is much better, still need rest. I got up, got dressed, washed and made a bottle for Gabriel. Started to drive to work. There is construction on the freeway so there was a bit of traffic. Found the last parking spot where I park and now waiting. I start at 1440 this morning.
Got here, my stomach was all over the place. We practiced the presentation twice and feel ready to go. Now we are waiting for instruction.

Right before going to lunch we got the notification that I knew would be coming, we were postponed until tomorrow at 1:30. I took my lunch at the desk watching WWE table for 3 and had to call Javi's school and after care activity class since they forgot to get him. After I got that settled we met once more and decided we were good to go. After I came home.

Waited for my wife to get here. We went to the storage room and got a mini table. After we went to my sister's, I am still sore and should not be lifting so I was very cautious. My sister left real quick and when she came back we left for home. We got hom. My wife bathed both boys and now I am trying to put Gabriel to sleep.
She went to sleep, so I was able to shower, finish bottles and watch tv.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

First day of Kindergarten

Gabriel was being a real jerk at night. He was not trying to go to sleep. When we got up I got ready,  woke Javi up as it is his first day of Kindergarten. Gabriel woke up and we got him ready. It was stressful for my wife as she was already going to be late and Javi really wasn't listening. We went to drop him off in different cars.
We got there, met his teacher and found his cubicle and table. He looked like he really liked the class.
After I dropped off my mother in law at the house, took Gabriel to day care. Got gas, went to Costco and Target. Had a cup of coffee and a lemon loaf. After I went to the Dollar tree and to pick up a sandwich at Subway for my wife. I got home took out the trash, put everything away, got Gabriel's bag ready for my mom and took a shower.

Heading over to pick up Javi. I have this thing on my upper lip, not sure if it was either a bite or when Gabriel head butted me there or a cold sore. Hopefully it goes away fast. Sitting here parked and waiting for 12:30. For some reason the car is hot. After here I am going to head to McDonald's to get some food for Javi, Myrna, my mom and dad and Felix (The person watching my dad).
So around 3 I took Javi to his eye appointment. I told him several times to try his best and take it seriously. Of course he didn't and they upped his prescription and dialated his eyes. After that he didn't think it was funny.
When we finally got back to my sister's house my dad had peed on himself and I was going to give him a shower. He decided to break the toilet seat so when I tried to help him, he grabbed on to the bar and when I lifted, I felt something pop. It took me some time but I was able to help him dress only to have Javi acting out when he was given food, at this point I had enough. Gabriel deciding to have a bad night, Javi telling me that he only wanted his mom to pick him up, him acting up during the appointment, my Dad not helping at all and this outburst. I just wanted to go home, and I did.

Got home, I left the kids in the living room and went to the room to decompress. My chest and shoulder were still hurting. I filled out some paperwork for Javi's school and had dinner. Took a shower and put Gabriel down to sleep. After we started filling up the goody bags for the party on Sunday. Tomorrow we have a few practice runs of the training and an actual presentation to the managers. Going to watch the end of the Giants game and go to bed.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

A lot to do...

Got up, made a bottle, got dressed and headed off to work. I have a few things to do today. Going to drop off a gift for Archer, have lunch with Tim and Kathleen and have to come up with scenarios for the training. Hopefully today goes by quickly.
The morning went well. I met with my supervisor to go over a scenario I did, he adjusted a few things and I fixed it. Sandra was surprised with the gift for Archer. I scheduled a meeting with Karla and Monika. But before I left I talked to My supervisor about the MC forum minutes he will be presenting now.

Walled over to pick up the food for Tim, Kathleen and myself. We had a good meal and good conversation. After we walked back go 1440. I stopped by to say hi to Maria and Cynthia. After I headed to my meeting. We went over the power point presentation and gave each other feedback, we will do it again on Thursday and present to management.
We also attended a pre forum meeting, that was, well...interesting, I'll leave it at that. When we were done I went to the car and drove home.

Got home, got the kids ready and we went to my sister's to pick them and my dad up and went over to eat at Chili's. After we went back to my sister's so I could change my dad and get him ready for bed. We are home now, just put Gabriel to sleep. About to wash and Sanitize bottles and take a shower.
After I showered I helped get some things ready for Javi for his first day at Kindergarten. He went to bed, I watched TV and now going to sleep. The Giants won! It's always good to #BeatLA

Monday, August 13, 2018

Beginning of a big week

Got up, got dressed and registered the boys for swim class. They start 9/15. For both classes it was $108. Takes up our Saturday mornings, but worth it for the kids. Today I am a little down, the weekend was not that good for me. I had fun at the Giants game, but at home it just wasn't fun.
My arm still hurts, my oldest continues to act rude and when I discipline him others interject which doesn't help. He continues to act like we beat him, I have never hit him, I only put him on time out and when he does anything now he flinches and cowers or he says 'don't hit me'. That is not only embarrassing when he does it in public, but it really hurts me that he sees me that way. My wife has been more concerned with what others think and want and has been mad at me for whatever reason for the last few days. It just hasn't been fun for me. Everyone gets to be understood or have a reason for something, I am not afforded that.
But we move on, the drive was smooth, it's cold. I brought some things to put on my desk to help me feel more at home. Not sure what this work week holds,  for sure I know I will be off on Wednesday to take Javi to his first day of Kindergarten.
The morning went well, I checked in with my supervisor and he had an assignment for me. He wanted me to review the power point presentations and create scenarios for a few examples.
He also asked me to go to a meeting with Karla. After that I hung out, had lunch and took off.

I went to Peet's for some coffee and walked over to 1440. I hung out and accompanied Amilcar and Karla to lunch. After we went to our meeting and gave feedback on the material. After I headed to my sister's house to pick up the kids. Hung out for a bit and came home.

Put some clothes to wash, changed Gabriel and had dinner. About to try and put him to sleep so I can pack a few things for tomorrow. He went to sleep, I took a shower and finished up laundry. Helped Javi with his bedtime routine and chilled for a bit. Gabriel woke up again so when my wife couldn't put him back down,  I went in and tried. It took a bit, but he fell asleep and so did I.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

This should be a rest day...

Woke up, not feeling well. It was another interesting night. Had nacatamales for breakfast and got ready. I was dropped off with the boys to my sister's house. We had planned on going to Costco to get some things for my dad. We went and I spent around $138 on formula, clothes and drinks.

I was picked up so we could come back home and start clearing out the playroom. We cleaned for about close to 3 hours and got rid of a lot if things. We went to throw out the trash and drove to get the boys.

My nephew has the PS4 Virtual Reality headset so we tried it out, after we got dinner and came home. Right now just put Gabriel down to sleep. Have to take a shower. Early wake up time since I have to register the kids for swimming.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

25 Forever

My arm hurts, I think I pulled something last night while I was changing my Dad. But apparently I can not mention it because I am not supposed to be injured at any point. Others can just get a free pass or make it about themselves to get attention. I have to adjust to help me not further the injury.
Got up, made some eggs and toast with a cup of coffee. Now relaxing and watching tv before getting ready to go do some things.
After showering we headed out to order the cake and get my dad some bread.

Tried taking a nap, was just so tired. Got ready and went to pick up my mom and drove to my sister's.  When we got there I gave my dad a shower and we headed off to the Giants game.
Parking was $30, it was packed. Today they retired #25 for the Greatest Player I've ever seen in play in person. Barry Bonds. We got in, got the hat giveaway.  I had my original one from the early 2000's. It was a great ceremony, it was a great experience.  The Giants lost the game 4-0, but it was still a good day.

We went to pick up the kids and came home. Just put Gabriel to sleep and now I am going to shower off this day.
After I showered I sat back looking at some social media, well, it's obvious that Bonds is a polarizing figure, no doubt about that. Feel however you want to, but for me, like I said before and I'll say again, Barry Bonds is the Greatest Player I've Ever Seen Play. Period. That was and is my all time favorite player, #25 became my number and identifier. It's part of me and I am really happy that I was able to see #25 officially retired. Now Bonds needs to get in the Hall Of Fame and get his statue. If you don't agree, don't come out to the ceremonies, let the man and his fans enjoy the moment.
On that note, good night.

Friday, August 10, 2018


I am so damn tired. I did not want to get up today. Last night was not so good. I fell asleep on the couch. My stomach decided to act up, so that interrupted my sleep. It was just not good. I got up and my stomach was still hurting, I used the bathroom, got ready, washed and set up the bottles, put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out to work.
The drive was good, smooth. I got a good parking spot. Lately the area has been filling up fast. It's cold outside, but the sun is creeping out, so it may end up being s nice day. Nothing on the schedule so far today. Let's see what happens next.
The morning went well. I submitted my timesheet and helped out a client who was looking to sign up for health insurance through Covered Ca. Sent her all the info at 11 I have a conference call for our unit meeting and after that just hanging put. Might watch Deadpool 2.

Had lunch and took a walk. Ended up at Peet's to get an iced coffee. About to go back into work and run out the clock. Have some things to do later tonight for Gabriel's party.
Helped a few people out, talked to Olga for a bit regarding a how to she wanted me to review. Looks like they want a lot of things to change, they will, hopefully soon.
After I got off work I went to pick up my mom and my wife, then we were off to get the kids.

Loaded my dad in the car, they went to serramonte,  we hit up Party City for some decorations. After we went to the food court for dinner. We ordered some shoes for the boys, I got Gabriel a Giants and Niners outfit and we went to Target.
After the mall I went over to change my dad for bed, headed home did the same for Gabriel. Put him to sleep, washed and sanitized bottles  d now going to shower.
When I was done I showed Javi some old family pictures, ordered the face paint for the party and also ordered some bonine and dramamine to restock my supply. Now watching the Giants game before going to bed.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


After we left SFO we went to my sister's house. We were going to do a quick wipe down for my Dad but unfortunately he was a little worse than anticipated, so I just decided to help him shower sp he could be refreshed. I personally, not only as a son, but as a person could not let him go down like that. So I had to do what I had to do. After I came come, about to shower to refresh myself and go to bed. Got to be up in a few hours.
Got up, got a bottle ready for Gabriel. Went to go get ready and started the drive to work. The drive was smooth and I found the last parking spot in the area I park. I am super tired, I am about to take a nap.
Got to work and checked in with my supervisor,  went to go get coffee and started getting ready for the first training. It went well, it was almost a full house, good group.
After I had a quick meeting with Monika and Karla about the trainings and the next round of ABAWD.

Went to lunch with Amilcar and Cynthia, had a sandwich that had chipotle mayo which was really spicy. We had a good lunch and some laughs. After we walked back to work. Soon I will help set up for the next training. The last one of the day and of the week.
The training went well. After I met again with Karla and Monika, we had a good conversation and laughed quite a bit. After I headed home to see if we were going to visit my dad.
Got home, got the kids ready and headed over to my sister's to see my dad. He wanted to go to Target but we were all tired and decided that we can go tomorrow. We had dinner and came home.

Got home, changed Gabriel and put him to  ed while watching some of the Niners game. About to go shower. Got out, hung out, fell asleep on the couch. Going to bed.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

After a day off

Did not want to get out of bed today. But I did. Washed and sanitized bottles, got ready for work, stopped by Starbucks for a coffee and pastry. Now in my car in the area that I park in. The drive was ok, it is cold again. I have to present today and potentially go to the MC forum meeting. My Dad comes in later on tonight so I have to go get him.
The morning went well. Turns out that I am not scheduled to go over anything today so I will attend the CF forum and later attend the MC forum and hang out until I go home.
The forum was good, after I answered a few questions and had lunch.

Went over to 1440 to attend the forum. It was good, took a break with Amilcar to get an iced coffee, after I checked some emails and chatted with Sandra, she was still feeling the effects of Vertigo, so I gave her some of my pills for motion sickness. After I took a break with Cynthia and headed on home.

We went to pick up the boys. On the way back my wife wanted Popeye's chicken. However Javi needed to use the bathroom so we came home, I dropped them off and went to get the food. When I came back she was dressing Gabriel up after his bath. I helped Javi shower and get ready. Right now I just put Gabriel down to sleep. Going to out to play with Javi for a bit. Later I have to go get my Dad.
Left to go get my Dad, it took us some time until we got him. We left SFO at 12.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Follow up

Got up, the kids were sleeping. Had to have my wife get Gabriel going since I had to get ready and give Javi his things since we had to go to his follow up appointment. Drop Gabriel off at daycare, drove to Santa Clara and make it 13 minutes before his appointment time. The doctor checked him out and said he was all good. After we drove back and went to Denny's for breakfast. Dropped some things off at the storage room. Went to Taget and came home.

Hung out with the kids. Gabriel went down for a nap. Javi practiced his letters and we played for a long time until my wife came home. When she got here we got the chair and table rental for Gabriel's first birthday party. After went back to the storage room and got my dads things and dropped them off at my sister's.

Passed by Subway to get my wife dinner, when we got home I made some French fries with Javi. He liked them. After we played for a bit, I put Gabriel to sleep and took a shower. Watched a bit of tv and later Javi ate and I brushed his teeth and off to bed he went. I stayed up to watch some tv and fell asleep on the couch,  but woke up quickly and went to the room.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Here we go again...

Got up, exhausted. Went to get ready, wash and sanitize bottles,  made my coffee and headed out. The drive was good, there was a warning the the Bay Bridge was closed and there would be 2 hour delays. Luckily I was out early enough to not see any effect from the incident. Now parked and waiting for time to start the walk to work.
Morning went well. I finished up some things I needed to get done.  My supervisor asked me to go to a meeting with him. I ate lunch before the meeting.

Had a quick meeting and now going through some things for the presentation I have to do on Wednesday. I helped a few people out via Skype and I was able to walk Cynthia through removing OHC for a client. After I came home to wait for my wife to get here before picking up the kids.

We went to my sister's. Ate. Got the kids and went to the dollar tree to get a gift bag and some decorations. After we came home, my wife bathed Gabriel and I helped Javi shower. After I took a shower I had to put the kids down again and now I am watching tv before bed.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Rest day

Woke up around 8. Cleaned a bit and had coffee. Have Gabriel a bottle and played a bit. Changed Javi and now just relaxing. Not sure what is going to go on later.
After several plans were made and changed we got ready and off to Serramonte we went.

We got there went to the Disney store and got Javi a Spider-Man back pack and lunch tote combo. As well as matching Incredibles Pjs for the boys. After we walked around the mall and started to go home. We decided to go to the park first, we tried to fly the Iron Man parachute kite toy my sister got Javi, but it did not work. After we played for a bit and came home.

Had some nachos and dino chicken nuggets. Made my lunch for tomorrow. Just put Gabriel down to sleep, about to go shower and sweep up some rice that the  boys dropped on the floor.
Was watching some tv, had Javi practice his name, alphabet and numbers. This week I will try to teach him how to pray before bed. On that note, off to sleep

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Going to the lake

Got up early to get things ready for the trip to the lake in Livermore. Went out to get ice and a couple of snacks and put gas. Then drove up there. They told us only propane could be used so we had to ask some nice folks of we could use their propane grill and they said yes. We swam in the lake for a bit and chilled.

Still at the lake, it's windy and the boys are tired, drove home. Just getting in and about to go empty out the car. We all showered and got ready. We went to Olive Garden,  however Javi stayed home. Gabriel behaved well, well as well as he could. After we came home.

Got home. Gave Gabriel a bottle,  he didn't go down at first but after a bit he did. Javi was acting out again because of dinner. I had to make Javi go to sleep because he was playing around and it was getting late. About to change and go to sleep.

Friday, August 3, 2018

The Happiest of Rusev Days!

Happy Rusev Day! Last day of training at 1235. Next week it's at 1440 and my Dad comes in next week. This morning was a bit tough, I really don't want to be at work. I want to sleep. But here I am. I got up, got dressed, made Gabriel a bottle and went on my way. The drive was good, parking was good.  Now waiting to walk to work.
The morning training was a packed house. Karla started and Monika ended. It was ok, she did well for her first time doing the 2nd portion.  Some good questions. We found out that there was a scheduling change for next week so I brought it to my supervisors attention.

Wandered around for a few blocks, hungry but not really into anything specific. I went to look and there was just really nothing that caught my eye. I got an iced coffee and I guess as of right now, no lunch.
The second training was good. While it was going on I went to speak to my supervisor for a bit. When I returned it was the 2nd half. After we hung out and talked about the training and gave each other tips for our techniques. After I started my journey to my car to go home. But first I stopped by trader Joe's.

Got home, put the items away. Went to JC Penney to take pictures and walked around the mall. I didn't eat dinner there, still haven't eaten. But I will soon. I need to get some things ready for tomorrow.  Right now putting Gabriel to bed.
He finally went down, it gave me time to pack some things up. Tomorrow morning I set up and go get ice while they sleep and we are off to hopefully have a great day.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Almost done...

Got up, Gabriel was still sleeping. I got dressed, made my coffee and drove to work. The drive was smooth. It continues to be super cold in the morning. Just 2 more days of trainings here, next week it's at 1440. We are going to have to adjust the training for them. I hope the work day goes by fast.
The first training was good, took about an hour and a half. Karla was great as a fill in. We have good chemistry as trainers. We had out unit meeting after and found out new trainings start 8/20.

Had my spaghetti and talked to my wife for a bit. Grabbed an iced coffee and came back to some news that my son did something that was not appropriate. So we have to deal with the tonight. The 2nd training was under an hour and it was good as well. Next week I present at the CF forum and 5 times at 1440 starting Wednesday PM.

Went to get the kids at my sister's. Brought them home, went with Javi to get some things out of storage. Right now I am picking up food. Got the food headed home, had dinner, put Gabriel to sleep. Went to shower and finished watching Overboard.
Gabriel woke up again, I put him back down and now he is up again so we are going to bed.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Wake up! It's the first of the month

Gabriel pretty much slept all night. I got up, made him a bottle and left it for him to drink. I got ready, put my lunch away and made my coffee and started the drive to work. The drive was good, slight traffic towards the end but nothing major. Got good parking and now waiting to walk to 1440 to start my day.
The morning went well. I updated the information I needed to update, chatted with Maria, Cynthia, Tima and Kathleen before meeting with Anuar before the MC forum meeting.
The forum was good, went a little longer than anticipated but it was good. Met with Karla to go over tomorrow's game plan.
Ate my sandwich and headed off to my desk.

Went to Peet's for an iced coffee and went to my desk to prepare a document and to get ready for the PM training. It went well, now we only have 4 more this week. After work I went home to get my wife and we picked up the kids and hit up target for diapers and formula. Now we are home.

My wife made spaghetti and meatballs, we had dinner. Gabriel was fighting sleep. I took a shower, got the bag ready for my mom tomorrow and finally was able to get Gabriel to sleep. Arnel passed by real quick to pick up a suitcase he wanted to borrow. After I fell asleep on the couch, later moved to the room.