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Saturday, March 31, 2018

The way you make me feel

It was a bad night, Gabriel was just fussy all night and didn't sleep well, so that meant that we didn't sleep well. I missed my 7 am alarm, even though I had it near me so I could feel the vibration. I asked my wife if she could give me a ride to my test, she shrugged hyland said I guess, so I got ready and I just drove down. Right now I am in the car, test starts at 8:30. Hopefully the car will be ok here where I leave it.
Everything went well, the test was similar to the last time I took it. Took me about an hour to complete. Drove to get gas before going home.
Hung out for a bit and took a shower.

We ate some bean soup and I took a nice nap, when I woke up I played with Gabriel while my wife too ok Javi to the park. Gabriel was not having it with his bottle, after Javi ate his corn dogs we went to Target.
At Target we ran into Sandra and I introduced her to my family. When we were done we headed out to get burritos.

Ate dinner and now going to see about putting the kids to bed. Man, it really sucks when the kids are sick. Gabriel doesn't want to eat and since his nose is stuffed he wakes up crying and doesn't want to go back down. I hope they both get better soon

Friday, March 30, 2018

The 1st Orange Friday of the year

Gabriel had a strange night, he was a bit cranky and didn't sleep well. I missed my two alarms and woke up late at 6:08 am, this would be a super bad thing, but in my case I don't take a lot of time to get ready to go. I was out of the house by 6:19 and found parking near work at 6:33. Now just listening to the radio until I got into work. Today is half a day as I have to go watch my Dad this afternoon.

Left work and went home real quick to drop off the stroller. After got coffee for my mom and headed to my sister's house. I gave my dad lunch and a shower. We watched some of the Prestige before my sister came home and I took my mom home. She was looking ok from the shots she got today. I ended up washing the dishes as the kids (not mine) made a complete mess there.

When I got home Javi was outside with sidewalk chalk making a celebration on the floor. Got in played with Gabriel who is sick again. Put him down for a bit but he wakes up a lot due to his stuffy nose. Watched some Psych and some of the Giants game, they won 1-0. Off to bed have a test in the morning.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

It's here! It's Opening Day!

Today will be a good day, today is Opening day for my San Francisco Giants. They play in LA in that toilet bowl of a stadium. Today is a good day to #BeatLA.
Woke up and got ready, washed bottles and switched out my jacket to my Giants one. Today is not too cold, the drive in to work was good. Now just waiting to go in. There is no OT this week. But next week there is some and I will be doing it.
Morning was ok, got 4 tasks done before we went to the town hall meeting which was eh. Got back and was able to get half way through two tasks.

Went to Costco to get formula and a polish hot dog in honor of Opening day. The Giants play in LA later today. Phone shift was good, there were a couple of cases that were in need of some big time TLC so I was able to send them off to get fixed. Listened to some of the game on the walk to my car and on the drive home, it's good to have baseball back.

We went to eat at Chevy's, service was slow but food was good. Giants won 1-0, they #BeatLA which makes it a great day. After we came home. Javi is bathing and soon Gabriel will be going to bed.
Well it's 10:09 and I think Javi is finally going to sleep. He has been coughing which I don't understand. It's hot here, he hasn't had anything cold. I hope he gets rid of that cough by Monday.
Anyway, another night lost due to the kids not going to sleep. Well, let's see what happens tomorrow

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Just waking up in the morning gotta thank God...

I got a cramp in my right leg around 5 AM and that bastard hurt then and it hurts now. I woke up late because I didn't hear the vibration of my phone, but I don't take much time getting ready so that was ok.
Got ready, washed and sanitized Gabriel's bottles and made him one before I left. The drive in to work was good, found good parking again. Now I am just waiting to go in. Hopefully today there will be great news.
Tasks were good, got them done in a timely manner. I was also able to help others with some things as well.

I ate and took a walk to Trader Joe's to get Javi some rice and got some lunch. The phone shift was good, went quick, I had an issue with my phone line. Got a new process for a task that was erroneously given to me to do. Took off and forgot the rice. Have to get it tomorrow.
Right now I am at my sister's house hanging out,  have to take off soon to bathe Gabriel.

Got home, took out the trash, got Gabriel ready for his bath and for bed. Fed him some cereal and had him play for a bit. Took a shower and put him down to sleep. Watched a bit of tv with my wife and about to head to sleep.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

I can't do nothing for ya man

Got up, got dressed. Put clothes to dry, washed a bottle and made one for Gabriel before I left. Today is not as cold as yesterday, so it looks like the weather will be starting a warming trend. Drove to work, smooth drive. Right now parked, waiting for time to start walking to work.
Morning went well, I started doing my tasks a little late due to talking to a supervisor about movies and other things. I was able to finish my 6 tasks by 10:45, so there's that.
Ate lunch early and watched pysch

Took a walk and right now I am sitting outside waiting for my phone shift. Hopefully it forward well and fast. Let's see what happens.
Phone shift was ok, some calls were out there. I took care of a few cases for clients since some of my colleagues decided not to actually do the correct work. All in all it was good. Now heading home.

Got home, picked up my wife and kids to go meet my Dad, sister, brother in law and niece at serramonte. We went to take a picture with the Easter Bunny. He wasn't there but showed up later. The picture for the boys came out really good. We ate and came home. Fed Gabriel and put him to sleep. Watched some tv and now going to bed. Hopefully some good news comes my way tomorrow.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Just another case of the Mondays

Get up around 1 to change and feed Gabriel. Tried putting him in his crib but he wasn't having it. I was tired so he came with me to bed. He didn't wake up until about 5. I got up at 5:45 and my stomach is still hurting a bit. Hopefully it calms down. I got ready, wash and sanitized his bottles and headed off to work. It's cold today, but not as cold as previous days. I got parking in my usual area. Now just waiting to go in to work.
Morning was good. Got my tasks out of the way. Was able to watch some psych before lunch.

Took a walk after I ate leftovers. Hung outside for some time. Got back into work and got on the phones for my phone shift. 23 calls today. Some were a little hard, but it's due because of the workers there get lazy and try to pass off bad work and also try to do something that shouldn't be done.
But in any event I got the shift done.

Got home and picked up my wife. We went over to my sister's house to visit. Helped my Dad shower and drove home with the kids. We passed by Jack in the Box. Now watching RAW and waiting for Javi to finish his bath and for Gabriel to get ready for bed.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Woke up and Javi was having some type of moment. He was crying because my wife wouldn't go to the living room and turn off the tv. He was like that for about 30 minutes. After he calmed himself I had him pick up his toys. My wife took a shower, I did after and off we went to Redwood City for a look at the closing Toys R Us. We got a few things, nothing major. The sales have not been good yet. Have to wait until next week or so.

We went to eat at Celia's, the food was good. We came back home, Gabriel, my wife and I napped. Javi was watching Gnomeo and Juliet. Now I am giving Gabriel a snack.
We got the kids ready and dropped them off to my sister while we went to Target. It's full over here, I still have to go get gas before going home. Currently we are waiting for some Starbucks coffee. After we're going to pick up the kids and going home.

Picked up some wingstop and came home. We ate, my wife bathed him and I dressed him. Pretty soon he is going to bed so we can watch the Walking Dead. Just found out that New Japan Pro Wrestling is having a show at the Cow Palace on 7/7, but my wife's family is visiting that weekend so I may not be able to go. Oh well. Right now putting Gabriel to sleep and about to head out to shower.
We watched the walking dead,  my wife went to bed.  I watched an episode of Pysch before retiring for the night.  Tomorrow is Monday,  so back to work it is.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Last Toys R Us run in San Mateo

Woke up, ate my nacatamale and had a cup of coffee. We got ready and I drove my wife and Javi to Sky high to meet a classmate. I dropped them off and I took Gabriel with me to Target, got a few things and went over to Toys R Us. It was a little sad, I get that the store is closing, but people should still have the respect for the store, the workers and for others. I may not buy an items, but someone else will. They should respect that.

Went to Sky high in Burlingame. Went in and waited for a bit to go. We went to get some food at Taco Bell and came over to hang out with my dad. After a bit my wife went to Babies R Us while I stayed with Gabriel and my dad. She came back and took him home, I stayed here with my dad waiting for my sister to get back.

Watching The Greatest Showman, so far it's really good. Finished watching the movie, I really enjoyed it. Of course the movie isn't 100% historically factual, but hey it was entertaining. I knew I wanted to watch it since I saw the preview for it last year. My sister came back with Javi, my wife came to pick us up. We came home and right now I am with gre Gabriel trying to get him to go back to sleep.
Watched some tv and was doing some online surfing. Now it's off to bed. Good night world

Friday, March 23, 2018

Careless Whispers

Woke up and my back is still hurting. Gabriel and Javi were still sleeping when I got up. I got ready for work, put clothes to dry, washed his bottle from the night and made him a new one. It's cold outside, I started my drive to work. Today it was smooth and I got parking in my usual location. Waiting for time to go to work and get my OT task done. Thankfully it's Friday.
Bang bang did my thang! OT done for the week, everything checked out. I was able to clear out some pending items. Had coffee and checked in with some folks.
The morning was good, no complaints. I had 2 cases with retro that took me a bit longer than desired. But they are done.

Ate sardines and rice. Watched some psych and got on the phones. There was an update to my cell phone earlier and it ja pretty crappy. Hopefully it evens out in a few days. I got an email for the 2913 position with CalFresh. They want me to go do fingerprinting so that might mean that I got the position. Keeping my fingers crossed. Drove home to get my wife and kids and headed to Macys than to Sizzlers.

We ate, food was ok. Now we are home, putting little man to bed, about to shower and watch some TV. Thankfully it's the weekend. Fell asleep on the couch, was so tired.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

All of me, loves all of you

Well sleep wise today  has sucked. Got back to my sister's house with my dad and nephew close to 12:30, at 1:05 I was home. I had to shower as we had to put in some work to help clean my dad from a long day of travel.
I tried to sleep, but I knew that soon my little guy would be up for his bottle. He woke up around 2, I fed him and put him in the crib. I went to sleep pretty quick after that.
Alarm went off at 5:45 and i washed the bottles and sanitized them, I got ready and headed to work. There was traffic today, some type of accident on the freeway. I was able to find good parking and now I am just waiting for time to go to work.
Morning was good, got my task done and was able to follow up with some other items. 
I went to Costco to get a sweater u was looking at, formula and baby wipes for Gabriel. I got a slice of pepperoni pizza.

Ate lunch, started my phone shift,  2 calls and then I was out for a meeting. When I came back I had my OT tasks there so I was able to review them. Pretty straight forward stuff. I got about 14 calls today, some good, some bad, nothing too ugly.

Came to pick up my wife and Gabriel. Went to my sister's house so my dad could see Gabriel. He cried when my dad he him, since he doesn't really know him, the last time my dad was here he was around 2 to 3 weeks old. I gave my dad a shower and we came back home.
Here my wife bathed Gabriel, I helped Javi shower, going to shower myself soon and finish up the laundry.
The kids went to sleep, I had to put Gabriel down twice in the crib, trying to get him back in the habit of sleeping there. My back really hurts right now, going to rest. Tomorrow taking the family to Serramonte to shop for outfits for the kids for the Easter bunny pictures. I just hope my back feels much better

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Remember the time

Gabriel was a little fuzzy again, I think it was more gas this time than anything. I made a bottle for him and I washed and sanitized his other bottles. I started getting ready for work, dressed up today as I am only working half a day so I can go to city hall and see my friend get married.
Bit first I have to go in and clean up my tasks and update my time sheet for yesterday's absence. It's raining a bit, so hopefully that lets up soon.
Got my tasks done, well at least 4 of them. 2 have to be dealt with tomorrow. I went to Costco to get some things and then I ate lunch and waited for amilcar to pick me up.

Got in the car and went to pick up Olga and off to city hall for the wedding ceremony. It was nice the couple looked lovely, the moment was very special and I was happy to be a part of it. I couldn't go to the dinner as my boys are sick and also I need to get ready to go pick up my dad tonight.
Gabriel still has a stuffy nose, he is sleeping on me right now and I'm going to let him get some rest.
While he sleeps my mom and I are watching Jumanji.

Changed Gabriel and he decided to pee on himself. So I had to change him again. I took him to his Abuela and changed Javi, put some vapor rub on him. I cleaned out the humidifier and took out the trash. I made Gabriel some cereal and gave him a bottle. Right now I am trying to put him down. Later I have to go pick up my dad at SFO, his flight got delayed, so instead of a 9 pm pick up, it will be close to 11:40.
So here we are at the airport, 7 minutes to midnight. Hope to make this quick, I have to still drop my dad off, change him and head home to sleep for a bit until Gabriel wakes up for a bottle. Another early start for me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

It's raining

Stayed in today as Gabriel was still sick. So that means that I get to drop off Javi to school, that is always fun. It's cold and raining so everything went quick. Gabriel stayed home with his Abuela and now I am heading home. I hope he gets over that stuffy nose today.
Got back home, Gabriel was asleep. I started to fold the clothes and put the other load to dry. Gabriel has an appointment at 11:45 today so we can check him and see what we can do to help him get out of this funk.
Took Gabriel to the doctor, he was checked out and his lungs and ears were fine. He just needs time to chill and rest. About to head out to get Javi.

So I pick up Javi, it's raining, but not too bad. We go to Walgreens to pick out a card for Arnel and Priscilla for their big day tomorrow. We get home and Gabriel is sleeping so I give Javi lunch, some meat and rice that he ate all of. Around 3:15 Gabriel gets up and we play and o give him a bottle. He gets a bit fussy and my wife gets home and plays with him. He seems a bit better do hopefully this can carry over to tonight.

Picked up some sushi my wife ordered and came home. She had bathed Gabriel and I bathed Javi. I broke the news of his upcoming surgery and he seemed ok, he said he would be brave. I promised him a cake and that we would have our own little Wrestlemania party, so he was excited.
Just finished putting Gabriel to bed, hopefully he spends a few hours asleep in the crib. Javi is coughing pretty bad so hopefully he doesn't wake him up.
We had to separate the boys for the beginning of the night. Javi is in his Abuela's room and when he falls asleep I'll take him to his bed. Gabriel woke up and it took me another 30 minutes to get him back down.
Right now I will finish up watching Smackdown Live and some other shows.
Big day tomorrow my friends are getting married!

Monday, March 19, 2018

You're all I need

Last night for the first portion of the night my wife and I switched spots in bed due to Gabriel sleeping at an angle so he could breathe  better. He still is a bit sick, Javi was also having issues, throughout the day he seems fine, but as the night goes on his nose get stuffy and last night he was cranky due to mucus.
Woke up before my alarm and started to get ready. Looking around the house it still concerns me that my wife and Javi still don't pick up after themselves. About 90% of the tornado the living room is caused by laziness and apparently a phobia of throwing things in the garbage or putting things back where they belong.
But anyway, before I left I made Gabriel a bottle. It is really cold today. The drive to work was smooth. Now waiting for time to go do my OT tasks and have a training this morning.
Training was ok, but it was confusing at the same time. They need to figure a better way to get people to understand the material. I have suggested a few things  but they have not tried them.

Around 11:45 I started to walk to the car to come home. Took the afternoon off to watch Gabriel who has been sick. I was able to nap with him twice, feed him and play. My mom came over and dropped Javi off, she came with Myrna so they played for a bit.

My wife wanted a Big Mac so I went out to get some McDonald's. We ate, I did laundry, right now Gabriel is jumping, trying to burn his excess energy. Hopefully he actually sleeps tonight.
Watched Raw and the Ultimate Deletion and I did like it. While watching wrestling I am also starting the laundry. When it's done I am going to bed, I may or may not go to work tomorrow depending on how Gabriel does tonight.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Are you that somebody?

Gabriel had a bad night as far as stuffy nose, he was able to sleep so that was a good thing. Woke up after having strange dreams. I went to make Gabriel a bottle and played a bit. Took a shower got ready, got the baby bag ready and we are about to go out for lunch and some shopping.

We went to Olive Garden and well, we probably should have went somewhere else. We ended up walking around stonestown mall and after drove to Babies R Us, we got off at the exit but there was a really bad car crash that had the streets closed. We took a detour and found another way to get there. I bought baby water, formula and a stroller for Gabriel. After we went home.

We went back to babies r us and bought 2 car seats, good prices and they look awesome. We hung out, my sister came over to watch the walking dead and right now I am watching Psych and after this going to bed.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Party day

Got up and brought the kids out. We were playing for a bit. My wife came out and make breakfast for the boys. Took a shower and got the kids ready for my nieces birthday party.  Me and the kids are going in Batman gear, my wife is going in a Wonder Woman shirt. It's starting to rain, so that really sucks.

Stopped raining so that was cool. But it's pretty cold where we are. Everyone is having a good time. Tacos were being served. I ate a lot, Gabriel slept and Javi had a blast. Now getting some cake and probably leaving. So tired

Got home,  fed Gabriel some butternut squash and after I put him in his jumper I passed out for a bit.  My back is hurting,  lack of sleep got to me.  When I woke up,  we played a bit and I changed him to his pjs.
I was able to put him down but he woke up an hour later. I put him down again but now Javi won't go to sleep.
They both went down and my stomach started hurting. I think I ate too much today.  My back still hurts, I hope it feels better tomorrow.

Friday, March 16, 2018

I'm sorry Ms. Jackson

Got up this morning, thought I missed my alarm, but I was up a minute before it. It's Friday last day of work this week. Have more OT today, have to clean up the tasks I did Wednesday. It's still cold, chance of rain. Today I need to hit up Target,  u forgot last time to look for a Batman mask for tomorrow's party for my niece.
Trying out these new head phones I got through Groupon. So hopefully they work well. Sitting in the car waiting for time to go in.
I got to all my tasks and was able to review my OT ones for Monday. Today was good for the AM shift, went for a quick walk for lunch and ate sardines.

Phone shift was good up until I got some BS email from a supervisor that made no sense. But whatever, I got into it with one client about her telling me that we don't do anything. But I keep moving forward. After work heading to pick up my wife and Gabriel and going to Serramonte to meet up with my mom and sister toget Javi.

We picked up my niece and nephew from the my sister's place and went to Serramonte. We ate some food l, I had a sushi burrito, it was good. We ran into Brian and his family. We talked for a bit and we went to Target to get a Batman mask, wonder woman shirt and some swim gear for Gabriel.
Right now we are home, going to try and put Gabriel down to sleep in the crib, so I can go shower.
Just quick to wrap up the work week, it should bother me as much as it does, but seriously the effort people at work put into not working and finding reasons to send things to others is ridiculous. The time they spend doing that and talking behind people's backs is a complete waste of time and energy. I really don't understand it. Me, I get paid very well to do what I do, I appreciate the pay and I will continue to do what I do best.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Tell me when to go

Gabriel got up around 5:10, got his bottle ready and tried to go back to sleep before my alarm went off at 5:45. When it was time, I got up and got ready. I have an interview at 9:30 so it's an exciting day.
The drive in to work was smooth, waiting in the car for time to go in and do my OT tasks. I have to summit my OT form for next week.
Rudy was in so thankfully I was able to get some items reviewed. At 9:05 I went to my interview at my old building. I think it went well. I was able to answer the questions the way I wanted and headed back to work on the rest of my tasks. Today they were pretty quick and easy, I have to check on one of them on Monday.
On my break I went to Costco to get a few items that just went on sale. I also got a turkey sandwich and ceaser salad combo that I shared.

Had lunch upstairs with Amilcar, Rebekah and Wendy it was a fun time.  I normally don't do that but today was ok. Earlier I sent the group I helped an email telling them that I spoke up and mentioned that they should be thanked instead of me.
So for my phone shift I had 2 calls before my meeting and when I got back there were two calls that I assisted on for 30 minutes each. I really don't mind helping people when they call, but it helped that one was really cool and the other one started off bad, but I called him down and was able to help out.

Went to get gas and some in-n-out burger.  Came home played with Gabriel for a bit and talked with Javi. Right now I am putting Gabriel to bed, he is currently sleeping on me,  but will be moved soon. He wasn't having it, he was just fussy and didn't want to go to bed. Eventually my mother in law put him down. Going to watch t.v. and going to bed, tomorrow is the last day of work this week.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Back and forth

Gabriel work up ariuhnd 2:10 and I made him a bottle. Changed his diaper and fed him. Tried putting him back in his crib, but after 2 unsuccessful attempts, I thought F it and I took him to sleep in bed with us. My alarm went off at 5:45 and I went to get ready. I washed bottles, got my lunch ready and made my coffee. Before I left i saw my wife and wished her good luck with her interview today, I know she will do great. Right now I am in the car waiting for time for me to go do my OT and face a day that I may not want to be a part of. (More on that later)
Got to work and I was able to clear out the tasks that I already finished. Went upstairs for coffee and some conversations with some folks. I was asked to attend the Forum meeting since they we giving me a certificate for helping the last cohort, yeah the same one they devalued by giving it to the other person who did very little for the project. So I finished my tasks and went to the meeting. 
They gave me the certificate and I accepted it and told them I appreciated it but I requested that in the forum minutes they thank the EW's that had to work hard under the circumstances they were given.
After that I came downstairs, was talking to a few people. Have to prepare for my phone shift  that starts at 1. I checked in with Arnel to see how he was, he was said he was a bit hung over, but was good. So I was glad to hear that. 

Had lunch and  was watching Psych. I might run out for a walk in a bit just to get out of the office. Also I got word that Maria was told that she will be passing probation on or around 4/3/2018. That was the best news of the day here at work. 
I had 19 calls and most were good. Getting fully back into the swing of things. The lady from investigations unit called asking what my decision was. I was confused because she told me I had to make up my mind yesterday and she calls me today. Strange. After work picked up my wife and went to get the kids. 
We hit up target, I saw an old co worker and talked for a bit. 

My wife bathed the boys, I dressed them. Put Gabriel to sleep after playing a game with Javi. Talked with my wife for a bit about her interview and our day at work. Now I am watching some tv before bed. Going to rest up for my interview tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Taco Tuesday

Got up and got ready, put some clothes to dry. Was in the car when my wife sent me a message to make a bottle. Came in real quick to make it. About to head out to work. It's wet outside so I have to be careful.
The drive in to work was interesting. It was raining and it always seems that when it rains, people forget how to drive. There was a bit of traffic so I go out at a different exit and went through the street to get to my usual parking spot.
Hopefully my supervisor will be in today. I have some cases I need him to review. I hope the tasks I get today go smoothly and that people are chill today.
Had a hiccup with one of the state systems today so that threw me off a bit. But I was able to catch up early and move along. Tasks were ok today, had to ask for advice on 2 of them but they were easy.

Ate a cup of noodles soup and took a walk over to the bank and to Peet's for an afternoon caramel macchiato. Getting mentally prepared for my phone shift. Yesterday it was 30 calls, let's see what today has in store.
I got 19 calls today and did some leg work on my OT tasks for tomorrow. They are return mail tasks, they should be quick. I got a call from the appeals unit supervisor, we talked about the interview and she said that I was her number one pick and that she liked my attitude and how I carried myself and thought I would be great for the position. Then she asked me if my reasons for declining to move forward were true and although I didn't think about it at the moment, later it hit me that it felt like she thought I may have been lying about my reasons. She said I had until tomorrow to see if I was still interested and that they would work with my flexibility issues, but then she calls 5 minutes later and says that she couldn't wait until tomorrow, it had to be today. So since that went down, still passing on it.
After work got home and hung out with my wife and kids. Right now I am putting Gabriel to sleep before I head out to arnels thing.

Amilcar came by and we took off to Arnel's house. We had fun, he had entertainment there for his mini bachelor party. It was, well, um, it was there. We paid for exclusive dances for him only. I kept leaving the room when she would start asking who's next like she was Goldberg. But anyway, Arnel fell asleep on the couch and we took off, have to work tomorrow and have to get up to feed Gabriel. Tomorrow should be am interesting day

Monday, March 12, 2018

We don't set the bar... We are the bar

Got up, my back has been super stiff and hurting. No amount of stretching this morning helped. Anyway, got ready, washed bottles, got my lunch together and started to drive to work. Right now I am in the car waiting for time to start walking to work to do my OT tasks and get the day started. It's cold and it might rain today. Hopefully it will be a good day.
Had some good conversations this morning with some of the crew. Got my tasks in and I was able to complete them. Pretty standard today. My supervisor is out again for the 3rd work day in a row, hope he is ok.
I ate my Mac and cheese at my desk while watching Psych, going to go for a walk in a few after I ask a question about a case that they would like me to review.

On the phones again today from 1-5. Hopefully the calls are good and easy. Holy, I had 30 phone calls today, lots of folks called out sick so I had to pick up the slack. Most calls were ok, some were absolutely stupid. But overall work was good today, I saw Mimi as she came back today and I got a call for another interview for the 2913 Program Specialist position but this time for food stamps. After I got out I picked up my wife, got some pupusas and headed to my sister's house to get the boys. Now we are home and bathing the kids.

Kids have been bathed, going to try to get Gabriel down,  Javi will be up for a bit. I still need to shower, no need to shave until Wednesday night. Tomorrow they are having a little get together for Arnel since he will be getting married on the 21st. So we are going to go for a bit, sucks it's on a Tuesday, but oh well.
I watched a bit of tv and now off to bed. 

Sunday, March 11, 2018

WWE Fastlane

It was daylight savings time so we lost an hour and Broken Gabriel was in full force at 6 am. He did not want to go back down. We got up and I started cleaning out the closet and got more clothes to donate to the salvation army.  We ate, got ready. My new watch box came in and I started filling it up.  I am waiting for 2 watches and I am going to ask my mom to take one of them to get the battery changed. I was cleaning out something's and found a lot of old pins I got from Starbucks.

We went to Serramonte and I got Javi a puppy dog pals raincoat on sale for $15, a spider man tupperware container and for Gabriel I got him a R2-D2 stuffed toy. We went to Target to get a few things, got Javi a life jacket and Gabriel a little floaty thing. We got some more items and came home. Played catch with Javi for a bit and right now Gabriel is napping with me, after this going to play Monopoly junior with Javi, while watching WWE Fastlane.

After Gabriel woke up from his nap, I made Javi some mac and cheese. I had some fruit bowl mix I did with grapes, banana, Apple and pear. Nice amount of water. I saw WWE Fastlane on my tablet while we watched the Walking Dead.  The show was alright, but I was happy that during the wrestling ppv that it was official that Askua vs Flair and what should be the main event of WrestleMania 34 Shinsuke Nakamura vs the Phenominal AJ Styles for the WWE championship. Right now my mother in law finally put Gabriel down again and now I am going to try and put him in his crib. After go watch some tv and go to bed.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

I can't fight this feeling anymore

The morning was good. Woke up rested, took the boys out and made Gabriel some cereal and Javi some pancakes.  I had some too with coffee. After we hung out in the living room until my wife came out. We all got ready, I ordered 2 watches on Groupon and a watch holder from Amazon. Right now I was playing some 80's music for Gabriel so he can nap. In a bit we are going to Masu and then to Toys R Us, later possibly Hop n Play.

We went to eat at Masu and it was good, but it wasn't as good as it was on previous visits. After we headed to Toys R Us and got Javi some play doh and monopoly junior. I also got myself a yo yo, haven't had one in years. After we came home and rested and headed out to hop n play to meet up with my brother, Monica and Myrna. The kids had a good time, they played for about 2 hours and we hit up Target for some things, I got some Guinness for tonight. Might watch a movie.

We got back home, my wife bathed the kids. My mother in law put Gabriel down to sleep while we played monopoly junior with Javi. We had fun getting to learn the game. After that I watches a bit of tv and the rest of the episode of Psych that I started. After this it's bed time, clocks go forward tomorrow and we have things to do.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Time After Time

Another good night for Gabriel. He slept in his crib up until feeding time and went back to the crib after. He came to the bed around 5 in the morning. Everyone was still sleeping while I was getting ready. Washed the bottle, put clothes to dry, made coffee and started off to go to work.
It's cold today, but not too bad. Drive in was smooth, no issues. Found good parking and now just waiting to go tackle my OT tasks. This is the first full week of work for me, it has been good so far.
I forgot to mention that last night Arnel text me that he and Priscilla will be getting married March 21st. Going to see if I can get the time off to go see that.
I got about 4 tasks today and I did them all, I was able to my OT stuff done as well. I talked to the director here and told her about my interview and my decision. Later I will write a thank you letter to the interviewer and decline to move forward in the process.

I ate lunch, steamed rice and sardines. Brushed my teeth and hung out outside for a bit. About to go back in and finish that letter so I can send it before I leave today. I have to be on the phones from 1-5, hopefully the calls are ok today. Let's see how that goes. Calls were ok today, helped a few people that were really nice and some that were a bit disappointed in the outcome, but overall a good day. Going to head home and relax.

Came home, my mom was still here, talked to her about her appointment and after she left I put Gabriel down to sleep for a bit. I made some grilled cheese croissants and some boiled eggs. Had a shot of tequila in memory of my father in law, played checkers and go fish with Javi and now going to watch some tv and go to bed.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Hit me with your best shot

Gabriel slept in his crib almost all night. He came into the bed around 5ish. I got up got ready, washed bottles and headed down to work. I found good parking and now I am waiting for time to go to work to get my OT done and start the day out strong. Today we will have a meeting, so that cuts my phone function by an hour, so that is cool. It looks like it may rain.
It was only a slight drizzle this morning,  got in and my work cleared. Just have to check a few of them tomorrow and the ones I do today clear on Monday. It's nice to settle back into a routine, but I sure miss being at home with the kids. I miss the laughter and craziness of them both in the afternoon.
Tasks were good, only got 4 today so that was a plus. Finished them up real quick and got to do my OT tasks. Waiting for lunch time

Had left over ribs and arroz ala Valenciana and it was delicious. Watched the last part of Psych and took a walk. I dropped my phone and it cracked. It's not too big of a crack so it's not that big of a deal. I got on the phones for 30 minutes before my meeting and back on after it. I got an email informing me that I was selected to continue in the process for the 2913 position, but I think I may have to pass on that. I need the flexibility to spend those precious moments with my family.
I had a few good calls today,  helped some folks out that were nice. I have to follow up on those cases on Monday. I think that they are trying to do something that involves me next Wednesday, a section manager and a few other people were trying to confirm if I was going to be in that day. Oh well, going h ome now.

Got home and saw Gabriel was asleep, I turned on some Netflix for Javi. Gabriel woke up while u was sorting laundry like the sorting hat at Hogsworth. I played with him and gave him cereal . Right now it's bottle time, going to try and put him in the crib again. We were discussing a possible trip to Universal Studios in July, going to ask for the time off now just in case.
Gabriel went down nicely, hopefully he stays in his crib until next bottle and goes back in the crib. Going to shower and watch some tv and go to bed. Tomorrow should be fun.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Welcome to the jungle

Gabriel had another good night. He was asleep on the bed from around 7 to 1:45 in the morning. I fed him and he was in party mode, so I just closed my eyes and let him wiggle around for a bit and around 2:10 he fell asleep on his own. I took him to bed and transitioned him into laying on his back. When I got up to get ready for work at 5:45 he was still sound asleep.
I got ready and headed out to work, stopped at Starbucks for a croissant and coffee. I forgot my coffee mug at work so that sucked.
Right now waiting on 6:50 So I can start walking to work to do my OT.
The time has come and I get to work, all of the aid codes I needed to get picked up in our state system so I was able to close out the tasks. went upstairs to sign in and talk to my supervisor. We were discussing the potential job offer and what my thoughts were about it. After I gave Amilcar a promotion gift, a Stone Cold Steve Austin coffee mug. I brought my new Happy Rusev Day mug to work and we had coffee. 
I stopped by to talk to the folks from cohort 12 and caught up with them. They asked me a few questions and we shared a nice laugh. After I went down I was able to work on my tasks for the day. They were mostly re certifications and one application. 

I caught up with one of my co-workers Ruth, I hadn't seen her since I came back. Everything is going well with her, so that is a good thing. I had lunch and decided to finish up the episode of Psych that I started last night. Getting ready for my inbound phone shift, hopefully there won't be a lot of calls today. So right now it's 2:45 PM and I have gotten around 11 calls so far. Some are quick and easy, others will take some follow up work. But overall everything is going good. I have been messaging with co-workers and doing what I do best, making fun of things. So over all good day at work. After here I go to my sister's house to pick up Javi and go home to see Gabriel as he stayed home again. 

So I ended up with 22 calls. I wrapped my last one up at 5 PM exactly,  took off to go pick up Javi at my sister's. I got him and my ribs and headed home. I gave him a quick shower and bathed Gabriel. Right now I am going to try and put him the crib, he ate his whole bottle. I hope he just chills and sleeps, he needs it. 
I put him down in the crib and he was out for a bit, he woke up so I had to go back in and luckily he went back to sleep and back onto his crib. We have to get him back into the swing of things with sleeping in the crib. 
We watched the Goldberg's and now I am watching Psych. Will be going to bed soon

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

No title

Sometimes I do feel like just giving up and saying f*ck It! Let things be how they are. People get rewarded for wearing fake masks and pretending to be what they want you to see. I have never been one to kiss ass to get ahead. I have always tried to do what I want to do and decline when there are things that I don't want to do.
I know it's hard for some people to imagine, I know it's hard for people not to play the game and be like everyone else. But that is where I am different. I recognize the effort that people put in to what they are doing, I recognize that the best way for someone to appreciate what you do for them, is to show them that you appreciate what they do, not only for you, but for the process.
At the end of the day people want public recognition,  they strive for it, the crave it. I really don't care about it. I know what I do, why I do what I do and that is enough for me. I don't care about being thanked by people who weren't there, I appreciate the thanks that I get from the people that I shared the experience with.
I try to remind people to know their worth and to take charge and take credit for what they do. Not to let others take credit for their accomplishments. I try to stand up for what is right, I try to be who I am at all times. I don't have time to play games, but if that is what others like to do, then more power to them.
It may take me a bit longer to get where I want to be, but at least at the end of the day I will get there without compromising my integrity and who I am. That is something that I hope I can pass on to my kids. I really hope that one day they will see that it is a whole heck of a lot easier to face that man in the mirror when you do things the right way. That is why I refuse to change who I am. I just continue to be me and I will see you on the other side.

Straight up now tell me

Gabriel had a much better night. I think one more day at home will be best and back to day care tomorrow. At night I was not able to get a good rest, I was thinking about the possibility of being offered the position of the 2913 program specialist for the appeals unit, on one hand it's a great opportunity because it's moving up and onward, but on the other hand the time off is limited. They mentioned it, Rudy mentioned it and when I talked to my wife she kind of seemed a little disappointed at that. Thinking about it, I would rather have the flexibility to take time off as opposed to missing out on key moments with my wife and kids. I will probably talk to my wife about it later and see what works best for our family.
Right now I am in the car, waiting to go into work. I have OT today.
The day started off well. I took Judy to get a cup of coffee for her passing probation and becoming a permanent employee. I did my tasks and waited for lunch.

Ate lunch, went back to my desk for the phones for an hour. Right now I am waiting to go in for Javi's parent/teacher conference. Hopefully it goes well. After I'm getting him some food and going home.
Conferencewent great. Overall Javi is an advance student. Needs to listen more carefully to instructions, but his teacher said she was one of her best students. So that for sure is a positive. After the conference I hit up the dollar tree for some St. Patrick day hats and bracelets for Javi, went to McDonald's for haopy meals and over to Safeway for some ground beef.
I got home and my 3 packages were waiting for me. 2 from WWE and 1 from Lids.

I started cooking some of my Mac, Cheese and Ground Beef special. It was really good. Taking some to work tomorrow for lunch. Right now I have Gabriel with me, going to try and put him in his crib. Hopefully he sleeps there. Well, that didn't work out. However, my wife was able to get him to sleep on our bed for a long time. About to watch some tv and head to bed. Hopefully tomorrow Gabriel is doing better so I can meet them at my sister's house.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Fool hearted memory

Gabriel had a better night. I have to say that my wife was the real MVP of the night. I tried sleeping with Gabriel but I guess my snoring woke him up. I got up and got ready for work. In had OT today so I was in at 7. Worked up until about 9:40 and went to my interview. I think it went well. Let's see what happens. I got back to work, finished up some tasks and waited for lunch.

Had lunch with Amilcar and took a walk after. I was on the phones in the afternoon,l so I had to be back at 1. I took 21 calls today. Some were ok, some were nice. I was also helping some of the folks I mentored. Went home, bathed Gabriel and now grabbing some food.

Got home and fed Gabriel. I had a bit of a headache due to not eating since lunch and I started feeling nauseated. I was finally able to eat. Felt a little better. Found out that my mom was having some issues that may require some heawring aids and other medical devices. It's very scary to hear and the financial burden is a a lot to think about. But it has to be done. We will figure out a way to help and alleviate some of the burden.
Did some laundry, watched Raw and now it's bed time

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Sunday vibes

Holy he'll what a bad night. Gabriel is sick and he had a stuffy nose and he was being a real brat about it. Kept us up a majority of the night. My wife was frustrated and she was taking some of it out on me during the night time. She was able to finally put him down and around 6:30 or so, she have me Gabriel. I brought him out to the living room, hung out. I gave him some cereal and his Abuela gave him his bottle while I made Javi some pancakes and I had coffee.
When my wife woke up, I started taking out the rug and cleaning the windows and started a bit of the floors. My mother in law cleaned a portion of the floor, after my wife helped me move the coughs and put the rug in the living room.

My back was hurting due to the moving around the couches. I took a quick nap, woke up and ordered Chinese food. We ate, hung out and put Gabriel down for a bit. After he woke up we went to Target for some groceries.

Watched The Walking Dead and tried to put Gabriel down, but he was not having it. He wanted to be with his mama. Right now I am watching an episode of Psych before going to bed, but day tomorrow with my interview. Hopefully Gabriel will have a good night and we can get some rest.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

It's the freakin' weekend

Got up, changed a poopy diaper and went back to sleep. Woke up around 8, but got out of bed around 8:20. Cleaned the bed, took a shower, washed dishes, ate breakfast and got Javi ready for his last swimming class. He missed the last 2, 1 because he was in LA, the other because my wife, mother in law and he didn't want to go because it was cold. He is doing better than he was before, he can swim a bit, but he still gets scared. Going to get gas after here and go home.

Javi did great at swim class. We got ready, saw a possible rental and headed to Hillsdale for a forced shopping trip. Since I have the interview on Monday, my wife is insisting in me buying new clothes and shoes for the interview. We got to the mall and they quickly realized that there was no option for food court food anymore. We ate a a restaurant that was outside and um, yeah. Wish they had a food court.
After we went to Macy's and looked for some clothes. I got 2 shoes, slacks and 2 dress shirts.
We home and I tried the clothes on and just as I suspected, I looked damn good. Actually, I looked great. The shoes were a great buy. I picked out my outfit for the interview. Hopefully it all goes well.

We were watching some tv, I kinda dosed off. We got up, fed the baby, my wife gave Gabriel a bath and I talked to my mom and dad on the phone. Right now just fed Gabriel again and he is sleeping, waiting another few minutes before putting him in the crib. I am going to try and watch a movie on Netflix later on before bed.

Friday, March 2, 2018

It's Friday

Got up around 5:40, washed bottles, put clothes to dry and got ready to go look for parking at work. Found parking around 6:20 and was listening to a podcast and took a nap. Woke up around 7:40 to start heading out to walk to work. The morning was good. Got 4 of my tasks done before I went out to get my coffee upstairs. After I came back down and finished my last 2 tasks.
Around 11:30 I went for a walk and then to Costco to get some formula, windshield wipers and a slice of cheese pizza.

Decided to try something different today and eat in the 2nd floor break room, probably will be the last time doing so. Too many people, I just want to chill out. After lunch I was on phone function, I got 19 calls today. The director came by to try and explain why they omitted my name from the tank you portion, but like u said before I really don't care and have moved on. I have heard from people that some have spoken up in their unit meetings and are being vocal about the injustice they did. So in the end, that is all the thanks I need, that my peers have noticed and stood up for me. Unlike some supervisors who decided to stay quiet. Any way, onward and upward.

My Mom, sister and goddaughter came over to watch the boys while we went out for a birthday dinner. They decided to have Olga's dinner in San Mateo at Three Restaurant.  Food was good, conversation was good, ride back home was good. Now getting ready to decompress and go to bed. Long day tomorrow.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Wake up it's the 1st of the month

It's March 1st, you know what that means... My leave is over, I have to return to work. I got up, got ready, washed the bottles. I made my coffee and went on my way. It's raining now so I had to be careful on the drive over. I found good parking and now I am waiting to go to HR to get cleared.
I hope today goes well, I am a bit sad as I won't be with the boys as much as I have been. But I sure did enjoy the 2 months off I had with them.
Got to the HR building and it was raining a bit, after filling out some paperwork I got cleared to come back to work. On the walk over it was raining hard, my umbrella broke so I only had my jacket to shield me from the rain.
I made it to work, checked in with my supervisor and went for. To clear up my desk. I was shown something that really irked me, they gave credit to only one person (the wrong person) for the work that I did with the last cohort. It is what it is, just plain BS. So, now if I do get another position in another building it will just be that easier for me to leave as they just shown they don't appreciate what I do.

Still here at work. About to head out to a meeting. Going to see if there were any changes to policies or procedures. Went to the meeting, nothing much has changed here, now I get to ride the rest of the day free. Tomorrow is when the real work begins.

I was going to pick up my wife and Gabriel to head over to my sister's house,  but she called me and told me Gabriel was sad and had a fever. I guess today was a bit much for him, he started day care and I was not with him for the day. I took a detour and went to pick up Javi and came home. Gabriel was happy to see me. I missed them both today, I got used to hanging out with them.
He was a bit fussy, but eventually I got him down. Going to shower and watch some tv. Last day of work tomorrow before the weekend, next week there is OT, going to take it as comp time so I can build my PTO.