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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday is hump day

Thankfully Gabriel didn't fuss too much super early. Was able to sleep an extra hour. Got up, got ready,  my wife got Javi ready, but he was still being a little stubborn and was not ready by 8 am call time. He finally got his stuff together and we went to drop him off. Right now going to Target to get some snacks for Javi's school party to celebrate the first 100 days of TK. Later hopefully going for a swim. Gabriel did well, however he still doesn't want to eat all that well. He took a nice nap

My wife came over for lunch. I got things ready to go over my sister'shouse to swim. We got there and there was a light drizzle, we went swimming for close to an hour. It was fun, I took Javi and Myrna, while my Mom watched Gabriel. I checked in on who got into the MLB HOF and once again Barry Bonds is not in. I think it's a shame that Bud Selig is in the HOF and Bonds is not. Oh well, there is next year. At least Vladimir Guerrero got in and I hope he goes in as a Montreal Expo.

So my Goddaughter picked up my wife and showed up at my sister's house. We ate pupusas and came home. It was raining, but thankfully it pretty much stopped when we go home. Gave Javi a shower, fed Gabriel and put him to bed. Going to watch a few episodes of the office and go to bed.

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