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Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday night Raw

Super early morning. Gabriel woke up before 5:20 am and did not go to sleep. I had to take him to the other room. He was just babbling and making noises. He didn't want to have his bottle, he pooped and I forced him to have around 5 ounces of milk, but still no sleep. My wife stayed in with Gabriel, while I took Javi to school. When I came back, Gabriel was sleeping in the room. See what happens when he wakes up.

Hung out a bit with Gabriel. My wife came in for lunch, we ate some sandwiches and she was able to put him down for a bit. Still have a bit of a headache from lack of sleep today, but oh well. Gabriel woke up and i got him ready and we went over to my sister's house and hung out until about 5:15. While we were there Javi was playing with Myrna and they were fighting over a seat on the couch and who got to play with the baby.

Got home, had some pizza and chicken wings. Started the laundry. My wife bathed Gabriel, I bathed Javi and got him ready for bed. Fed Gabriel his bottle, swaddled him nice and tight and put him down. Right now I am watching RAW25 so far it's been a good show,  a little confused on some decisions, but oh well. Let's see where they take it, Royal Rumble is on Sunday

So, Raw25 was a bit of a mess. Having it from 2 locations was not a good idea. They should have bit the bullet and had it at the Manhattan center or in Brooklyn, having it at both places had a lot of dead time in both locations. I heard that some people paid over $500/ticket to be at the Manhattan center, and were obviously upset that there was not too much action there. First off, why in the hell are you paying that much for a wrestling ticket? and furthermore why would you make the purchase without understanding what they were going to do?
Anyway, overall even with the confusion I liked the show.

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