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Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Gabriel had not 1, but 2 poopy diapers for me this morning. Right now I have both boys in the other room with me.  Will be getting ready soon for school drop off for Javi and finishing the laundry for me.
Got home, Gabriel was sleeping, so I started to fold some laundry. After he woke up, I fed and changed him and now we are playing,  looks like he found his feet and he thinks they are delicious.

My wife came by for lunch, I finished folding the clothes and put it away. Hung out at the house until about 1:05 and got Gabrielin the car so we could go get Javi. Not sure what we do next, might take Javi out for lunch or to walk around the park or some thing. The sun is out, it's a nice day, but there is a bit of wind. In the car Gabriel wasn't having it, he wanted out, started crying for a bit until I took him out and took him for a quick stroll before going into the school.
So I give Javi some options so we can go do something. Go to the park, walk around s mall, etc. He goes 'no, I want to go home ' so we just came home. Going to make some spaghetti a little later and then build the crib

So the spaghetti was delicious if I say so myself. We ate, played with the kids. Amilcar came over to help me build the crib for Gabriel. It was easier than the last one we did for Javi. Gave some spaghetti to Amilcar and afterwards Javi played a bit with him. I took a shower and now I am watching some Fresh Off the Boat before bed. Tomorrow is another big day with swimming as a possibility.

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