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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Ruby Tuesday

A bit tired this morning. Gabriel woke up around 3:30 for his bottle,  he drank it but didn't want to go back to sleep. So I took him to the other room so he could try to go to sleep. I put him down to play with some toys, he fell asleep eventually. Woke up around 6:45, to eat and poop. Now having coffee, about to head out and drop Javi off to school. Try to hit up Trader Joe's after.
In was able to go to Trader Joe's and some items I needed for later today. Gabriel was great during Javi's school drop off and at Trader Joe's, we came home I changed him, got the clothes from downstairs, fed him and he was out. My wife came over to eat lunch, we had the leftover spaghetti. After I got Gabriel ready to go pick up his brother.

Picked up Javi and came home. It was really windy out. Made him some Star Wars Mac and cheese, he liked the shapes. I read Green Eggs and Ham to the boys. Gabriel has been very fussy and had not eaten well since his 11:15 bottle. I think that he is irritated due to possible gum irritation. I put some baby gel relief on his gums and he fell asleep.
Right now just hanging out, about to fold some more clothes and see what happens next. For dinner making those chicken burritos and quesadillas.

Burritos and quesadillas were a success. Haven't lost my touch on those. Washed all the dishes and put away everything that was used. Played War, Go Fish and Connect 4 with Javi. After I went to put Gabriel to sleep. I came out of the room to find my wife and Javi in the kitchen waiting. Javi had been on a 2 day time out from the tablet or tv, I have to say that he did very well. Starting tomorrow we are going to try to limit his tv and tablet intake during the week.
After Javi goes to bed, it's shower time and I will take some time to decompress and go to bed. It was a long day. Plan for tomorrow is drop Javi at school and later go pick him up at my sister's house.
Let's see how that goes.

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