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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

It's Wednesday... you know what that means

Gabriel woke up around 5 for a feeding, went back to sleep until about 6 when he had his morning poop. I took him to the other room to finish up. Changed his diaper and came out for coffee, a scone and a warm bottle. It's day 2 of my wife going back to work and Javi Ilis still having issues with her going back. Right now he is eating some eggs! Yes, you heard correctly, eggs!
Today will be a busy day, after this I will get the boys ready in our Niners gear and later meet my Mom with my niece and nephews over at Tanforn to go to Hop n' play.

So, after Ulisa goes back to work, I get both kids ready as my Mom was coming over with Myrna. I moved the booster seats into the car and off to Hop N' Play we went. The kids had fun, they played and laughed. All of a sudden I see that Javi and Myrna were fighting about something (like all kids do) so I had to go play peace maker. I had my Mom feed Gabriel and I went to supervise what was going on with the kids, by this time they were the best of friends.
After I was able to put Gabriel down for a nap, I snuck out real quick when he woke up to get them a side of fried rice from Panda Express and hit up Starbucks for a doppio con panna. It hit the spot. Around 4ish we headed home and now I am sitting at El Farolito waiting on 2 super burritos. Let's see what happens next.

Burritos were delicious. So, I was putting Gabriel to sleep, so today's songs were (again) How Deep is Your Love (HDIYL), Landslide the Dixie Chicks cover and The Cowboy Rides Away by George Strait, he was out 3/4 of the way into the song. He really likes his music. Now, going out to see what Javi and my wife are doing.
So not much going on. Javi on his tablet, my wife watching Game if Thrones and some show with some people who weigh 600 + pounds. They went to bed, I was up for a bit watching Seinfeld and signing up to watch New Japan Pro Wrestling Wrestle Kingdom 12, so I can see Chris Jericho vs Kenny Omega.
That show starts at 11 pm, the match will be in the wee hours of the morning. I ain't staying up for that. So I will watch it in the morning before going out.
So, there you have it, day 2.

One of my peers (Maria) at work who I was assisting in a mentor program texted me thanking me for believing in her, even when she didn't.
This was a very sweet message. One of the things I would like to do this year is to be a better person overall. So this tells me that I did something right. But as I always told her, I can believe all I want, but she has to prove to herself, that I was right.
On that note, see you all tomorrow, it should be a fun day, after all, it's Rusev Day!

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