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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

It's hump day

Gabriel had a bad night. A little bit of a fever and was a bit restless. Around 5:30 He got up and didn't want to go back to sleep. I took him to the other room and laid down with him,  he played, around 6:10 I gave him a bottle of milk, he pooped, I changed that dirty diaper and rocked him to sleep. I was so tired I fell asleep on the rocking chair with him. I woke up around 7, my wife was getting Javi ready for school. Since Gabriel had the fever (which was gone at this point) for most of the night, we thought it was best for her to stay with him while I dropped Javi off.
I took Javi to school, it was really cold this morning. Reminded him to have a good day and to listen. Later my mom is picking him up to go to my sister's house. I got home, moved the cars, came inside  and Gabriel was in his swing. My wife left for work and I was playing with him for some time. He started to fuss, so by the clock it was close to his naptime. Right now he is asleep. Later going to have lunch here and go visit my mom and sister. Then bring Javi home

My wife came over and had lunch,  she tried to feed the Gabriel nut he wouldn't eat. After she left I made him a new bottle and he ate it and was out. When he woke up, I got him ready and we went to Target. I ran into my co-worker Mimi and Jon, they were without baby JJ. We talked for a bit and I got my stuff and came to my sister's house. Going to be here for a few hours and then go home.

I left my sister's house close to 5. My Hulk Funko Pop was delivered. It is the version of the gladiator Hulk from Thor. Ate some chicken soup, hung out with the kids. We bathed both boys, put Gabriel to sleep. I confirmed tomorrow's breakfast with Arnel and I sent out a few emails, while I was playing Madden and listening to Talk is Jericho the Alpha vs Omega  episode.
Gabriel woke up around 10:10 pm, just finished feeding and burped him, now going to put him down. Hopefully tonight is better than the last two.
So it's off to Never Never Land, second star on the right and on til morning.  Good night everyone.

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