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Thursday, January 4, 2018

It's Rusev Day!!

My wife fed Gabriel around 7ish, I got up, cleaned the bed, had a coffee and scone while setting up to watch Wrestle Kingdom 12 Alpha vs Omega. The morning has been good so far, brought in the recycling bin, attempted to play the PJ Mask game with Javi (ended in a no contest due to him being mad that I got close to winning). Got the boys dressed in their RKO shirts and now about to feed Gabriel.
Plan for today is to go out and visit my friend and friendly neighborhood toy dealer Arnel and be home by 3 as my sister should be coming over at 3.

Alright, so afternoon came and went without a hitch. Got the kids ready to go and drove over to visit Arnel. We had a fun conversation regarding movies (the last jedi) and wrasslin' (Jericho vs Omega, WWE, etc) we even talked about a new addition to the extended family. Aria Leia was born today to my good friends Brian and Aisha, now with her and Samina they are a family of 4.
Fun fact, on 12/8/17 I wrote 2 names on a post-it. Since Brian was bring coy about the name of the baby, I figured they would give the baby one of the following names. I wrote down 'Carrie' or 'Leia'. So today when they announced her name, it wasn't a big shock, but a very nice name nonetheless.  Heading out tomorrow for a visit to meet her.
When we got home, my Mom, sister, brother-in-law and nephew were waiting for us. They came to visit the kids. Let's see what the rest of the day holds for us.

So, my wife came home and we talked about her day, she wanted to go to In-and-out for a burger, so we went. We came home to eat, I struck a deal with my son to eat at least half of his plain hamburger and tomorrow as a treat I  would get him a Happy meal. He reluctantly agreed and ate half of the meat and some dino nuggets. I gave Gabriel his bottle around 7, he should be sound asleep right now. I have to go wash and sanitize his bottles and wash some clothes. Clean up a bit, so I have less to do tomorrow.
Update on that, washed the clothes, washed the bottles and dishes. The plan is to go out to find some goodies (if it's not raining) drop off the kids to my mom while I go visit Brian, Aisha and the new baby, not sure is Samina will be there. For now, waiting on the last load to finish and playing a little bit of WWE 2K18. Good night folks.

So at work I was part of a mentor project. It was the 2nd time I was part of the project and the 8 people that I helped were really cool and really smart. They really put in great effort to prove themselves, even in the tough circumstances they had to face. So my last week with them was, well. Last week. I decided to email them to check up on them to show them that even though I was not physically there, that I was still with them, kind of like their ow. Force Ghost Yoda. They appreciated it and I appreciatedd their responses. I am really happy to have them as my peers.

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