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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Another Thursday

Baby was awake at 5:50. Took him to the other room,  he played for a bit,  got him some milk. Thankfully he drank almost all of it. I placed him on his back and he flipped over onto his tummy all by himself to play with a monkey toy. Right now we are getting the boys ready to go drop off Javi. Drop off went well, took a drive to get gas and went home. Gabriel fell asleep in the car and was still sleeping when we got home. After he woke up, I gave him some milk and he pooped twice. He took a nap and we played for a bit.

My wife came over and picked us up and went to put in gas and air in the tires. She had Burger King, I decided not to get anything at the moment, will wait for Javi to see if we go somewhere to eat or just make something at home. Right now Gabriel and me are waiting in the car to go get Javi.
Went to Tanforan to get some lunch, shared some Panda express with Javi,  he ate some Asian chicken and a little chow mein to go with his fried rice. I took him to the kids play area and he had fun, he made friends with a little kid and was having fun playing. Went over to Target and looked around for some things. I found another Star wars cup and got Javi a minion ball. After that we came home, Gabriel was asleep and Javi was playing and we waited for my wife to get home.

Decided to cut my hair and do some laundry. My wife put Gabriel to bed, I took a quick shower,  played a drawing Gabe with Javi. We hung out for a bit and my wife went to bed.  I played Madden and watched some Office episodes and went to bed.  Thankfully tomorrow is Friday.

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