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Monday, January 8, 2018

It's just another manic Monday

Some people hate Mondays, I don't mind them. Today it was, well, it is raining. Of course Gabriel decided to give us the gift of poop all over his back. We cleaned him up and started getting ready, my wife for work, Javi for school and me for the day with Gabriel.
It was a tough commute to drop off Javi to school with the rain. Not sure why the rain makes people drive like a bunch of donkeys,  but yeah, it was that kind of morning. I got back home and finished feeding Gabriel, he is taking a nap now. Going to try to watch Bright on Netflix while he naps.

My wife came home for lunch, she played with thr baby. My Mom was going to have Myrna with her, but it was raining to hard so she only picked up Javi and came over. I changed the wiper blades on my mother-in-laws car (in the rain) moved the cars to the other side of the street.
Javi came home,  I reviewed his weekly assignments for homework and we got Monday's work out of the way. Right now he is playing with the mystery minis that I have. Later I will make spaghetti for dinner.

So, I made the spaghetti, started to make the chicken that I will use tomorrow for the return of my homemade burritos and quesadillas and started some laundry. Don't know how tomorrow will be with the rain but I hope I can get out to go to Trader Joe's or somewhere to get an onion and maybe an avocado. Right now I am watching Raw and putting Gabriel to sleep, he is tired. About to go out and play with Javi a bit, see if I clean the bathroom, shower and watch some tv.
All in all, today was a good day. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Update: watched some Seinfeld and played some Madden. Haven't played the game in some time, it was fun beating the Seahawks

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