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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

It's Tuesday and he did it again

So someone decided that it would be a great idea to be up again before 5:30 am and not go back to sleep. Also thinks it's a great idea to not have his morning bottle and not eat. Right now he is just making noises while I am with him in the other room. It's going to be another long day. Got ready, took both boys to drop off Javi, reminded him to behave and have a good day. Came back home Gabriel was sleeping in the car seat, fed him and he took a quick nap. Got the laundry done and put away and fed Gabriel again.

About to go pick up Javi at school. Not sure if we do anything today, hopefully the weather is good and we can go out. Picked up Javi went to Serramonte. Got me a drink at Jamba Juice, took Javi to get bread sticks at Target,  got a gift and woke birthday cards, now we are at the park. Javi is climbing up the slides, having fun. A little girl asked him to play freeze tag and he literally ran circles around her. Looks like Gabriel is waking up, may leave soon.

Got home,  went out to get dinner, burritos for us, taco for Javi. Watched Smackdow and the mixed match challenge on Facebook. Washed bottles, showered and put the baby down to sleep. He woke up right now, so as I write I am trying to get him down again. Hopefully he goes to sleep so we can watch a show or two as it is super early. Anyway, hopefully he rests better and sleeps later. Tomorrow if the weather permits I have to pass by Target to get Javi some snacks for a school party and then go to my sister's house for a swim.

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