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Thursday, January 11, 2018

It's Thursday.... You know what that means?

Gabriel woke up twice during the night. Around 6 I got up and took him to the other room so he could poop and play for a bit.  He didn't want to finish his bottle so my wife got Javi ready while I was getting ready and I took both boys with me to drop Javi off at school. Today was sharing day, something with the letter A. He took an Aquaman figure.
After the drop off I went to get gas at Costco and picked up Arnel. We ate breakfast at Black Bear Diner and we went over to his house for a bit. His fiance was there and we were all talking for a bit. Gabriel still didn't want to eat so I brought back home and he finally had about 4 ounces.
Next up we are going to pick up Javi at 1:30 and go to Serramonte to find him a shirt for school. We'll see what happens there.

So I picked up Javi and off we went to Serramonte. Gabriel fell asleep in the car and pretty much slept from 1 pm to 3:50 pm. We had a good time at Serramonte,  he had fried rice, we went to the Disney store, threw a few coins into the little pond they have and finished up at Target.
When we got home, Javi runs in and says 'daddy, Aquaman is not in my bag' which basically told me that he either gave it to someone or someone took it. He doesn't want to say.
Then I asked him to give me my box of mystery minis (Bout 16 of them at $7.99/each) he pretended to look for them.  I asked him to tell me the truth if they were here or if he took them to school, he flip flopped on his answers. Right now I really hope that he did not take them, because if he did, I will now have to be that parent that shakes down his kid before he leaves the house. He still doesn't want to give me a straight answer until my wife gets home.
All I know is that if he did take it, I will be very disappointed. I wish he would have asked so I could explain to him why he can't take them to school, not taking them and basically stealing from me. But We'll see what he says. Even though something tells me I already know the answer.

Well, dissapoinment is the word of the day. Going to see if he was telling the truth in his ramblings, I'll ask his teacher tomorrow.  We went to Babies R Us and ran into my co-worker Mimi, it was another pleasant surprise.  We talked for a bit, after we went to in-n-out burger. My God-daughter was going to come visit the kids so we got her some food as well. When we got home, she was here. We ate she played with the baby. It's my nephew Andres birthday today, so we called to wish him a happy birthday.  I had texted my sister in law earlier to send him a message for me.
Gabriel had his first rice cereal feeding. He really likes it. I just put him down. Let's see what time Javi goes to bed. Have a few things I want to put in order tonight.
Ended the night watching season 6 of Last Man Standing.

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