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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Saturday Night Fever

We got home from the concert a little after midnight. That's when I posted the blog for yesterday. My Mom said Javi hustled her for special treats all night. But anyway, I got up around 8, took a shower, had some cooffee and got Javi to go to swim class. He had a good class, it was his first with an instructor. Before that I was always in there with him.  We came home and my wife tool a nap,, I sent Javi with my mom to go party with his cousin asset my brother's placer. I was watching Gabriel and he took a nap, so did I.

We woke up from our naps around 2, feeling refreshed. We passed by picking up Javi, who at this point was fighting with his cousin about him never going over and that she wasn't allowed to visit his house. You know, kid stuff. We drove to Olive Garden and had a good late lunch/early dinner. My wife wanted to go to Macy's. There were no good deals there. I went roaming around the mall with the kids, there was nothing good out there.

We came home, my very underwhelming Loot Crate WWE Slam Crate came in, so I unpacked it, put some of the items away. We bathed Gabriel first as he decided to bathe himself in rice cereal,  after it was Javi's turn to bathe. Right now I am putting Gabriel to sleep while watching the Patriots vs Titans game on my iPad (there is a slight delay with the stream) not sure what will happen next, we may watch a movie or just some shows.
So looks like after I took a shower, my wife had to go to sleep with Javi. So I just finished watching Last Man Standing, Played Madden and will watch a bit of SNL before going to bed.

The Boyz II Men concert was awesome. We did have an issue with some people who apparently do not get out much and were close to becoming a distraction to our enjoyment. But it didn't get to that point.
SWV was fun as well, they sang a few songs that I knew and looked like they were enjoying themselves. B2M were lights out, they really show that they love to perform and have a great appreciation for their fans. I would for sure go see them again.

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