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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Last Wednesday of January

So here we are at the end of the first month. It has been fun. Today my wife starts late so I was able to stay in with Gabriel while she dropped Javi off at school. I changed the baby and played with him while we waited for her to get back. Going to start getting things ready for later.
When my wife came back we went over to babies r us and got a few things. Gabriel needed formula, diapers and teethers,  we got then all. Hung out with him for bit before we left.

I drove to Starbucks for an iced coffee and then went to my sister's house, my mom called and said that my nephew hurt his ankle and if I could watch my niece for a bit while she went to go get him, I said sure. My mom came back with my nephew who was not injured at all, I got ready to go swimming and off we went. It was a good swim day for me and Javi. I like the weekly swim, going to do them for the rest of my time off.

Hung around a bit more, came home. Gave Javi a shower, changed, fed and put Gabriel to bed. Javi wanted them to wear the spider man PJs, so I indulged. Now taking out the trash, going to shower and wait for my wife to get home from work.
So before my wife came home, I read Javi a story and played a game with him, when she came home we were talking, she put Javi to bed and after watching some t.v. she went to put Gabriel asleep after he woke up. Now it's bed time for me, going to listen to some podcasts while I drift away. See you tomorrow

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Gabriel had not 1, but 2 poopy diapers for me this morning. Right now I have both boys in the other room with me.  Will be getting ready soon for school drop off for Javi and finishing the laundry for me.
Got home, Gabriel was sleeping, so I started to fold some laundry. After he woke up, I fed and changed him and now we are playing,  looks like he found his feet and he thinks they are delicious.

My wife came by for lunch, I finished folding the clothes and put it away. Hung out at the house until about 1:05 and got Gabrielin the car so we could go get Javi. Not sure what we do next, might take Javi out for lunch or to walk around the park or some thing. The sun is out, it's a nice day, but there is a bit of wind. In the car Gabriel wasn't having it, he wanted out, started crying for a bit until I took him out and took him for a quick stroll before going into the school.
So I give Javi some options so we can go do something. Go to the park, walk around s mall, etc. He goes 'no, I want to go home ' so we just came home. Going to make some spaghetti a little later and then build the crib

So the spaghetti was delicious if I say so myself. We ate, played with the kids. Amilcar came over to help me build the crib for Gabriel. It was easier than the last one we did for Javi. Gave some spaghetti to Amilcar and afterwards Javi played a bit with him. I took a shower and now I am watching some Fresh Off the Boat before bed. Tomorrow is another big day with swimming as a possibility.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Case of the Mondays

Gabriel woke up around 6 and I fed him, he didn't feel like napping after so I took him out to play. Around 7:10 Javi and my wife came out to get him to have breakfast . I went to clean the bed, take out garbage and get ready. Last night I couldn't sleep so I cleaned up the kitchen and some of Javi's playroom. I got the boys ready to go, dropped Javi off at school, came back home made me a breakfast  bagel and a coffee.
Gabriel woke up from a long nap, I tried to give him cereal but he wasn't having it. He had his bottle. I cleaned the bathroom in our room and now we are playing. Later today going to get Javi at my sister's, have to drop off some donation things and go get some milk before starting laundry.

My wife came by for lunch, Gabriel fell asleep right before she got here. I hung around here and loaded the car up and took off to my sister's house around 1:30. Before we left, I tried to give Gabriel some sweet potato, but he wasn't having it. I fed him at my sister's house. My mom came in with Javi and Myrna.
They played while u took a quick nap, I was able to finally finish Chris Jericho's 4th book and around 4:45 headed home to get my wife so we can go to Tanforan to get the milk.

Tanforan was good, had some Panda express and an iced green tea from Starbucks. Target was good, we got some essentials that were on clearance. I'm making spaghetti tomorrow so u loaded up on parmesan cheese. We came home, continued laundry,  cleared out the fridge and right now putting Gabriel to bed. Going to watch RAW latter on.
Was watching wrestling and my goodness Sasha Banks needs to cool it with those dives to the outside,  she is going to get a serious injury.
Off to bed

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Royal Rumble Sunday

The morning was good. Gabriel for up and didn't want to go back to sleep, so I took him to the other room to play.  We started getting ready to go pick up my mom so we could go swimming at my sister's house. We left arou d 10:10 and I found a good parking spot for my mom so I had to walk about half a mile or so to go get her car to get the parking.
After that we went to my sister's for a good swim. The water was nice, Javi did well. Gabriel took a nap.

We went to Serramonte,  had some Jamba Juice,  ran into a co worker and went to see Arnel at his toy selling booth. We got some things at Target and stopped by getting some Wing stop, getting ready to watch the Royal Rumble.

Royal Rumble had some great surprises, The Hurricane and Rey Mysterio made an appearance,  it was very cool. My pick Rusev was eliminated. However I was happy that Nakamura won and will go on to face AJ Styles at Wrestlemania.  During one of the matches I gave Javi a shower and now I am putting Gabriel to sleep while I finish up the Royal Rumble event.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Saturday vibes

Gabriel woke up around 6 for a feeding, he was juiced up and didn't want to go back down to sleep. My wife suggested instead of taking him to the other room to just lay in the bed and see if he fell asleep. He laid there was making noises and eventually quieted down and chilled. We are getting up now so we can start the day, it will be long but things need to get done.
We got back from swimming had breakfast and I started moving the room around. It looks go so far, going to see how it is with the crib installed maybe tomorrow. Took a shower and made the drive to Pittsburg to visit family.

So we get up to Pittsburg and we come to find out that my wife forgot the baby bag. So I had to head to Wal-Mart to get some diapers and formula. Now we are sitting and they are telling stories of yesterday's gone by.
Apparently my wife's cousin is a flat earther, so not 100% sure if he is being real or if it's the flavor of the month type deal.

Drove home,  there was a lot of traffic getting on the Bay Bridge. We were getting in around 7:45 pm. Settled and went out to grab some food. Set up a time with my friend to build the crib this week and set up for our Sunday activities. Going to watch some NXT takeover and go to bed.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Last day before the weekend

Gabriel woke up around 4 am for food, went back to sleep but woke up at 6:27 am, his tummy was hurting, so I brought him to another room and he pooped. Waiting o  Javi and myg wife to wake up so I xxx an start getting ready to take Javi to school, it's their 100th dah of TK party today,  after that meeting Amilcar for breakfast as it is his birthday today.
Dropped Javi off and headed to Black Bear Diner and had a very good breakfast. Passed by my sister's to get some nacatamales. Came home, finished the laundry and played with Gabriel for some time. He took a nap around 11:30.

My wife came in and was playing with Gabriel, I was able to take a shower and chill for a bit. Right now I am in the car with a napping Gabriel waiting for Javi to get out of class. Let's see what we do after he gets out. Javi was really happy when he got out of class, he was telling me about his party for the first 100 days of TK. We came home, played for a bit, made him some mac and cheese,  gave Gabriel a bottle. After some time Javi wanted some steamed rice, so I decided to eat some sardines. They were delicious. Right now Gabriel is napping and Javi Is playing in his play room. He is excited because my sister is coming over to watch them while we go out to dinner.

My wife came home and gave Gabriel some cereal. I was sweeping up the kitchen, going to start getting ready so we can go to dinner. I am so tired right now, want to sleep and since tomorrow I may be completely cleaning and moving furniture around the room myself, it gets me in lazy mood. Oh well, it has to get done.
We went to dinner, had some drink and some good food, made it back home by 11. Time for bed, lots of stuff to o this a weekend

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Another Thursday

Baby was awake at 5:50. Took him to the other room,  he played for a bit,  got him some milk. Thankfully he drank almost all of it. I placed him on his back and he flipped over onto his tummy all by himself to play with a monkey toy. Right now we are getting the boys ready to go drop off Javi. Drop off went well, took a drive to get gas and went home. Gabriel fell asleep in the car and was still sleeping when we got home. After he woke up, I gave him some milk and he pooped twice. He took a nap and we played for a bit.

My wife came over and picked us up and went to put in gas and air in the tires. She had Burger King, I decided not to get anything at the moment, will wait for Javi to see if we go somewhere to eat or just make something at home. Right now Gabriel and me are waiting in the car to go get Javi.
Went to Tanforan to get some lunch, shared some Panda express with Javi,  he ate some Asian chicken and a little chow mein to go with his fried rice. I took him to the kids play area and he had fun, he made friends with a little kid and was having fun playing. Went over to Target and looked around for some things. I found another Star wars cup and got Javi a minion ball. After that we came home, Gabriel was asleep and Javi was playing and we waited for my wife to get home.

Decided to cut my hair and do some laundry. My wife put Gabriel to bed, I took a quick shower,  played a drawing Gabe with Javi. We hung out for a bit and my wife went to bed.  I played Madden and watched some Office episodes and went to bed.  Thankfully tomorrow is Friday.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday is hump day

Thankfully Gabriel didn't fuss too much super early. Was able to sleep an extra hour. Got up, got ready,  my wife got Javi ready, but he was still being a little stubborn and was not ready by 8 am call time. He finally got his stuff together and we went to drop him off. Right now going to Target to get some snacks for Javi's school party to celebrate the first 100 days of TK. Later hopefully going for a swim. Gabriel did well, however he still doesn't want to eat all that well. He took a nice nap

My wife came over for lunch. I got things ready to go over my sister'shouse to swim. We got there and there was a light drizzle, we went swimming for close to an hour. It was fun, I took Javi and Myrna, while my Mom watched Gabriel. I checked in on who got into the MLB HOF and once again Barry Bonds is not in. I think it's a shame that Bud Selig is in the HOF and Bonds is not. Oh well, there is next year. At least Vladimir Guerrero got in and I hope he goes in as a Montreal Expo.

So my Goddaughter picked up my wife and showed up at my sister's house. We ate pupusas and came home. It was raining, but thankfully it pretty much stopped when we go home. Gave Javi a shower, fed Gabriel and put him to bed. Going to watch a few episodes of the office and go to bed.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

It's Tuesday and he did it again

So someone decided that it would be a great idea to be up again before 5:30 am and not go back to sleep. Also thinks it's a great idea to not have his morning bottle and not eat. Right now he is just making noises while I am with him in the other room. It's going to be another long day. Got ready, took both boys to drop off Javi, reminded him to behave and have a good day. Came back home Gabriel was sleeping in the car seat, fed him and he took a quick nap. Got the laundry done and put away and fed Gabriel again.

About to go pick up Javi at school. Not sure if we do anything today, hopefully the weather is good and we can go out. Picked up Javi went to Serramonte. Got me a drink at Jamba Juice, took Javi to get bread sticks at Target,  got a gift and woke birthday cards, now we are at the park. Javi is climbing up the slides, having fun. A little girl asked him to play freeze tag and he literally ran circles around her. Looks like Gabriel is waking up, may leave soon.

Got home,  went out to get dinner, burritos for us, taco for Javi. Watched Smackdow and the mixed match challenge on Facebook. Washed bottles, showered and put the baby down to sleep. He woke up right now, so as I write I am trying to get him down again. Hopefully he goes to sleep so we can watch a show or two as it is super early. Anyway, hopefully he rests better and sleeps later. Tomorrow if the weather permits I have to pass by Target to get Javi some snacks for a school party and then go to my sister's house for a swim.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday night Raw

Super early morning. Gabriel woke up before 5:20 am and did not go to sleep. I had to take him to the other room. He was just babbling and making noises. He didn't want to have his bottle, he pooped and I forced him to have around 5 ounces of milk, but still no sleep. My wife stayed in with Gabriel, while I took Javi to school. When I came back, Gabriel was sleeping in the room. See what happens when he wakes up.

Hung out a bit with Gabriel. My wife came in for lunch, we ate some sandwiches and she was able to put him down for a bit. Still have a bit of a headache from lack of sleep today, but oh well. Gabriel woke up and i got him ready and we went over to my sister's house and hung out until about 5:15. While we were there Javi was playing with Myrna and they were fighting over a seat on the couch and who got to play with the baby.

Got home, had some pizza and chicken wings. Started the laundry. My wife bathed Gabriel, I bathed Javi and got him ready for bed. Fed Gabriel his bottle, swaddled him nice and tight and put him down. Right now I am watching RAW25 so far it's been a good show,  a little confused on some decisions, but oh well. Let's see where they take it, Royal Rumble is on Sunday

So, Raw25 was a bit of a mess. Having it from 2 locations was not a good idea. They should have bit the bullet and had it at the Manhattan center or in Brooklyn, having it at both places had a lot of dead time in both locations. I heard that some people paid over $500/ticket to be at the Manhattan center, and were obviously upset that there was not too much action there. First off, why in the hell are you paying that much for a wrestling ticket? and furthermore why would you make the purchase without understanding what they were going to do?
Anyway, overall even with the confusion I liked the show.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

And finally... Sunday

I went to bed early last night. Thankfully Gabriel didn't wake up until around 3. My wife fed him at that time. I did the 6 am feeding but he didn't want to go back to sleep. I took him to the other room to hang out. Still have a slight headache, made some breakfast and washed some dishes. Showed Javi the basics on washing dishes. Played some go fish and showed Javi a quick game of the clock. I was able to put Gabriel down for a nap and now that he is up,  I am going to shower. Football games starting soon. Picking Patriots and Eagles today.

We had some McDonald's for lunch, packed everyone up and headed to my sister's house for a bit. We saw the end of the Patriots vs Jaguars game, my prediction of the Patriots winning was correct. It was a bit shaky there for a minute but they got the job done.  Before the start of the NFC conference game we went to Target, got some items for the week and came home to watch the rest of the game and as Edwindamus predicted, the Eagles won that game as well. Calling it now,  Patriots win in 2 weeks

Javi ate some angel hair pasta with butter, Gabriel had some sweet potato, changed him into his Batman Pjs and gave him his bottle, he went through it rather quickly, now He is swaddled and in my arms going to sleep. Will give him a few minutes to get deeper into sleep so I can move him to his bassinet. After this, shower, play with Javi and rest, tomorrow another week begins.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Saturday night is alright

Since some people decided it was okay to sleep on my side of the bed, I had to sleep on the couch until about 3 am when I went to the room to feed the baby. Around 3:30 I finally went to bed and woke up around 8. Got ready, my wife already was feeding the kids. We took Javi to him to swimming class. He had fun. After that we came home and hung out for a bit.

My wife wanted to go eat at Sakura in Redwood City, food was good. After we went walking and we decided to visit the San Mateo County History Museum. It was a very fun time, there were some cool displays and artifacts. Took some pictures and after we went to Toys R Us. After that, came back home and now we are hanging out, I have a huge headache and want to rest. Hopefully it gets better.

Headache is still here. Washed bottles, sanitized them. My wife bathed Gabriel and I bathed Javi. I took a shower while she fed the baby. Right now he woke up, so I just swaddled him and now I am trying to put him down for a longer sleep. Hopefully he sleeps well.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday feeling

So Gabriel didn't sleep well last night. It wasn't raining this morning so I took both boys with me to drop off Javi. Went to McDonald's to get some breakfast a d went home. Ate, folded clothes, played with the baby and put him down for a nap. My mom should be here later so I can go get Javi. If the weather is good, maybe we go to the park

Ate lunch, my mom came over, right now I am at Javi's school. It is starting to rain. Going to take Javi to get some food and go home . So no more rain on the way to Tanforan. We went to get Javi some fried rice at Panda Express,  we had a discussion because he was put on time out at school for breaking rules. After our talk we went to Target got some cleaning supplies and headed home.
I cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom, tomorrow I will get to the living room. Waiting for my wife to get home so we can go out for dinner to Chili's.

Dinner was good, practically no wait. It was my wife,  kids and my mom for dinner. We had some fun,  now at home to get the boys ready for bed and to see what happens next. So today Gabriel turns 5 months old, my wife fed him some rice cereal, he enjoys it. After I gave him a nice bottle and now I am rocking him to sleep while singing some MJ tunes. After this going to shower and chill. It's been a long day and tomorrow there is more to come

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Thursday thoughts

So it looks like Gabriel had a great night. He didn't wake up until after 5 am, so that is good, even better is that the while time he was in his bassinet. My wife got him, fed him and took him to the other room with Javi. I got up, got dressed and took the boys to drop Javi off at school. It was not raining this morning, but it will later be later on.  After the drop off got home, Gabriel was relaxing and took a long nap.

It started raining. My wife is on her way to take a test for a job, I am sure she will do well. Right now I am waiting for Javi to get out of class. So there was a light rain, went to Costco to get gas and some items. Got home,  Javi ate lunch and I fed Gabriel. My mom and sister came over to visit. They hung out for a bit, I put new plates on my mom's car and chilled.

My wife fed Gabriel, but he decided to eat through his nose and I gave Javi a bath. Right now we are watching lip sync battle as they have a Michael Jackson tribute. Gabriel is playing with Javi while he watches some YouTube videos for a bit.
Put Gabriel to bed, tool a shower and was reading while my wife was playing Assassin's Creed, she was stuck on this part where you have to kill a snake while on a boat, she had to go attend to Gabriel since he started to cry, so I tried to help her out with the level, it took me about 35 minutes to get my bearings with the first person shooter action, but I was able to defeat the snake.
After that I watches some episodes of The Office and now off to bed. Good night everyone

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Yeah, yeah, it's hump day

We all continue to be sick, so everyone had a bad night. My chest hurts from coughing, the phlegm is just stuck there. Dropped off Javi at school, my wife starts late today so she stayed with Gabriel. After the drop off I went to Nissan to get the batteries changed for the car remote keys and then to Target to get the snacks I forgot yesterday and got some Starbucks. Came home, made some breakfast bagels and now resting, my go out to have lunch with my supervisor and unit.

So Gabriel decides to take a nap close to when we are supposed to leave to the restaurant. He woke up and I got him ready, headed out to Fresca. Now I spent just as much time driving down there as I did looking for parking. I parked up a hill so I wouldn't be later than I already was. When I got there my whole unit was there, I said hi to everyone,  they complement my progeny and we ate. While there my co-worker Susan told me she will be retiring the 2nd week of February. I was a bit sad because I have known her since day 1 with the city and now she will be gone. But I am happy because she totally deserves the rest. She earned it. After that I went to buy a new baby monitor,  went to my sister's and hung out for a bit. Now at home to see what happens with the kids until my wife gets home.

I hooked up the baby monitor.  Fed Gabriel, swaddled him and put him down.  My wife came home from work and I left the room, cleaned the bottles, helped Javi change into his pjs, brush his teeth and I took a shower. We watched some tv and My wife went to bed, I stayed up a little longer to watch The Office, but now I am in bed. It's been a long day. Let's see what goes down tomorrow.
Good night everyone

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

It's Tuesday.. you know what that means?

Last night and this morning were horrible, we were all feeling sick. I was out of it, cold bones, slight fever. Thankfully the medication worked well and I feel a bit better. This morning took both boys for the school drop off. It went well, it was a bit foggy, but not cold this morning.
Came back home, had to put the clothes to dry again, the folks downstairs overuse the machine so sometimes it doesn't do the job the first time around. Had some coffee, changed a poopy diaper and fed Gabriel. Will see if he wants to nap now.

Went to pick up Javibag school. We went to Target after, I got him some bread sticks from pizza hut and to my surprise he ate all 3 of them. We got home,  hung out, I heated up lasagna for dinner, finish laundry and bathed Javi. Hung out with the boys for a bit and filled out my passport renewal application. Ate dinner, helped bathe Gabriel  and put him to sleep.

Took a shower,  had some thera flu and cough drops. Still coughing quite a bit. Hopefully that goes away soon. About to play wwe 2k18 and go to bed. See you all in the morning

Monday, January 15, 2018

I have a dream

It's  MLK day, a day to reflect on the wise words of Dr. King. I think what is more important than tweeting, quoting or liking his words, is to act on them and be the living, breathing, epitome if his words. Actions speak louder than words. His dream should be our dream, let's live it together.
This morning we are all sick. Last night was not good for any of us. My wife gave the baby a steam to help with his stuffy nose and we took some medication. Right now I am at home with Gabriel and my wife is at hop n play with Javi for his play date. Later they have another one.

My wife and Javi are still out, my sister said she was coming over later today. Still feel sick, wish I could nap, but Daddy duties prevent that from happening. So while I entertain my little one, I will have The Office playing in the back ground.

So my Sister, brother in law and niece/God daughter came over. Before they got here I left with Javi to go and get food. At that time, as I still do now, I felt sick as a dog. My friend Amilcar came over to visit, he gave me a small run down of what is going on at work while I am away.
I still feel like crap, right now I just had thera flu, Motrin and some cough drops. I feel so hot, but my bones feel weak, I can't stop coughing. I hate being sick, hopefully tomorrow I will feel better.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

It's another pleasant valley Sunday

It was a good morning today. Woke up and had coffee and pastries. Gabriel had his cereal and milk, Javi was running around and actually did some cleaning. We started getting ready for our day of going to Red Robin's,  Toys R Us and Target. I saw a bit of the Jaguars vs Steelers game.

We made it to Red Robin's, we had a good meal.  After lunch we went over to Toys R Us. They didn't have much there, so we went over to Target and did some shopping there.
We got Gabriel a Star Wars shirt with 3CP-0 & R2-D2 on it. Javi wanted to get Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2. I found the most recent t Braun Strowman figure.
We got home and now we are watching the Saints and Vikings game.

We just chilled at home. Watched the end of the game and it was really exciting. A little sketchy on the ending, but exciting nonetheless. I am about to put Gabriel to sleep and go shower, maybe we watch a movie later tonight. 

Saturday, January 13, 2018

A Hero of God, beyond praise

August 19, 2017 my wife and I welcomed Gabriel Antonio Narvaez to our family. We had our second son and Javi had his new tag-team partner, we went from 3 to 4.
We decided early on that we would like to have the birth at the Kaiser hospital in Redwood City. We did the tour and were satisfied with what we saw. Our first son was born at Kaiser in San Francisco, we enjoyed that facility, but we wanted to have a little more privacy and comfort (and better parking).
I had tickets to go see Marvel's live action show that afternoon for me and Javi, but Gabriel decided to run a little interference on my plans, so I asked my sister to take him.
We left the house early and by 8 am her water broke, the staff was really nice. The birthing room was spacious and very comfortable. Gabriel was out by 4:45 pm the same day. My wife did an incredible job again during labor. She was very strong and I am very proud and in awe of her strength.
When Javi found out his brother was out, my sister said he was giggling and nervous. When they first met he had a big smile and was giggling along side his baby brother.

I was doing some research on his name, now to be honest I did not select either name for him. I had two other names in mind that were important to me and held special meaning,  however they were dismissed and I removed myself from the naming process.
So it turns out that one of the meanings for Gabriel is 'A Hero of God ' or 'A messenger of God' which is fitting as in the bible it is the angel Gabriel that informs Mary that she will bear the son of God. Antonio, which happens to be my middle name as well,  means 'beyond Praise' or 'worthy of praise' and that wonderful child and his dimples when he smiles get him a lot of praise.
In the end, I think his name fits him. Right now, depending on who you ask and which one of us they know,  people will say he looks like me or my wife. But I personally think that he looks like his own person already.
I really am very lucky and truly blessed to have a second healthy son. We are all doing great. My wife and I are ready to shape these two boys into men.

Saturday Night Fever

We got home from the concert a little after midnight. That's when I posted the blog for yesterday. My Mom said Javi hustled her for special treats all night. But anyway, I got up around 8, took a shower, had some cooffee and got Javi to go to swim class. He had a good class, it was his first with an instructor. Before that I was always in there with him.  We came home and my wife tool a nap,, I sent Javi with my mom to go party with his cousin asset my brother's placer. I was watching Gabriel and he took a nap, so did I.

We woke up from our naps around 2, feeling refreshed. We passed by picking up Javi, who at this point was fighting with his cousin about him never going over and that she wasn't allowed to visit his house. You know, kid stuff. We drove to Olive Garden and had a good late lunch/early dinner. My wife wanted to go to Macy's. There were no good deals there. I went roaming around the mall with the kids, there was nothing good out there.

We came home, my very underwhelming Loot Crate WWE Slam Crate came in, so I unpacked it, put some of the items away. We bathed Gabriel first as he decided to bathe himself in rice cereal,  after it was Javi's turn to bathe. Right now I am putting Gabriel to sleep while watching the Patriots vs Titans game on my iPad (there is a slight delay with the stream) not sure what will happen next, we may watch a movie or just some shows.
So looks like after I took a shower, my wife had to go to sleep with Javi. So I just finished watching Last Man Standing, Played Madden and will watch a bit of SNL before going to bed.

The Boyz II Men concert was awesome. We did have an issue with some people who apparently do not get out much and were close to becoming a distraction to our enjoyment. But it didn't get to that point.
SWV was fun as well, they sang a few songs that I knew and looked like they were enjoying themselves. B2M were lights out, they really show that they love to perform and have a great appreciation for their fans. I would for sure go see them again.

Friday, January 12, 2018


Gabriel woke up twice. He had a habit of punching when he is trying to go back to sleep or get comfortable. Javi had breakfast, today was animal day at school. He wore a Dinosaur shirt.
I went to school and it seems that Javi put the Aquaman toy in another kids backpack. Being completely honest,  based on reaction I am not totally convinced that is what happened, but whatever.
I talked to his teacher about the box of mystery minis. She said that she did not know which box that was. So, we are back to square one with the missing box. After I went to Jack in the box to try the country sampler, obviously it did not look like it does in the commercial. It was ok. However the egg and sausage wrap was very good.
Came home, continued the laundry.  Played with Gabriel for a bit and fed him, now He is napping. My Mom is picking up Javi and will bring him here.

So Gabriel woke up, we played. I started to sweep up Javi's play area and under a few jackets i found the missing box with the mystery minis. I am happy that he didn't take them as he did not break my trust by stealing, however I am still a bit disappointed that he kept lying about taking them to school, but that is a conversation that we will have later.
Right now I am waiting for my mom to get here with Javi. Gabriel is napping now. Later I will go out with Javi to get us some food so we can eat before we head out to the Boyz II Men concert. I will also need to go to Walgreens to load up a Clipper card to use tonight.

Went out with Javi to get dinner and to load sokme money on the Clipper card. We had Darby Dan's sandwiches.  My wife got home we got ready, left the kids with my Mom and we left for the Boyz II Men concert. So on that note, I will fill you in on that tomorrow.
Have a great night folks!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

It's Thursday.... You know what that means?

Gabriel woke up twice during the night. Around 6 I got up and took him to the other room so he could poop and play for a bit.  He didn't want to finish his bottle so my wife got Javi ready while I was getting ready and I took both boys with me to drop Javi off at school. Today was sharing day, something with the letter A. He took an Aquaman figure.
After the drop off I went to get gas at Costco and picked up Arnel. We ate breakfast at Black Bear Diner and we went over to his house for a bit. His fiance was there and we were all talking for a bit. Gabriel still didn't want to eat so I brought back home and he finally had about 4 ounces.
Next up we are going to pick up Javi at 1:30 and go to Serramonte to find him a shirt for school. We'll see what happens there.

So I picked up Javi and off we went to Serramonte. Gabriel fell asleep in the car and pretty much slept from 1 pm to 3:50 pm. We had a good time at Serramonte,  he had fried rice, we went to the Disney store, threw a few coins into the little pond they have and finished up at Target.
When we got home, Javi runs in and says 'daddy, Aquaman is not in my bag' which basically told me that he either gave it to someone or someone took it. He doesn't want to say.
Then I asked him to give me my box of mystery minis (Bout 16 of them at $7.99/each) he pretended to look for them.  I asked him to tell me the truth if they were here or if he took them to school, he flip flopped on his answers. Right now I really hope that he did not take them, because if he did, I will now have to be that parent that shakes down his kid before he leaves the house. He still doesn't want to give me a straight answer until my wife gets home.
All I know is that if he did take it, I will be very disappointed. I wish he would have asked so I could explain to him why he can't take them to school, not taking them and basically stealing from me. But We'll see what he says. Even though something tells me I already know the answer.

Well, dissapoinment is the word of the day. Going to see if he was telling the truth in his ramblings, I'll ask his teacher tomorrow.  We went to Babies R Us and ran into my co-worker Mimi, it was another pleasant surprise.  We talked for a bit, after we went to in-n-out burger. My God-daughter was going to come visit the kids so we got her some food as well. When we got home, she was here. We ate she played with the baby. It's my nephew Andres birthday today, so we called to wish him a happy birthday.  I had texted my sister in law earlier to send him a message for me.
Gabriel had his first rice cereal feeding. He really likes it. I just put him down. Let's see what time Javi goes to bed. Have a few things I want to put in order tonight.
Ended the night watching season 6 of Last Man Standing.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

It's hump day

Gabriel had a bad night. A little bit of a fever and was a bit restless. Around 5:30 He got up and didn't want to go back to sleep. I took him to the other room and laid down with him,  he played, around 6:10 I gave him a bottle of milk, he pooped, I changed that dirty diaper and rocked him to sleep. I was so tired I fell asleep on the rocking chair with him. I woke up around 7, my wife was getting Javi ready for school. Since Gabriel had the fever (which was gone at this point) for most of the night, we thought it was best for her to stay with him while I dropped Javi off.
I took Javi to school, it was really cold this morning. Reminded him to have a good day and to listen. Later my mom is picking him up to go to my sister's house. I got home, moved the cars, came inside  and Gabriel was in his swing. My wife left for work and I was playing with him for some time. He started to fuss, so by the clock it was close to his naptime. Right now he is asleep. Later going to have lunch here and go visit my mom and sister. Then bring Javi home

My wife came over and had lunch,  she tried to feed the Gabriel nut he wouldn't eat. After she left I made him a new bottle and he ate it and was out. When he woke up, I got him ready and we went to Target. I ran into my co-worker Mimi and Jon, they were without baby JJ. We talked for a bit and I got my stuff and came to my sister's house. Going to be here for a few hours and then go home.

I left my sister's house close to 5. My Hulk Funko Pop was delivered. It is the version of the gladiator Hulk from Thor. Ate some chicken soup, hung out with the kids. We bathed both boys, put Gabriel to sleep. I confirmed tomorrow's breakfast with Arnel and I sent out a few emails, while I was playing Madden and listening to Talk is Jericho the Alpha vs Omega  episode.
Gabriel woke up around 10:10 pm, just finished feeding and burped him, now going to put him down. Hopefully tonight is better than the last two.
So it's off to Never Never Land, second star on the right and on til morning.  Good night everyone.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Ruby Tuesday

A bit tired this morning. Gabriel woke up around 3:30 for his bottle,  he drank it but didn't want to go back to sleep. So I took him to the other room so he could try to go to sleep. I put him down to play with some toys, he fell asleep eventually. Woke up around 6:45, to eat and poop. Now having coffee, about to head out and drop Javi off to school. Try to hit up Trader Joe's after.
In was able to go to Trader Joe's and some items I needed for later today. Gabriel was great during Javi's school drop off and at Trader Joe's, we came home I changed him, got the clothes from downstairs, fed him and he was out. My wife came over to eat lunch, we had the leftover spaghetti. After I got Gabriel ready to go pick up his brother.

Picked up Javi and came home. It was really windy out. Made him some Star Wars Mac and cheese, he liked the shapes. I read Green Eggs and Ham to the boys. Gabriel has been very fussy and had not eaten well since his 11:15 bottle. I think that he is irritated due to possible gum irritation. I put some baby gel relief on his gums and he fell asleep.
Right now just hanging out, about to fold some more clothes and see what happens next. For dinner making those chicken burritos and quesadillas.

Burritos and quesadillas were a success. Haven't lost my touch on those. Washed all the dishes and put away everything that was used. Played War, Go Fish and Connect 4 with Javi. After I went to put Gabriel to sleep. I came out of the room to find my wife and Javi in the kitchen waiting. Javi had been on a 2 day time out from the tablet or tv, I have to say that he did very well. Starting tomorrow we are going to try to limit his tv and tablet intake during the week.
After Javi goes to bed, it's shower time and I will take some time to decompress and go to bed. It was a long day. Plan for tomorrow is drop Javi at school and later go pick him up at my sister's house.
Let's see how that goes.

Monday, January 8, 2018

It's just another manic Monday

Some people hate Mondays, I don't mind them. Today it was, well, it is raining. Of course Gabriel decided to give us the gift of poop all over his back. We cleaned him up and started getting ready, my wife for work, Javi for school and me for the day with Gabriel.
It was a tough commute to drop off Javi to school with the rain. Not sure why the rain makes people drive like a bunch of donkeys,  but yeah, it was that kind of morning. I got back home and finished feeding Gabriel, he is taking a nap now. Going to try to watch Bright on Netflix while he naps.

My wife came home for lunch, she played with thr baby. My Mom was going to have Myrna with her, but it was raining to hard so she only picked up Javi and came over. I changed the wiper blades on my mother-in-laws car (in the rain) moved the cars to the other side of the street.
Javi came home,  I reviewed his weekly assignments for homework and we got Monday's work out of the way. Right now he is playing with the mystery minis that I have. Later I will make spaghetti for dinner.

So, I made the spaghetti, started to make the chicken that I will use tomorrow for the return of my homemade burritos and quesadillas and started some laundry. Don't know how tomorrow will be with the rain but I hope I can get out to go to Trader Joe's or somewhere to get an onion and maybe an avocado. Right now I am watching Raw and putting Gabriel to sleep, he is tired. About to go out and play with Javi a bit, see if I clean the bathroom, shower and watch some tv.
All in all, today was a good day. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Update: watched some Seinfeld and played some Madden. Haven't played the game in some time, it was fun beating the Seahawks

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Easy like Sunday morning

So Gabriel woke up at 3 am for a feeding and close to 6 for another. I gave him the bottle at 6ish, took him down to try to sleep and he let out a good amount of poop. It ran out of his diaper up his back a little, but, like a pit crew, I was able to get him cleaned up. I took him to another room and played for a bit, he took a nap. After I got some coffee, did some house work and now we are cleaning and watching some football.

So we cleaned up the kitchen, living room and put away all of the Christmas decorations and took those to the storage room. After we went to Serramonte and had sandwiches at Ike's.  They were good, but expensive. After we walked around the mall and for some groceries at Target for the week. Came home,  rested while watching the Panthers and Saints game.
They say a big storm is coming, so we went out to get Javi a rain coat as he starts school again tomorrow. We went to Tanforan and could not find one anywhere, so we settled on one that was in the style of a frog.
I just put Gabriel to sleep, now goingto see what happens next.

I played with Javi for a bit,  we played a shapes game. I helped him get ready for bed. While my wife put him to sleep, I took a shower, made some food and watched some Seinfeld episodes. Going to watch a few more and go to bed, tomorrow school drop offs begin and a storm is on the way.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

It's deja vu all over again

I got to sleep in a bit today. My back was hurting due to a contortionist showcase I had to pull last night in bed. Got up, had some coffee and pastries. Then started to clean up a bit. Tossed out a lot of those plastic cups that for some odd reason we keep brining home to clutter. It felt good to get rid of them. Stl have a lot more cleaning and tossing to do. For lunch we are heading out to Masu in San Mateo for all you can eat sushi, after maybe do some shopping for a dish drying rack.

We went to Masu and had some good sushi. After we came home and hung out. I updated the navigation system in our pathfinder and played with Javi outside for some time. After I saw the end of the Titans  vs Chiefs game, titans pulled off the upset. Now I am playing games with Javi and watching ATL vs LAR

So, tonight was fun. Had a beer, a few mimosas and since my wife didn't want anymore and there was no cap for the champagne, I had to Andre the Giant that bottle (for those of you who don't know, that means I finished it myself) I played connect 4 with Javi and a quick game of War. We were playing with my mystery mini figures and he went off to bed.
After I took a shower,  now I am watching some Seinfeld episodes and soon will go to bed. Tomorrow has a full to do list of 2 Football games, house cleaning and some handy work, along with getting ready for Monday to do it all over again.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Intensity, integrity and intelligence

Today was an interesting day. Last night, I was close to finally starting to create my character in WWE 2K18 when my wife told me that Javi didn't want to go to sleep and she felt sick so she would sleep in the other room. I turned everything off and went to the room to make sure he fell asleep and to be closer to Gabriel in case he woke up.
Gabriel woke up around 11:45, I was able to put him back to sleep and he didn't get up again until his 1:30 am feeding.
He had a good night, at 7am I put clothes to dry and at 8am I had coffee and a scone, I made Javi some milk and toast.
At 9am I fed Gabriel and he is napping, when he gets up, we are off to Serramonte for a bit. Let's see how that adventure goes.

So Serramonte was a success, well, besides Javi acting out a bit. He was upset since I told him I would not buy him any new toys until he picks up his toys at home. So he was angry. But other than that, it was a good trip. Got some medicine for my wife and I couldn't find the one for Javi.
We got home and hung out for a bit, I folded the clothes while my wife are lunch and hung out with the kids. After she left I packed the kids again and headed to McDonald's to get Javi and his cousin Myrna Happy Meals.
We got to my sister's house and the elevator continues to be broken, not the Matt Hardy type of Broken, just the old beat up kind. So I had to carry Gabriel up the stairs and to the house. We ate, now I am just waiting for the time to pass to go see the new baby.

So was able to meet the baby. She is very cute. Her parents are doing well, just tired. Stayed for about an hour, left to let her rest. I am so happy for them.
I got home, waited for my wife so we can go pick up the boys. It was raining a bit and I was sent out to get some Popeye's,  however they were only taking cash, and I didn't have cash. Next option, KFC. Got the food came home.
When I came home, I washed some bottles, changed the baby into his Chewbacca Pjs, gave him a bottle,  swaddled him and put him to sleep. Today's music choices were: Landslide,  Ribbon in the Sky and How Deep is Your Love.
Let's see what tomorrow will bring,  as they say, look out weekend, here we come, because weekends were made for fun!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

It's Rusev Day!!

My wife fed Gabriel around 7ish, I got up, cleaned the bed, had a coffee and scone while setting up to watch Wrestle Kingdom 12 Alpha vs Omega. The morning has been good so far, brought in the recycling bin, attempted to play the PJ Mask game with Javi (ended in a no contest due to him being mad that I got close to winning). Got the boys dressed in their RKO shirts and now about to feed Gabriel.
Plan for today is to go out and visit my friend and friendly neighborhood toy dealer Arnel and be home by 3 as my sister should be coming over at 3.

Alright, so afternoon came and went without a hitch. Got the kids ready to go and drove over to visit Arnel. We had a fun conversation regarding movies (the last jedi) and wrasslin' (Jericho vs Omega, WWE, etc) we even talked about a new addition to the extended family. Aria Leia was born today to my good friends Brian and Aisha, now with her and Samina they are a family of 4.
Fun fact, on 12/8/17 I wrote 2 names on a post-it. Since Brian was bring coy about the name of the baby, I figured they would give the baby one of the following names. I wrote down 'Carrie' or 'Leia'. So today when they announced her name, it wasn't a big shock, but a very nice name nonetheless.  Heading out tomorrow for a visit to meet her.
When we got home, my Mom, sister, brother-in-law and nephew were waiting for us. They came to visit the kids. Let's see what the rest of the day holds for us.

So, my wife came home and we talked about her day, she wanted to go to In-and-out for a burger, so we went. We came home to eat, I struck a deal with my son to eat at least half of his plain hamburger and tomorrow as a treat I  would get him a Happy meal. He reluctantly agreed and ate half of the meat and some dino nuggets. I gave Gabriel his bottle around 7, he should be sound asleep right now. I have to go wash and sanitize his bottles and wash some clothes. Clean up a bit, so I have less to do tomorrow.
Update on that, washed the clothes, washed the bottles and dishes. The plan is to go out to find some goodies (if it's not raining) drop off the kids to my mom while I go visit Brian, Aisha and the new baby, not sure is Samina will be there. For now, waiting on the last load to finish and playing a little bit of WWE 2K18. Good night folks.

So at work I was part of a mentor project. It was the 2nd time I was part of the project and the 8 people that I helped were really cool and really smart. They really put in great effort to prove themselves, even in the tough circumstances they had to face. So my last week with them was, well. Last week. I decided to email them to check up on them to show them that even though I was not physically there, that I was still with them, kind of like their ow. Force Ghost Yoda. They appreciated it and I appreciatedd their responses. I am really happy to have them as my peers.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

It's Wednesday... you know what that means

Gabriel woke up around 5 for a feeding, went back to sleep until about 6 when he had his morning poop. I took him to the other room to finish up. Changed his diaper and came out for coffee, a scone and a warm bottle. It's day 2 of my wife going back to work and Javi Ilis still having issues with her going back. Right now he is eating some eggs! Yes, you heard correctly, eggs!
Today will be a busy day, after this I will get the boys ready in our Niners gear and later meet my Mom with my niece and nephews over at Tanforn to go to Hop n' play.

So, after Ulisa goes back to work, I get both kids ready as my Mom was coming over with Myrna. I moved the booster seats into the car and off to Hop N' Play we went. The kids had fun, they played and laughed. All of a sudden I see that Javi and Myrna were fighting about something (like all kids do) so I had to go play peace maker. I had my Mom feed Gabriel and I went to supervise what was going on with the kids, by this time they were the best of friends.
After I was able to put Gabriel down for a nap, I snuck out real quick when he woke up to get them a side of fried rice from Panda Express and hit up Starbucks for a doppio con panna. It hit the spot. Around 4ish we headed home and now I am sitting at El Farolito waiting on 2 super burritos. Let's see what happens next.

Burritos were delicious. So, I was putting Gabriel to sleep, so today's songs were (again) How Deep is Your Love (HDIYL), Landslide the Dixie Chicks cover and The Cowboy Rides Away by George Strait, he was out 3/4 of the way into the song. He really likes his music. Now, going out to see what Javi and my wife are doing.
So not much going on. Javi on his tablet, my wife watching Game if Thrones and some show with some people who weigh 600 + pounds. They went to bed, I was up for a bit watching Seinfeld and signing up to watch New Japan Pro Wrestling Wrestle Kingdom 12, so I can see Chris Jericho vs Kenny Omega.
That show starts at 11 pm, the match will be in the wee hours of the morning. I ain't staying up for that. So I will watch it in the morning before going out.
So, there you have it, day 2.

One of my peers (Maria) at work who I was assisting in a mentor program texted me thanking me for believing in her, even when she didn't.
This was a very sweet message. One of the things I would like to do this year is to be a better person overall. So this tells me that I did something right. But as I always told her, I can believe all I want, but she has to prove to herself, that I was right.
On that note, see you all tomorrow, it should be a fun day, after all, it's Rusev Day!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

It's a new day! Yes it is!

It's January 2nd 2018, plan for today was, my wife would go back to work. I stay with both boys, do laundry, hang out, go to Costco and get some things and some food and be home before 12.
So far,  did about half of the laundry and i am being held hostage here by Gabriel as he decided to take a nap when I wanted to be on the road to Costco. Still have time to get things done, even tried out the baby carrier to see how that goes for me while at Costco. Stay tuned for the update....

Actually, late morning. So Gabriel gets up and I get both boys in the car. We head off to Costco. Javi is asking why we didn't walk over to Costco? I told him it was too far, but apparently to him it was an easy walk and it would be okay for me to not only have to bring both of them back home, but to bring the items I bought.
Anyway, we finished up and got home. Put away the items, ate lunch. Ulisa came home for lunch and feed the baby and he went down for his nap. Planning on going out for a walk and maybe get some lotto tickets. For dinner I bought some chicken Alfredo to warm up. So far it's been a good day.

Well, we took that walk to get the lotto tickets. It was a bit of a journey with a double stroller, but we got through it. Right now I'm heating up some chicken Alfredo and we will sit and eat. Boys need baths tonight, then watch a little t.v. (Smack Down Live) and go to bed to do it all over again tomorrow.

Sleep update : it only took 2 songs tonight to put Gabriel to bed. How Deep is Your Love by the Bee Gees and he was out about half way into Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

My Day One Is H?...

Happy New year! 2018 marks not only the beginning of the new year, but the beginning of my paternity leave from work. I will be home with my 4 month old Gabriel and my 5 year old Javier.
I will try to mark my journey with them daily, but as with everything, it will be challenging with 2 boys and everyday life.
I look forward to this time, I may even add videos to my YouTube channel regarding my time. There are many things I want to get accomplished during my time here with the boys, so let's see what happens.