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Thursday, December 27, 2018


Captain's log, it's day 6 of my time off of work and these kids are crazy. No, seriously it has been fun. Woke up. Got them ready, showered and now hanging out waiting for my mom to get here so we can go to My Busy Town. Hopefully Gabriel takes a nap.
He didn't,  my mom came over with Lil Will. Santi and Myrna.  They played a little here and we headed out to My Busy Town.

Got there and the kids played for around e hours. Javi was over the moon, Gabriel really liked it as well. After I made him a bottle for the road and drove to my sister's. My mom met us there after going to Costco for some pizza. Around 5 I came home with the kids.

Got home, played with the kids. Hung out with my wife. Put Gabriel to sleep and had dinner. Played a game with my wife and Javi and watched the rest of Fuller House. About to go to bed.

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