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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Almost done

Got up this morning, my nose still stuffed. It's irritating. Anyway, got ready, made my coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth and got parking. Waiting for time to walk to work. Have a meetings today in the morning and a unit meeting at 2. So tired, hope everything goes well.
The meeting went well, learned a bit and we'll see what role I am given. About to chill for about 30 minutes or so before going to eat my lunch.

Ate lunch and chilled. Went out for coffee and came back for my unit meeting. It the last one we will all be on this year. After I went to Target to get lunchables for Javi and went over to pick up the boys before coming home.

Got home, started washing dishes and bottles. Got Gabriel's bag ready and bathed him. Had dinner. Now trying to put him to sleep.
He fell asleep pretty quick, I went out to shower and when I was done, hung out a bit with Javi and  brushed his teeth and sent him to bed. Watched some tv and now off to bed

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