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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas day

Got up, put clothes to dry. Made me a ham, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich. Cleaned up a bit and folded clothes.

Watched the Christmas Chronicles on Netflix, now watching Fuller House.
We went out to eat at Chevy's. Had a good meal, the server didn't charge us the food, so I went back to ask what was up with that since we didn't want to get him in trouble on Christmas. The manager said that for being honest the meal was on them. After we went to the park, we played for a bit and left quick, some little Chinese girl ran Javi over with her bike, she was flying around the park and almost hit me too after, I was close to kicking her bike when she passed by. But Javi is ok.

Got home, took a 20 minute nap, folded that of the clothes while my wife bathed the boys. Watched some more fuller house and now putting Gabriel to bed.
Got out and played Clue Jr with Javi and my wife. After the game brushed his teeth and he went off to bed. Watched tv and played a game of Madden before going to bed.

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