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Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Slept ok, could have used more. Got up, washed bottles,  put clothes to drive. It's double star day, so I stopped by Starbucks to get coffee and a pastry. The drive was ok, parked and waiting for my time to start walking. Somewhat busy day today. Ending the day at 1440.
The morning went well, there was a bit of an issue on one of the slides that we did. Our supervisor told us a process and it turns out that was not accurate.

Had lunch, walked over to 1440. Chatted with Kathleen and Tim for a bit. Went upstairs to drop off some copies and talked to Amilcar. I went to edit some items for the forum tomorrow and I took some time to talk to Karla about last week's training.
I visited with Maria and Cynthia and went to my meeting, after I came home to out clothes to wash and dry and went to get the boys.

Picked them up and came home. Did more laundry, now putting Gabriel to bed. Have to do one more drying before it may be done.
Gabriel went down, little bit of work but fine,  Javi fell asleep fast as well. Grabbed the last of the laundry and watched tv.

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