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Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Got up, was so tired. Wanted to stay in. But, have to end this week. Got ready and drove to work. Today we have the CF forum, mini part and I have a lunch with Tim and Kathleen. Today should be fun.
Morning went well, nothing to present in the forum. We had breakfast and did the white elephant game. I ended up with a $25 gift card and a box of chocolates. Good deal. About to head over to 1440.

Had a great lunch with Tim and Kathleen. I had Duck, after we exchanged gifts and I went upstairs to work on some things and help out some EWs. Went to go get coffee with Amilcar and headed home to take out the trash.

Went to go get the kids and to Target. I got a mini espresso machine. Need to get a few things for it. Will print out the manual tomorrow. Cleaned a bit and played a game of Madden,  now going to bed.

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