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Monday, December 31, 2018

The final countdown

Got up way earlier than planned,  Gabriel was being himself this morning. This is the last entry for 2018. I set 3 main goals for the year: 1) No chocolate 2) No soda and 3) Write a blog post for every day this year. All 3 will be no completed tonight. Next year is weight loss year and not sure what else.
Going to get some coffee soon, it's going to be a long day.
Gave the boys food and they played for a bit, tossed out some old clothes that didn't fit Gabriel anymore and got ready.

Went to Costco and grabbed a few things for the house. Came to my sister's house and dried the boys clothes. Got some bad news about our dinner reservation for tonight and had to adjust. I went with my sister to Costco to get some food to make dinner for tonight. Came back and soon going home to get my wife to come back to my sister's.

Drove to my sister's,  had some ceviche and now waiting for dinner. My brother finally came over and we had dinner. Food was good, after Javi, Gabriel and Myrna played for a long time. I thought I was going to have to drop my mom off at home we got ready to leave around 8:45. But my brother said he would drop her off. I gave my wife the option to let me know when she was already to go. We left at 10. Got home, Gabriel was out cold. Javi was upset that he had to go to bed, but he was super tired. Now just hanging out.

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