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Monday, December 31, 2018

The final countdown

Got up way earlier than planned,  Gabriel was being himself this morning. This is the last entry for 2018. I set 3 main goals for the year: 1) No chocolate 2) No soda and 3) Write a blog post for every day this year. All 3 will be no completed tonight. Next year is weight loss year and not sure what else.
Going to get some coffee soon, it's going to be a long day.
Gave the boys food and they played for a bit, tossed out some old clothes that didn't fit Gabriel anymore and got ready.

Went to Costco and grabbed a few things for the house. Came to my sister's house and dried the boys clothes. Got some bad news about our dinner reservation for tonight and had to adjust. I went with my sister to Costco to get some food to make dinner for tonight. Came back and soon going home to get my wife to come back to my sister's.

Drove to my sister's,  had some ceviche and now waiting for dinner. My brother finally came over and we had dinner. Food was good, after Javi, Gabriel and Myrna played for a long time. I thought I was going to have to drop my mom off at home we got ready to leave around 8:45. But my brother said he would drop her off. I gave my wife the option to let me know when she was already to go. We left at 10. Got home, Gabriel was out cold. Javi was upset that he had to go to bed, but he was super tired. Now just hanging out.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

The penultimate day of 2018

Got up,  came out to the living room with the boys. Watched Paw Patrol with them and made breakfast.  Eggs, bacon, hash browns and coffee. Cut my hair,  shaved and went outside for a bit with everyone.

Was going to watch football,  but fell asleep for a bit while Gabriel was sleeping as well. Right now my wife went with Javi to get food and I arn here with Gabriel watching the rest of the 49ers game.
Stop me if you heard me say this, they lost.  It Kittle got the record for most receiving yards by a TE in a single season. So that was cool.

My Mom, Sister and brother in law came over for a bit. When they left my wife gave the boys a bath. We got them ready for bed and now trying to put Gabriel to sleep.
He went asleep pretty quick,  came out, changed and played a game with Javi and my  wife. He went to bed after. We watched some tv. I played a game of Madden and now off to bed. Tomorrow is the last day of 2018.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Last Saturday of 2018

Was woken up several times by Gabriel pinching my leg. Slapping my arm and trying to take my CPAP head gear off. Now up, about to make coffee and in a bit start cleaning the bathroom.
Cleaned the bathroom, vacuumed the living room, made the beds and took a shower. Played Madden while waiting for everyone to get ready.

Took off to get the boys haircuts and surprise, surprise Gabriel fell asleep in the car. So it will be a hair cut for one. Going to lunch after. We went to Red Robin's, Chuck E Cheese and to the park and came home. Took a quick nap and now Javi is trying to watch Mary Poppins.

I don't think that Javi is liking Mary Poppins. I went to Trader Joe's to pick up some things and headed back home. Hung out and put Gabriel to sleep, drew a few pictures with Javi and watched the end of a movie with my wife. I played a game of Madden and now going to bed.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Last Friday of the year

Got up, got the kids ready. Showered, put clothes to dry, washed my mother in laws clothes, folding more clothes. Now waiting for the last load to dry. Not sure what today will bring, we'll see.
Finished laundry around 11 and watched Sharknado 6. Now just hanging out.

My wife can by and she was able to get Gabriel to nap. He woke up when my mom got here,  now he is sleeping top of me. We are going to Target when he wakes up.
He got up, I got the car ready to go, my wife is meeting us down at Serramonte. I went with my Mom to Macy's to pick up her order and put it in the car. We went to the Disney store and picked up some clearance items for the house, a couple of plates, rolling pin and Mickey shaped ice packs. After we hit up Target for Gabriel's food and went to pick up some Chinese take out.

Cane home, played a bit, had dinner. Right now I am trying to put Gabriel to bed, so I can help Javi take a shower and play one game of Clue Jr. Before he goes to bed.
Didn't play Clue Jr. But we played the Disney  meme game. After Javi went to bed but woke up because he had a bad dream. My wife took him to bed, now I am watching Bird Box to see what the fuss is all about.

Thursday, December 27, 2018


Captain's log, it's day 6 of my time off of work and these kids are crazy. No, seriously it has been fun. Woke up. Got them ready, showered and now hanging out waiting for my mom to get here so we can go to My Busy Town. Hopefully Gabriel takes a nap.
He didn't,  my mom came over with Lil Will. Santi and Myrna.  They played a little here and we headed out to My Busy Town.

Got there and the kids played for around e hours. Javi was over the moon, Gabriel really liked it as well. After I made him a bottle for the road and drove to my sister's. My mom met us there after going to Costco for some pizza. Around 5 I came home with the kids.

Got home, played with the kids. Hung out with my wife. Put Gabriel to sleep and had dinner. Played a game with my wife and Javi and watched the rest of Fuller House. About to go to bed.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The day after

Gabriel had an interesting night. In the morning he got up and his foot was stuck in the crib. Brought him out. Very happy that the place I ordered the thropy from was able to edit the error for me in time. About to have breakfast, coffee and get everyone ready, going to drive my mom's car down to pick her up and maybe go do something.
Drove down to pick up my mom at my aunts house and went to Target. They have a sale on Christmas things so I got a Darth Vader for next year.

Came home and ate some delicious ham. With mashed potatoes and sweet rolls. Rested a bit and cleaned up Javi's playroom with him. Moved some things around and charged the four wheeler for Gabriel. Now trying to get Gabriel to nap so I can build the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for Javi.

My Mom went home to look for parking and  my wife came home a bit later. We went to Target in Colma to find a few items and get Gabriel some grub. We had in and out burgers and came home. Now just relaxing,  trying to put Gabriel to bed.
He went down quick,  brushed Javi's teeth and put him to bed. Watched the end of Infinity Wars part 1. Now off to bed. Taking the kids to My Busy Town tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas day

Got up, put clothes to dry. Made me a ham, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich. Cleaned up a bit and folded clothes.

Watched the Christmas Chronicles on Netflix, now watching Fuller House.
We went out to eat at Chevy's. Had a good meal, the server didn't charge us the food, so I went back to ask what was up with that since we didn't want to get him in trouble on Christmas. The manager said that for being honest the meal was on them. After we went to the park, we played for a bit and left quick, some little Chinese girl ran Javi over with her bike, she was flying around the park and almost hit me too after, I was close to kicking her bike when she passed by. But Javi is ok.

Got home, took a 20 minute nap, folded that of the clothes while my wife bathed the boys. Watched some more fuller house and now putting Gabriel to bed.
Got out and played Clue Jr with Javi and my wife. After the game brushed his teeth and he went off to bed. Watched tv and played a game of Madden before going to bed.

Monday, December 24, 2018

The night before Christmas

Got up around 7:30. Went to the living room, my wife went off to work. I started cleaning the bathroom, washed dishes, gave Javi breakfast and now going to shower before cleaning the living room.
My mom came by and I took off to Costco. Got some things and gas and came back home.

Put Gabriel to nap and my mom took Javi to hop n play. I met them over there with Gabriel. They played there, my brother and Myrna were there as well. I got some things at Target and played with the kids. After we came back home. About to watch MNF and hope the Raiders can keep Lindsey in check and Hamilton scores me some points.

Had a great dinner. Ham, mashed potatoes,  corn and Cesar salad. Started washing clothes. Finished watching the game and officially won, so the Jerichoholics are back on top and are champions! Putting Gabriel to sleep so I can have a celebratory drink!
He went to sleep, tool a shower, finished laundry and had my drink!
Wow it was such a stressful fantasy football season. I had to make 48 waiver wire moves and rely on rookies and some teams that I never thought I would help me. But I'm glad it's over and I got a hard fought victory.
Going to bed

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Championship Sunday

Feeling a lot better this morning. I felt really bad last night. Slept in my mother in laws room. Got up and played a bit with the kids before making coffee and breakfast.  My wife took off to go shopping I stayed in with the boys.

Went to lunch at the Outback steakhouse and after to Commodore park. After came home. Watching Sunday Night Football.

My wife went to Trader Joe's and I stayed with the kids. We were playing pillow fight and when my wife got home they had dinner. I put Gabriel to bed and came out to shower. Played with Javi for a bit and played a game of Madden before going to bed. Hopefully I will continue to get better. Off of work for the next 2 weeks

Saturday, December 22, 2018


Got up, made the kids breakfast. Cleaned out most of Javi's playrrim. Threw out about 6 bags and some bug play things. Packed up the play yard and went to go pick up my mom.

We watched Aquaman,  it was a fun movie. Kind of long, but fun. After we went back home to get my mom and the kids and I took them out to eat at Porterhouse. Had a really good meal

Drove my mom to church. I started to get a little dizzy, those vertigo symptoms are messing with me. Got home,  now resting.
Well, I ended up throwing up, went to lay down in the other room. Every one is asleep, now just going to change and go lay down again. I need this feeling to go away ASAP as possible

Friday, December 21, 2018

Last day of work this year

Made it, last day of work this year. Got up, got dressed, put clothes to dry, made coffee and drove to work. The roads are wet today, traffic was a bit slow, but manageable. Now parked. Today I have to go to the post office to send out the payment for Javi's extended care program and later go to lunch with Rudy's unit.
The morning was good, talked with my supervisor for a bit, went to send the money order for Javi's extended care program and went back to my desk.

Walked over to 1440 to meet up with Rudy and his unit for lunch.  We went to a nice place on 22nd and Valencia. We shared Paella and some other items. After we went back to 1440 and I hung out with a few people. After that I came home to pick up my wife so we can go get the boys.

Got to my sister's house and got the kids. Went to Popeye's to get dinner and headed home. Grabbed the clothes downstairs and put one more load to dry, washed bottles and dishes. Ate dinner, helped Javi shower and now putting Gabriel to bed. On a bit I will get the last of the clothes and watch The Polar Express with Javi.
We finished the movie, Javi enjoyed it. Going to be early, watching Aquaman tomorrow and going to dinner.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Almost done

Got up this morning, my nose still stuffed. It's irritating. Anyway, got ready, made my coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth and got parking. Waiting for time to walk to work. Have a meetings today in the morning and a unit meeting at 2. So tired, hope everything goes well.
The meeting went well, learned a bit and we'll see what role I am given. About to chill for about 30 minutes or so before going to eat my lunch.

Ate lunch and chilled. Went out for coffee and came back for my unit meeting. It the last one we will all be on this year. After I went to Target to get lunchables for Javi and went over to pick up the boys before coming home.

Got home, started washing dishes and bottles. Got Gabriel's bag ready and bathed him. Had dinner. Now trying to put him to sleep.
He fell asleep pretty quick, I went out to shower and when I was done, hung out a bit with Javi and  brushed his teeth and sent him to bed. Watched some tv and now off to bed

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Got up, was so tired. Wanted to stay in. But, have to end this week. Got ready and drove to work. Today we have the CF forum, mini part and I have a lunch with Tim and Kathleen. Today should be fun.
Morning went well, nothing to present in the forum. We had breakfast and did the white elephant game. I ended up with a $25 gift card and a box of chocolates. Good deal. About to head over to 1440.

Had a great lunch with Tim and Kathleen. I had Duck, after we exchanged gifts and I went upstairs to work on some things and help out some EWs. Went to go get coffee with Amilcar and headed home to take out the trash.

Went to go get the kids and to Target. I got a mini espresso machine. Need to get a few things for it. Will print out the manual tomorrow. Cleaned a bit and played a game of Madden,  now going to bed.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Ugly sweater day

It's cold. Got up before the alarm since Gabriel decided to act all strange this morning. Got ready, put clothes to dry. I think they messed up the washer downstairs, it was stuck with 1 minute left. Anyway, the drive to work was quick,  now waiting to walk to work.
Morning went slow,  we took off to lunch around 11:30.

Walked over to Espetus and had a good lunch. We ate and ate and ate some more. After I walked back to my car and came home. Will be finishing up laundry and waiting for my wife to get home to go get the kids.

Went to pick up the boys at my sister's house and came back home. Hanging out, about to watch some Fuller House before going to bed.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Last week of work this year

Woke up, got ready. Washed a bottle, made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was good, today starts the last week that I will be working this year. 5 more working days and I will be out for 2 weeks. Not sure if I have anything to do today. But I will find something. Wearing my Becky Lynch 'The Man' shirt today, all is well
Morning went super slow. I updated the 15% power point and the rest of the day was sssslllloooowwww

Ate tamales and went over to 1440 to drop some things off. Grabbed a coffee with Amilcar and chilled before going to pick up the kids. Came home after.

Watched RAW. Washed dishes. Bottles, clothes. Bathed Gabriel and put him to sleep. Showered and chilled before  bed.

Sunday, December 16, 2018


Got up to hang out with the boys. Ulisa went out with her friend to buy the items to make tamales. I had to run out to get some things for them as well. After I chilled watching football.

Watched a bit of the Niners game and drove out to San Jose with Javi to watch WWE TLC. It started around 3:20, it was a good show. Javi likes wrestling, but he is not into wrestling so he was getting bored and wanted to leave. I made a deal with him to last until around 7 and we would go.

We left early and drove home. Good thing too, Javi needs to go to bed, he has school tomorrow. It was also raining so it was best to head out early. Came home, washed dishes and bottles. Put Gabriel to sleep. The lights went out, so I helped Javi shower with a lantern for light, after he went to bed I showered and now since there is nothing to do, going to bed

Saturday, December 15, 2018


Got up, brought the kids out to the living room. Made Gabriel some cereal and watched some tv. He is having a bottle and I am about to play Madden.

We went to Costco real quick to get desserts and then to have lunch at Round table pizza. We went home after. I played one more game of Madden and we got ready to go to my sister's for the early Christmas dinner.

Stopped by at Starbucks to get my mom a gift card for her birthday and some coffee as well. We got to my sister's and we found parking. We had a good dinner, the kids got great gifts and we came home. Put Gabriel to sleep and later Javi went to bed. Watched a bit of tv and now going to bed. WWE TLC tomorrow for me and Javi

Friday, December 14, 2018

Finally Friday!!!

Got up, the night was ok. Got some good rest. Gabriel slept a lot. Got up, got dressed, put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth. Now parked and waiting for time to start walking over to work. Have a training today, hopefully it goes well.
The morning went well, I was able to meet with the AR for the training. She brought another person with her and we got some info that we needed.

Had lunch and watched the Good Place. Walked over to1440 and talked to Tim for a bit. Caught up with Karla for a bit, now helping Cynthia out with a few cases. Went to grab coffee and headed home.

Got home, picked up my wife and went to serramonte to get the kids. We hit up some stores and went to get some hamburgers and now we are at home. Put Gabriel to sleep and now going to write out some Christmas cards.
Showered and watched some tv, now going to bed

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Happy Birthday Pop

Gabriel woke up around 12ish, he was crying and inconsolable. My wife gave him milk and eventually put him down. I got up, got dressed, made coffee and headed out to work. Traffic was smooth, now parked waiting for time to go into work.
The morning was good, took it slow. Practiced on line with a program, helped a few EW's.

Had lunch, napped and got ready for my unit meeting. Found out there were multiple bomb threats through out the city, but they were not credible. Just finished the unit meeting, now waiting to go home.

Got home, on the way I called my Dad to wish him a happy birthday. Put the garbage away, made Gabriel some food, put the car seat back in the car. Put gas in the truck, drove to serramonte to meet my Mom and Sister to go to Dave and Buster's to meet My brother for Omar's birthday thing. After we came home. Played Madden and now off to bed.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

First day this week

Thank goodness Gabriel had a better night. He slept a lot. My wife and I slept well as well. When I woke up, my back was super hurting, it is really bad. Hopefully I can make it to work without issue. I don't know what today holds for me.
Got in and checked emails. I was told that I wouldn't be presenting this week at forum. Thank goodness. I want feeling it. Went to the meeting and back to my desk.

Walked over to 1440 real quick to get a donut, they had a bake sale, so I went over to support it. After I went to Walgreens and picked up the Christmas cards. Now back at work. Stomach is still acting up.
After work went home and took out the trash, waited for my wife to get home get the kids.

Went to Target and then to get the boys. Gabriel threw up in the car on the way home. I had to clean the car seat and wash his clothes. After cleaned up a bit and watched tv. Javi and my wife are just not helping with the cleaning, it's frustrating. I keep asking them to help out, even if it's a little at a time, like that we don't spend all day cleaning. Oh, well. Going to watch tv and go to bed

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Another day on the sidelines

Gabriel was not having an good nightmare he threw up twice and was just not feeling good. My wife and I were tired and it was a pain. We sent Javi to sleep with my mom for the night so he wouldn't lose sleep.
In the morning I called out and stayed with little man. I dropped Javi off a the portables for his before school program, grabbed some McDonald's for me and my mom and came home.
She helped by watching Gabriel while I took a much needed nap.

Got up and went to go check on the little guy. He didn't want to drink his milk, only water. He fell asleep. We both slept from 1:15 to about 3:55. It was glorious. Now waiting for my wife to get home and see about dinner.

Wife wanted tacos, so I went to get some food at the burrito shop. Came back had dinner, Gabriel fell asleep on my mom in the kitchen. Whatever he has, he has passed it on to me. My stomach is all over the place. Took some pain meds and hopefully I feel better tomorrow.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Bad start to the week

Gabriel threw up again around 4 am. I stayed in with him, we both woke up around 8. Been giving him some milk, pedialyte and water. So far he has been good. Later my mom is coming over so I can go wash the items he vomited on.

My mom and myrna got here, I took off after getting Gabriel set up. Went to wash the comforters and finish drying the clothes. I went to go get Javi and now back at home. Gabriel is napping with my mom. Javi and myrna are eating a late lunch.

My wife came home and Gabriel's progress regressed. He was doing ok all day, no throwing up, he napped. But when she came in he was acting up again. My brother came to pick up myrna. I tried putting Gabriel to bed. He slept for a bit. But later threw up again. He is still up, it is 11:05 PM. He needs to get better soon.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

The day after

Got up, went out for a bit to the living room. Cleaned and now going to wash bottles and going to shower.

Gabriel isn't feeling well. He has been throwing up and pooping a lot. Going to stay in with him tomorrow. We took a nap while watching the Niners game. They won. After the game my wife took Javi out for a bit to get some things while I stayed with little man.

Bathed Gabriel. Helped Javi shower, watched some football and right before  ed Gabriel threw up all over my beard, neck and shoulder. Cleaned up and my wife is putting him down, going to shower to get rid of this stench.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

My Mom's Birthday

Got up, cleaned the bed. Washed dishes. Showered, got ready to go to my dentist appointment. It's my Mom's birthday today, I will call her after the appointment.
Appointment went well, as always. Called my mom and went home to get ready to go to San Jose.

We got to Charles new place, it was nice. He gave us a tour. We went to eat at a BBQ place and went back there before heading to winter fest.

We got to Great America,  the line was long to get in. It took us a bit to find parking, pass security and get into the park.  It once we did we had fun. It was a bit cold, but it was not that bad. We saw a few shows, got on a few rides and wrote letters to Santa. After we came home, the kids fell asleep in the car. I brought them in and now we are all going to bed. Long fun day.

Friday, December 7, 2018

We're here

Got up, Gabriel was still sleeping. Went to get ready, made my coffee and headed out to work. The drive was good, smooth. I got good parking and now waiting to walk to work.
Today has been a total wasted day for me, I only made copies in the morning.

Went quickly to get lunch at the lunch they had here and came back to chill. Literally have been doing nothing except watching Netflix. About to go home and see what we do.

Went to go get the kids and we went with my sister to Red Lobster. Had a good meal, dropped her off at home and came back to finish up laundry. About to watch some tv and go to bed. Dentist appointment tomorrow.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Close to the weekend

Gabriel didn't want to go back to sleep after he woke up. I grabbed him and put my arm around him and he got comfy and fell asleep. I woke up at 5:45 and went to get ready. Washed a bottle, made my coffee and headed out to work. It's cold out this morning, but the drive was good. Now parked and waiting for time to start walking. Today is clear form me until about 2 PM when we have our unit meeting.

Had lunch, finished the Office. Waiting for our unit meeting. That went well, I was officially assigned the training for the BCW rehab applications, so I was working on that for a bit. After I went to get the boys and headed home.

Picked up my wife and went to Tanforan to take pictures with Santa Claus. We still have to take a picture with our holiday pjs for our Christmas card. Put Gabriel and Javi to bed and now watching some tv before bed. One more day this week.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Hump day

Woke up, my stomach hurts. It may be a long day due to that. I put Gabriel in bed before going to get ready for work. My morning routine was complete and I drove to work. It was raining on and off,  but in found good parking. Now waiting for time to start walking.
The morning was good. Checked in and went to the forum. I didn't have to present today.

They came to install a program on my computer. I got my next assignment, it will be training Rehab facilities on how to apply for their clients online. After I came home.

Had to run out to Safeway to get some sensitive baby wipes. Now we are waiting for a food delivery. Ate some food, played with the kids. Put Gabriel to bed,  got Javi ready for bed and watched some TV with my wife. Showered and about to go to sleep.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Slept ok, could have used more. Got up, washed bottles,  put clothes to drive. It's double star day, so I stopped by Starbucks to get coffee and a pastry. The drive was ok, parked and waiting for my time to start walking. Somewhat busy day today. Ending the day at 1440.
The morning went well, there was a bit of an issue on one of the slides that we did. Our supervisor told us a process and it turns out that was not accurate.

Had lunch, walked over to 1440. Chatted with Kathleen and Tim for a bit. Went upstairs to drop off some copies and talked to Amilcar. I went to edit some items for the forum tomorrow and I took some time to talk to Karla about last week's training.
I visited with Maria and Cynthia and went to my meeting, after I came home to out clothes to wash and dry and went to get the boys.

Picked them up and came home. Did more laundry, now putting Gabriel to bed. Have to do one more drying before it may be done.
Gabriel went down, little bit of work but fine,  Javi fell asleep fast as well. Grabbed the last of the laundry and watched tv.

Monday, December 3, 2018

3 more weeks

The night was ok, Gabriel had a bit if trouble sleeping, but I think we all rested ok. I got up, got ready, washed dishes and a bottle, made my coffee and headed to work. Parked and waiting for time to start walking. 3 more weeks of work for me this year. The countdown begins.
The morning was good. I did some wrap up on the trainings from last week for our site. After I went to eat lunch.

Ate, watched the Office and played a bit of Candy Crush. Walked over to Peet's to get an iced coffee,  about to go back in to work. Time to run out the clock. Drove home and changed the light bulb in the room, changed the sheets, started laundry.

Went to get the kids at my sister's. After we went to Target. Came home, made dinner, cleaned a bit. Put Gabriel to sleep, helped Javi get ready for bed. Watched some tv with my wife and now getting ready for bed.

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Got up, pit Gabriel in bed with us. He slept a bit more. We all got up, I cleaned the bathroom and vacuumed the living room, cleaned the bed and showered. We were getting ready to go to Costco.

Costco run done. Back home. Put Gabriel down for a nap. Watching the Niners game, waiting for time to go to the airport to pick up my sister's traveling group. So far today my Fantasy Football team has pretty much taken a dump on the field. Oh well.
I went to pick up my sister and came back home. My wife took Javi to the movies to watch Wreck it Ralph 2. I stayed back with Gabriel.

Had a good time with Gabriel. Was watching football pretty much all day. I need Jordan Reed to have a great game on MNF. About to try and put the kids to sleep and watch some tv before bed.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

It's the 1st of the month

Got up, brought the kids out to the living room. Cleaned up a bit. Waiting for comcast to show up to change the modem. Tired, want to sleep more. I was able to wrap up some gifts and now watching tv. Later we have a party to go to.
The guy from comcast came by and he installed the new equipment. Everything is working well. I went to get lunch at Chili's and came home.

After lunch we hung out here. I watch Starcade and just chilled. Took a shower and later we will be heading out to a party.

We got to Amilcar and Olga's house, 1st ones there as always. Everyone else showed up and we had fun catching up. It's  been some time since we all got together. We had our gift exchange,  I got a toaster and Ulisa a crock pot. Javi and Gabriel opened up their gifts, they enjoyed them. After we came home. Going to bed soon.