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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday, one day closer

I didn't have a good night. I kept waking up and going back to sleep. Gabriel was in the bed so I was mindful of not squashing him or anything. I got up officially and got dressed,  put clothes to dry and washed the bottles. I made coffee and drove to work.
The drive in was smooth. Now parked. I start at 1440 today to get the presentation completed and submitted for review.
The morning was good, I got to work, checked emails and updated my power point to align with what the theme was. I had a good chat with Cynthia and worked on a few cases before having my pizza for lunch.

Went to Costco with Amilcar and got a box of cheez-its for Javi's birthday loot bags. Just submitted the first draft of the power point for the CF training. Now waiting for feedback. At 3 we have a pre-forum meeting. After that I go home and get the boys ready to head out to Target to get formula and the other items for the loot bags and I might just get the items for the Disneyland trip next week. 

Got home, went with the boys to Target and jack in the box. Came home, ate dinner and bathed both of them. Right now put Gabriel to sleep, about to go shower. After I got out I got Javi ready for bed watched some tv.  Now going to bed.

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