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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Javi's Birthday party

Got up and brought the kids out to the living room. Made them eggs and ate my nacatamale. We headed out to get Javi a hair cut and pick up his cake. When we got back home I showered and got ready to go to the party.

Chuck E cheese was great. Javi had a wonderful time. His cake was the best one there, he was so happy with his party and that his school friends got there. After we came home and are now resting.

Was hanging out, ate my Baho and my wife wanted Taco Bell. I went out to get her some at apparently the slowest one in the area. Got home, played with the kids and now putting Gabriel to sleep. He hasn't really napped so hopefully he stays asleep all night.
After he went to sleep, I helped Javi with some homework, took a shower and now going to bed.

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