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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Hump day... another day closer

Got up before the alarm. Got ready and made my coffee and drove to work. There was a bit if traffic so I got off the exit before I went via the streets. Parked and now waiting. Today Karla and I have to do 2 training presentations. Hopefully today goes by fast.
Got to 1440 and waited for Karla to get here. When she did we went over to the IHSS building and conducted our 1st training of the day and it went well.

I treated Karla out to lunch for her upcoming birthday. We had sandwiches a d they were good. At 1 we returned to do the 2nd training and that one went well. After we came back to 1440, about to go home and then get the kids.

Got home and waited for my wife so we could switch the cars. She was going to a work thing and I was going to get the kids. I went to my sister's house and picked up the boys and came home. Fed the kids and put Gabriel to bed. When my wife came home and we watched some tv and now going to bed. 2 more days for Javi's birthday and one week for the Disneyland trip

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