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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Go time

Got up a bit early. Got ready, washed bottles and headed off to work. A quick stop at Starbucks for Double Star Day and drove to work. The ride was smooth. Today I have to go over some MC topic, have lunch with Rebekah and meet with Monika at 1440. Today should be fun.

Spent a little time editing my portion then MC presentation. Attended the forum meeting and did my thing. After I helped a few people on line and went out to lunch.

Met Rebekah and Cynthia over at Menorah for some thai food. We had a good lunch, after we went back to 1440 I met with Monika for a bit and helped some folks out with some questions. After I headed home to wait for my wife to get there. While in waited I took out the trash.

We went to get the boys at my sister's house. We hung out for a bit and came home.  I bathed Gabriel and practiced sight words with Javi. Now watching tv with my wife and going to bed.

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