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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Middle of the week

Got up a few minutes after my alarm went off. Got dressed, made coffee and headed to work. The drive was good, smooth until I got near my exit so I got off the exit before. Now waiting to go in, forum today and not sure what else.
The morning here at 1440 went well. I didn't present at the forum here. I stopped by to talk to a few people before working again.

Went to Costco to walk around and got a hot dog. Back here hanging out with Amilcar and about to go upstairs and work on more things.
I was able to edit and submit my portion of the follow up trainings for ABAWD work requirements. After I headed home.

Drove to get gas, got home took out the trash and showered. Waiting for my wife to get home as we are meeting my family over at Chevy's for dinner celebrating Charles birthday.
We met everyone at the restaurant and had a good dinner. After I dropped my wife and the kids home and went to go drop off my mom at home. When I came home we watched a bit of tv. I put Javi to bed and now going to shower and sleep.

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