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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Mini Friday

Gabriel was in bed with us and he was moving a lot. When I woke up I put some pillows around him and started getting dressed. I made coffee and took off. The drive was ok, it was smooth until close to where I park someone merged into my lane and almost hit the car. But luckily it didn't and now I am parked and waiting to head out to work.
The morning was good, checked emails and worked on a project. I took a break and chilled, they moved our unit meeting from a teleconference to a face to face meeting at 1440.

Ate my sandwich and chilled, walked over to 1440, I was talking to Amilcar and Jamila about work things. At 2 I went to my meeting, we were asked about the CF training and I already submitted my part, waiting on Monika to finish hers. I also found out that the MC policy group will has access to me for a bit to help them out with some things. After the meeting I headed home.

Got home, waited for the kids to get dropped off. We played outside for a bit. I have to go pick up Gabriel's stroller and Javi's lunch box after I put Gabriel to sleep.
I went to go pick up the things, got me a milkshake and came home. Took a shower, drew a few pictures for Javi, played a game of Madden and went to bed.

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