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Sunday, September 9, 2018


Got up around 7:15, took a shower and got ready. Woke everyone up so we could get on the road. After a stop at Starbucks we headed to the Pepper mill to get some winnings Charles had. Now we are on the road. Close to being halfway there.
We listened to the Niners game and were trying to find out about other games due to fantasy football. We stopped to eat at Carl's jr.

We saw a bit of the game there, we left Frankie in the car and when we were done we continued our journey. The Niners lost, but it's something they need to build on. When we got back to the city we dropped off Amilcar and Franklin, headed to a quick vist to see Kuya Wilson and pay respects for the anniversary of his passing and finally I was home. Charles, Brian and Arnel left and I waited for my wife and kids to get back.

They came back and we played for a bit. We went to Red Lobster to eat dinner. It was not a good experience. Javi was hungry so he was acting out and Gabriel was being Gabriel. The food tool so long to come out. It was not a dinner today. After we came home,  I bathed both boys, right now put Gabriel to sleep about to wash and sanitize bottles a d see if I cut my hair and shower.
Didn't cut my hair. Showered and helped Javi with sight words. Watched tv with my wife and played a game of Madden 19 before drawing a pictures for Javi and now going to bed.

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