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Monday, September 24, 2018

Javi's birthday week begins

Got up, got dressed, made coffee and drove to work. This week is Javi's birthday week! Last night his gift came in, so we have to hide it and pack it. Later today hopefully we can go get the items for Javi's class mates. Today I have to finish the update to the power point and check on Monika to see where she is at with her part of the project.
Got in and I was able to complete my portion of the project, connected with Monika to have her finish hers.

Had lunch and watched Ocean's 8. Helped a few people with cases and now waiting to go home and pick up my wife before we get the kids. We need to finally go get the items we need at the dollar tree for Javi's class loot bags.

Nighttime :
Got home and waited for my wife, we took off to get the kids who were eating at the time. We left and hit up the Dollar tree and got the items and headed home. When we got here I read to Javi for his homework and he went to draw and color the picture he needed to draw. Right now just finished putting Gabriel to sleep.  About to go out to wash dishes. Tool a shower and chilled. About to go to bed.

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