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Friday, September 21, 2018


Woke up a few times, not sure why. Got up, got dressed, put clothes to dry, washed the bottle, made coffee and headed to work. There was slight traffic but not too bad. Parked and waiting for go time to start walking to work. Going to try and get some things done today.
Got in and started checking emails and working on some things. I went to the post office to get a money order for Javi's school  program and went back to work.

Ate lunch that my Aunt Myriam sent me and later left to walk to 1440 to meet with Monika. We met and I gave her direction on what to do with the project and I was able to complete about 70% of a new thing they wanted me to add. After I drove home.

We needed to get Gabriel some formula. So we went to Tanforan and Javi rode the electric scooter monkey, we ate at Hooters and played at the arcade before getting the formula and other items and headed home.
I put Gabriel to sleep and took a shower. My wife went to bed early, I stayed up and played a game of Madden. Now it's bed time

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