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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sunday game day

Got up and took the kids to the living room. My mother in law made the boys pancakes and I cleaned out the fridge. After we were playing outside and i cleaned the inside of the pathfinder for the trip. I was also able to pack my things for the trip as well.
We played with water balloons. Javi and Gabriel had a blast.

Give Gabriel his bottle and he is napping. 49ers game will start soon. My wife got us Chevy's for lunch. My sister came over for a bit to visit. The Niners lost 29-27. During the 4th quarter we went out to a Pumpkin Patch and to Target. Then we came home.

Cleaned up a bit, changed Gabriel and put him to bed. Had Javi do his homework and now watching some tv before bed.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Javi's Birthday party

Got up and brought the kids out to the living room. Made them eggs and ate my nacatamale. We headed out to get Javi a hair cut and pick up his cake. When we got back home I showered and got ready to go to the party.

Chuck E cheese was great. Javi had a wonderful time. His cake was the best one there, he was so happy with his party and that his school friends got there. After we came home and are now resting.

Was hanging out, ate my Baho and my wife wanted Taco Bell. I went out to get her some at apparently the slowest one in the area. Got home, played with the kids and now putting Gabriel to sleep. He hasn't really napped so hopefully he stays asleep all night.
After he went to sleep, I helped Javi with some homework, took a shower and now going to bed.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Javi turns 6

I got up at the same as usual. I have the day off but I wanted to get a jump start on the laundry to get that out of the way early so I can either nap or watch Skyscraper.
Tried going back to sleep, but Gabriel had moved into a strange position and I couldn't go back to seelp. We all woke up, wished Javi a Happy Birthday! Sang to him and I got the loot bags and yogurts ready and took him to school. I came back home to watch the movie, but I fell asleep on the couch. I was out. I'm talking about drooling out. Now going to get Gabriel.

Got Gabriel and came home. He didn't want to have a bottle or take a nap. We went to get Javi at school and came home for a bit before the dr appointment. When time rolled around we went to Kaiser and Javi got a physical and all 3 of us got the flu shot. Javi was brave, eventhough he was nervous. After we came home and chilled, played a game and waited for my wife to get home.

We headed out to serramonte to take Javi to Dave and Buster's. My Mom, sister, niece and nephew with his girlfriend were there as well. Javi got to play some games and eat, after we hit up Target to get Gabriel formula, I was able to score a few shirts and now we at home. Trying to put Gabriel to bed. I still need to shower and I want to watch the last 40 minutes of Skyscraper.
I was able to shower and now relaxing. About to go to bed. Javi's party is tomorrow

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Thursday, the day before

Got up, my hip was hurting. Slept in a bad position.  Took me a minute to get up and stop the hurting. Got ready, washed then sanitized  bottles, made coffee and headed to work. No traffic, now parked and waiting to start walking.
Got in and checked email and answered a few. I was assigned to go to a meeting. The meeting was ok, the lady kept calling me Edson for some reason, I was going to correct her, but the horror in other people's faces made me not want to and let it go. After I did some research and went to lunch.

Our unit meeting was face to face this time due to it being Karla's birthday on Saturday.  We got some feedback on the training materials and we will practice the presentation on Tuesday. After work I picked up some food and came home.

My mom came over to drop off the kids. She stayed a bit with Myrna and after they went home. My wife bathed both boys while  I did the laundry, I dressed Gabriel and pit him to bed. I had to run out to get the final things for Javi's loot bags for his classmates. Got that ready and now watching tv and about to go to bed.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Hump day... another day closer

Got up before the alarm. Got ready and made my coffee and drove to work. There was a bit if traffic so I got off the exit before I went via the streets. Parked and now waiting. Today Karla and I have to do 2 training presentations. Hopefully today goes by fast.
Got to 1440 and waited for Karla to get here. When she did we went over to the IHSS building and conducted our 1st training of the day and it went well.

I treated Karla out to lunch for her upcoming birthday. We had sandwiches a d they were good. At 1 we returned to do the 2nd training and that one went well. After we came back to 1440, about to go home and then get the kids.

Got home and waited for my wife so we could switch the cars. She was going to a work thing and I was going to get the kids. I went to my sister's house and picked up the boys and came home. Fed the kids and put Gabriel to bed. When my wife came home and we watched some tv and now going to bed. 2 more days for Javi's birthday and one week for the Disneyland trip

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday, one day closer

I didn't have a good night. I kept waking up and going back to sleep. Gabriel was in the bed so I was mindful of not squashing him or anything. I got up officially and got dressed,  put clothes to dry and washed the bottles. I made coffee and drove to work.
The drive in was smooth. Now parked. I start at 1440 today to get the presentation completed and submitted for review.
The morning was good, I got to work, checked emails and updated my power point to align with what the theme was. I had a good chat with Cynthia and worked on a few cases before having my pizza for lunch.

Went to Costco with Amilcar and got a box of cheez-its for Javi's birthday loot bags. Just submitted the first draft of the power point for the CF training. Now waiting for feedback. At 3 we have a pre-forum meeting. After that I go home and get the boys ready to head out to Target to get formula and the other items for the loot bags and I might just get the items for the Disneyland trip next week. 

Got home, went with the boys to Target and jack in the box. Came home, ate dinner and bathed both of them. Right now put Gabriel to sleep, about to go shower. After I got out I got Javi ready for bed watched some tv.  Now going to bed.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Javi's birthday week begins

Got up, got dressed, made coffee and drove to work. This week is Javi's birthday week! Last night his gift came in, so we have to hide it and pack it. Later today hopefully we can go get the items for Javi's class mates. Today I have to finish the update to the power point and check on Monika to see where she is at with her part of the project.
Got in and I was able to complete my portion of the project, connected with Monika to have her finish hers.

Had lunch and watched Ocean's 8. Helped a few people with cases and now waiting to go home and pick up my wife before we get the kids. We need to finally go get the items we need at the dollar tree for Javi's class loot bags.

Nighttime :
Got home and waited for my wife, we took off to get the kids who were eating at the time. We left and hit up the Dollar tree and got the items and headed home. When we got here I read to Javi for his homework and he went to draw and color the picture he needed to draw. Right now just finished putting Gabriel to sleep.  About to go out to wash dishes. Tool a shower and chilled. About to go to bed.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Football Sunday

Up and waiting for the Niners game to start at 10. Kick off happened and I guess the Niners were not ready at all. They were down early and didn't wake up until the 2nd half and it looks like they lost Jimmy G to a torn ACL.

We went to the park to play for a bit. After we ate lunch at the Outback Steakhouse and had ice cream for dessert at Baskin Robin's. We came home and I fell asleep for a bit.

Ny wife bathed both boys and we went out real quick to trader Joe's to get some things. Javi insisted he wanted Kale for dinner and we got it for him and he was disappointed to find out kale was kale.
Right now trying to put Gabriel to bed.
He didn't go to sleep, my wife put him in the bed and he fell asleep quick. I read Javi a book and helped him with his homework. After I watch the Won't you be my neighbor? Documentary on Mister Rogers.  About to go to bed, busy week, Javi's birthday is on Friday.

Saturday, September 22, 2018


Up since 6:30 in the morning since the kids have no snooze buttons. Been up and playing, watching YouTube and just put Gabriel down for a nap. About to see if Javi wants to nap. He wasn't feeling to well this morning.
My wife and I took a nap and we were just lazy for the rest of the day. we spent part of the day outside with the kids playing basketball and using chalk to draw. We got ready and headed out.

We went to Serramonte to visit Arnel and Brian who were selling at the Card and Collectables show. Had a nice chat with Priscilla and walked around a bit. We got back home and rested before heading out to the bowling alley.

We dropped off the boys to my mom at my sister's house. We followed my sister to my brother in laws house and drove to the bowling alley. We had drinks that were inspired by Arrested Development and some for before the birthday boy came in and was surprised. We bowled 2 games before heading back to get the kids. Came home, put them to bed. I stayed up to wash dishes and put things away. Now going to bed.

Friday, September 21, 2018


Woke up a few times, not sure why. Got up, got dressed, put clothes to dry, washed the bottle, made coffee and headed to work. There was slight traffic but not too bad. Parked and waiting for go time to start walking to work. Going to try and get some things done today.
Got in and started checking emails and working on some things. I went to the post office to get a money order for Javi's school  program and went back to work.

Ate lunch that my Aunt Myriam sent me and later left to walk to 1440 to meet with Monika. We met and I gave her direction on what to do with the project and I was able to complete about 70% of a new thing they wanted me to add. After I drove home.

We needed to get Gabriel some formula. So we went to Tanforan and Javi rode the electric scooter monkey, we ate at Hooters and played at the arcade before getting the formula and other items and headed home.
I put Gabriel to sleep and took a shower. My wife went to bed early, I stayed up and played a game of Madden. Now it's bed time

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Mini Friday

Gabriel was in bed with us and he was moving a lot. When I woke up I put some pillows around him and started getting dressed. I made coffee and took off. The drive was ok, it was smooth until close to where I park someone merged into my lane and almost hit the car. But luckily it didn't and now I am parked and waiting to head out to work.
The morning was good, checked emails and worked on a project. I took a break and chilled, they moved our unit meeting from a teleconference to a face to face meeting at 1440.

Ate my sandwich and chilled, walked over to 1440, I was talking to Amilcar and Jamila about work things. At 2 I went to my meeting, we were asked about the CF training and I already submitted my part, waiting on Monika to finish hers. I also found out that the MC policy group will has access to me for a bit to help them out with some things. After the meeting I headed home.

Got home, waited for the kids to get dropped off. We played outside for a bit. I have to go pick up Gabriel's stroller and Javi's lunch box after I put Gabriel to sleep.
I went to go pick up the things, got me a milkshake and came home. Took a shower, drew a few pictures for Javi, played a game of Madden and went to bed.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Middle of the week

Got up a few minutes after my alarm went off. Got dressed, made coffee and headed to work. The drive was good, smooth until I got near my exit so I got off the exit before. Now waiting to go in, forum today and not sure what else.
The morning here at 1440 went well. I didn't present at the forum here. I stopped by to talk to a few people before working again.

Went to Costco to walk around and got a hot dog. Back here hanging out with Amilcar and about to go upstairs and work on more things.
I was able to edit and submit my portion of the follow up trainings for ABAWD work requirements. After I headed home.

Drove to get gas, got home took out the trash and showered. Waiting for my wife to get home as we are meeting my family over at Chevy's for dinner celebrating Charles birthday.
We met everyone at the restaurant and had a good dinner. After I dropped my wife and the kids home and went to go drop off my mom at home. When I came home we watched a bit of tv. I put Javi to bed and now going to shower and sleep.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

So sleepy

Got up a little late. Got ready, put the clothes to dry, made coffee and made a bottle for Gabriel before leaving. The drive in was good, but I felt so tired and sleepy. Now parked and waiting for time to start walking.
Got to my desk, signed in. I was so sleepy, I think I fell asleep. I went to take a break and napped. I was able to finish 2 scenarios, need to do a 3rd. Going to the pre forum meeting later. Talked to my supervisor and he said I would be presenting tomorrow at 1440 so I should be here all day tomorrow.

Picked up my sandwich that I ordered from Ted's. It was a delicious pork sandwich that I tore up fast. Now at 1440 going to finish up some work and go to a meeting. The meeting was good, we were done by 3:45. I submitted my scenarios and power point again for review. I think my part is done and it is awesome. After I came home.

Got home and waited for my wife to get in and we headed out to Target. We got some formula and diapers for Gabriel and some food for the house. Everyone ate dinner except for me, was not really hungry. I put Gabriel down for bed and now going to shower.
After I watched Smackdown live and played a game of Madden and now off to sleep

Monday, September 17, 2018

Getting closer

Got up, really not feeling good. My hip, sciatic nerve and chest are not doing well. I really should have called out, but I would not get rest at home since they would try to have Gabriel stay home as well. Not sure what this week holds, but I know I have to work on the CF training and possibly make scenarios for the ABAWD training.
I was able to check email and submit my time sheet for this, next and the week after which has my time off. Our trip to Disneyland is coming up real soon. But first we are celebrating Javi's birthday.

Ate lunch, chilled and just relaxed. I was able to catch up on some wwe network shows I wanted to watch and did some research to end the day. I was also able to start reading the Jim Ross book Sloberknocker. After I went to my sister's to pick up the kids and dropped my mom off at home and picked up dinner.

Got home,  ate dinner, played with the kids. It's bath day so my wife is doing that while the laundry is going. It took a while for Gabriel to go to sleep, I had taken a shower and finished up the laundry. My mother in law accidentally threw out the paper pigs I made for Javi, so now I have to draw them all over again. I did a few and after watching Raw it's bed time. One more day closer to Disneyland

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Hell in a Cell

It's 7, we are up. The alarm clocks Javi and Gabriel do not have snooze buttons. Went back to sleep for a bit. Got up and had some coffee, we went around to block with the kids on their bikes. We started to get ready while Gabriel was napping.

We had lunch at Benihana and I watched the Niners game from my phone. After we went to the park for a bit. When we got home the game was in the 4th quarter and Hell in a Cell was on the pre show. The Niners won, barely. They need to get it together.

The pay per view was good. I fell asleep I think after I saw Becky Lynch win her match. Me and Gabriel were napping on the couch. When I got up, I woke him up and finished watching the show. Gabriel ate, Javi ate, I showered and now putting Gabriel to sleep.
He fell asleep and I went out to the living room. Washed Javi's teeth and he went to bed, about an hour later he was crying in bed and we had him come out to the living room to calm him down. After he did he went to sleep. Now it's bed time for me, another work week starts tomorrow.

Big night

Got up and hung out with the kids while my wife slept. I made breakfast for us and we played for a while. We for ready to go to swim class. There was a lot of traffic on th way due to an event in the city.
Swimming was fun, Javi and Gabriel did great. After we went to the farmer's market and had some tamales and peanuts, not a big fan of either.

We went to Serramonte to have lunch and walk around. We went to the Disney store, Giants dugout and Target. We found the Incredible costumes and after we came home to rest before dinner.

We attended Arnel and Priscilla's wedding reception. It was really fun. We saw a lot of people and met some as well. It was a fun event. After we came home and went to sleep early.

Friday, September 14, 2018

End of the work week

Gabriel slept in the bed and was moving a lot until close to 4. I got up and went to get ready for work. Washed and made a bottle, put clothes to dry, made my coffee and headed out. The drive was good. I found good parking, now waiting for time to start the walk to work. Going to start at my desk and finish at 1440.
The morning went well, cleaned up a few screen shots and went to Walgreens to get the card for Arnel and Priscilla. I also ordered a cake for our breakfast reservation   at Disney for the boys. Pretty soon I will be helping someone out with a case and going to lunch and off to 1440.

Got to 1440 and hung out. Went to Costco with Amilcar and came back. I have been hanging out ever since. Waiting for my co worker to be ready to discuss the training materials. But I don't think she will be ready today, so I'm doing other things. Took a break and took off to go to my car and drive home.

Waited for my wife to get home, she was going to the Giants game. After she left I got the boys ready and we headed out to Javi's school to watch Dispicable Me 3 for a PTA event. Gabriel fell asleep in the car so he is sleeping in the stroller right now. Javi is sitting with his friend and watching the movie.
We left around 8:20, got home. Had Javi change to his PJs and changed Gabriel and put him to bed. After that I showered and helped Javi wash his teeth and put him to bed. My wife came home from the Giants game. They won 2-0. Now about to go to bed

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thursday thoughts

Woke up a few times. Not sure why, but went to go get ready and drove to work. The drive was smooth up until close to my exit, so I had to exit before and took the streets. Now just waiting, starting at 1440 today.

Everything went well, I got to work and met up with Amilcar and Cynthia so we could go get coffee at Peet's. We had a good morning. I was able to get a lot of screen shots and I was able to finish my edits for my power point. I helped Kathleen with going over the last ABAWD training.

I had lunch and made the mistake of going to Costco. I bought Gabriel an outfit and got me some FILA shoes. When I got back we had our meeting and I just chilled the rest of the day and drove to get the kids at my sister's.

Got home and hung out with the kids. We had dinner and I tried putting Gabriel down but ye wasn't having it. I took a shower and now trying again to put him to sleep.
He fell asleep and I came out to the livingroom. Javi wanted me to draw him more pigs, so I did. Watched a couple of shows and now going to bed.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Go time

Got up a bit early. Got ready, washed bottles and headed off to work. A quick stop at Starbucks for Double Star Day and drove to work. The ride was smooth. Today I have to go over some MC topic, have lunch with Rebekah and meet with Monika at 1440. Today should be fun.

Spent a little time editing my portion then MC presentation. Attended the forum meeting and did my thing. After I helped a few people on line and went out to lunch.

Met Rebekah and Cynthia over at Menorah for some thai food. We had a good lunch, after we went back to 1440 I met with Monika for a bit and helped some folks out with some questions. After I headed home to wait for my wife to get there. While in waited I took out the trash.

We went to get the boys at my sister's house. We hung out for a bit and came home.  I bathed Gabriel and practiced sight words with Javi. Now watching tv with my wife and going to bed.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Another day

Got up, got dressed. Washed some dishes and put clothes to dry. Before I left I made a bottle for Gabriel. The drive was good, smooth no real traffic. About to nap until it's time to start the walk to work.

Got to work and checked in. Started to do research on sponsor deeming for the training we have to do. I got about half way through the power point and sent it to my supervisor to review if it was ok. I took a break to give Rebekah her birthday gift and talked with Kathleen for a bit before coming back to work.

Ate lunch. Watched a bit of a show and went to work on the power point again. I had to go to a meeting at 1440 so I did that and talked to Maria, Rebekah and Cynthia before I drove home.

We went to Target and to get in-and-out burger and came home. I wrote a quick note for Javi to see if he recognized the sight words, he got a lot of them. Gabriel has been sleeping since we got home. Going to watch Smackdown live and Better Call Saul and go to bed.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Back at work

Had an ok night. My wife was snoring and kept waking herself up and blaming me saying I was snoring. I was finally able to get some sleep and then Gabriel woke up and I decided to get ready to go to work. The drive was good, I am just tired. Have somethings to do today that are due next week.

I was able to clear up some things regarding my assignment. I created the first draft to my power point. I also started doing research for the CF training coming up. I didn't bring lunch so I am going to look for something later.

I got a Turkey wrap from walgreen's, it was ok. I set up some items that I needed to do to send for approval for a potential presentation. Now I am waiting to get out of here. Don't know if I am going home first to get my wife, or going straight to get the kids and drop my mom off.
Got to my sisters and got the kids, picked up my mom at Ford and took her home and finally headed home myself.

Made pizza for dinner, some pasta for lunch tomorrow. Played with the kids. Helped Javi with his sight words and fed Gabriel. Fell asleep on the couch for a bit, now in bed. Goodnight

Sunday, September 9, 2018


Got up around 7:15, took a shower and got ready. Woke everyone up so we could get on the road. After a stop at Starbucks we headed to the Pepper mill to get some winnings Charles had. Now we are on the road. Close to being halfway there.
We listened to the Niners game and were trying to find out about other games due to fantasy football. We stopped to eat at Carl's jr.

We saw a bit of the game there, we left Frankie in the car and when we were done we continued our journey. The Niners lost, but it's something they need to build on. When we got back to the city we dropped off Amilcar and Franklin, headed to a quick vist to see Kuya Wilson and pay respects for the anniversary of his passing and finally I was home. Charles, Brian and Arnel left and I waited for my wife and kids to get back.

They came back and we played for a bit. We went to Red Lobster to eat dinner. It was not a good experience. Javi was hungry so he was acting out and Gabriel was being Gabriel. The food tool so long to come out. It was not a dinner today. After we came home,  I bathed both boys, right now put Gabriel to sleep about to wash and sanitize bottles a d see if I cut my hair and shower.
Didn't cut my hair. Showered and helped Javi with sight words. Watched tv with my wife and played a game of Madden 19 before drawing a pictures for Javi and now going to bed.

Saturday, September 8, 2018


I woke up to a phone call from my nephew asking if I could go get him outside since he lost his room key. It was 6:30 am. When we got back to the room in tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. We all, except my nephew went to eat breakfast at Peg's. I ordered an omelet, it was big. In ate half because the alcohol I had in my system was still dancing around I didn't want to push it.
We got back to the room and Arnel wanted to go to Walmart. So we took a quick trip and got a few things. After we came back to the room.

I decided to take a nap. It was a good call. About to try to nap again. Didn't nap but took a shower a d got ready. We had a long conversation about what happened last night and cleared some things up. We went to the Pepper Mill and ate at the buffet. It was really good. Right now we are back in the room waiting for the entertainment.

Well, the entertainment came and we had a good time. They were really nice and friendly. They did their thing and went on their way. Charles and Franklin went out together, Arnel and Brian went to the Casino, Amilcar and I stayed in. We are tired and honestly ready to go home. This has been an interesting trip and one that may need to be reevaluated for a potential next trip. Going to bed. Can't wait to get home to see my wife and kids.

Friday, September 7, 2018


Well, we made it. It's the day of our trip to Reno. Got up, showered and took Gabriel to the Dr. He has a 101.6 degree fever, has been under the weather the past few days. I said goodbye to Javi and secretly left him some drawings I did for him. After the appointment I hit up Costco and the bank and now home. Gabriel fell asleep in the car and is still asleep. Go time is 11 am. It's getting close.

On the drive to Reno, there is traffic, which sucks. But so it goes. We got to the hotel and hit the pool, we got ready to go the pool.

Well, we hit the pool and we went to bowl and unfortunately we got kicked out of the hotel. When we went bowling some assholes decided to get sensitive about what ever and started to try and fight, so I kept Frankie at bay but unfortunately we all got kicked out and now we are looking for a place.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Gabriel was not having it last night. He was on another level. I think his fever got the best of him and he continues to flop like a fish and bang into the crib and headboard. He was also having stomach problems during to them giving him a nacatamale. I have to talk to my mom again to make sure that they do not give him anything like that again, since his stomach can't handle it.
Oh my goodness. I can't take this anymore. I am so bored. There is nothing for me to do and I am tired if trying to look busy. Time is going by so sssllllooooowwwwwww. About to go to eat my lunch and chill. Hopefully the afternoon goes by faster.

Had lunch and chilled. Got lazy and didn't want to go out for lunch. Plans changed for tomorrow. I have to take Gabriel to the Dr. He has had a fever and my wife wants me to take him. So I have to adjust. I will take him and go get a can of formula. Not sure if Costco or elsewhere depending on time. I still have to run to the bank to get change. We had our unit meeting and got assigned some work, so I will start on the Monday. After I came home.

Went to get Burritos for us and a taco for Javi. Put Gabriel down to sleep and cleaned my shoes with a shoe cleaner I bought. It worked. Now I am in the room since Gabriel woke up, but he us back down.
After I took a shower and hung out for a bit. Practiced sight words with Javi and watched some tv with my wife. Right now I am watching Better Call Saul and leaving some drawings for Javi for the weekend. 
Going to bed soon, have to wake up early to put clothes to dry and get ready for the day.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Got up, tired and exhausted. Got ready, washed and sanitized bottles, made one for Gabriel before I left. The drive was smooth, slight traffic but I am here. Ready to get these 2 days of work out of the way. Hope today goes by quickly.
The morning went well, I caught up on emails and other items I needed to do. I presented the MC portion at the forum. After I started doing some online fraud training.

Had lunch and went out to Peet's for an iced coffee, now I am back to finish this online training. All done with training, helped a person with a case and at 4:20 headed home. Tool out the trash and waited for my wife to get in so we could go to target then pick up the kids.

Went to my sisters house to get the kids. Hung out for a bit. Came home, my wife bathed both kids and I put Gabriel to bed. Showered had dinner and hung out watching tv. I got my things packed for this weekend. Only need to go get the cash. About to go to bed.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Gabriel was not doing well. Had a fever and slept poorly. I stayed in with him for the day. Did laundry and was able to fold all the clothes. I was finally able to get him to sleep and I ran out to trader Joe's to get Javi some rice and I got a bag of chips.

Got home, Gabriel was still asleep. Ate lunch and when he woke up we played. I am so tired but have to keep moving. He is all over the place. I am currently going to go get Javi at school and see how his day went.
Javi said his day went well. We headed home and practiced his sight words. He was being a bit lazy and it was getting us both frustrated. But we got through it.

My wife came home and we ate some soup and went to take the boys out for a quick bike ride. After Gabriel went to bed early. We were up and hanging out. I showered and Javi went to bed. Watching some tv now. When I went to the room,  Gabriel was up and thought it was party time. He was up for a bit and finally fell asleep.

Monday, September 3, 2018


Got up before 7 because Gabriel wanted to go play. It is cold. About to put on a sweater and go take the recycling out. Did that, had breakfast, a nacatamale that my sister got us, it was ok, I don't think I would order again. After we got ready and headed to Milpitas to the Great Mall.

We got there, we split up for shopping. I got me some Nike shoes and a pair of Jordan's. The were at a great price. After we came home. I stayed with the kids while my wife and her mom went to eat lunch.
I was watching Angry Birds with Javi, while Gabriel slept. He woke up and I gave him tylenol for his fever. My wife came home and gave him a snack. She then took Javi for a play date and I stayed back with Gabriel.

Javi had a bubble bath, Gabriel wanted in. So he got in. Got them dressed and put Gabriel down to sleep, Javi stayed up and we played a drawing game before he went to bed. I am not feeling too well right now, going to take some dramamine before bed as a preemptive strike.

Sunday, September 2, 2018


Got up and follower the kids around. We hung out for a bit. My wife went to get her nails done, I stayed home. When she got back we went around the block so Javi could ride his bike and Gabriel could be in his new stoller/bike.

We went to Redwood city to eat at Applebees and go to Kmart. We got some useful things, I got the shorts I wanted for the Disneyland trip next month. After we came home and rested for a bit before going grocery shopping at Target. When we came home I organized the things we bought and chilled.

Had dinner and tried to put Gabriel down. That didn't work, he got the hiccups so I will let him out to play for a bit. I went to shower and when I was done I put him to sleep. After i went out to set up some folders we bought for Javi to help him practice his writing skills and potentially some math. I made him some flash cards for sight words and set up my next banking book. After we watched some tv and went to bed. Day off tomorrow due to observation of labor day.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

The long weekend begins...

Got up, made Gabriel some cereal and made pancakes for Javi. Gave Gabriel some pancake and eggs. Everything was good, later we are going to go swim at my sisters for Lil Will's birthday.
Gabriel finally took a nap, it was a long nap. We left close to 1 and got to my sister's around 1:20.

Went swimming for a bit and after we went to my sister's to eat, sing happy birthday and have some cake. When we were done we headed home. Right now my wife is resting and I am with the kids.

Bathed both boys. When I was dressing Gabriel my wife went to get dinner. I was able to put Gabriel to sleep and start drawing a piggy pirate ship for Javi. When he went to bed we stayed up for a bit. I fell asleep on the couch and got up to go to the room and rest.