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Thursday, February 1, 2018

Wake up, it's the first of the month

Took Gabriel out of the room around 6:40, he wanted to poop so I gave him his space. He did, I changed it. My wife and Javi came out and I got dressed, put away the trash bins and after helped get the boys ready to go for school drop off for Javi. It went well, I was going to go to get gas at Costco but the line was long.
I called to get information on before/after school care for Javi, but he has to be enrolled in Kindergarten first, so I am out here waiting for 9:30 So I can get those forms for him.
Holy hell,  my wife said that I was supposed to pick up the paperwork, however it turned out that I had to fill out the paperwork and provide all of this other verification, which I did not have. So I filled it out, Gabriel was a trooper and asked them if it was ok to come back with the verification they needed, they said yes. Got home, changed and fed Gabriel, ate my nacatamale and had a coffee. Now waiting to go get Javi at 1:30

My wife came home for lunch, Gabriel was napping but woke up about 15 minutes after she got here. Still deciding what we are going to do after I pick up Javi.
Really nice day today, found good parking around the school, think I'll go put gas in the car and see if Javi wants to go to the park or walk around the mall or something.
So Javi decided that he wanted to go to target to get bread sticks and go home. So we went, got a few things we needed for him and Gabriel and headed home. Javi played with his toys and I played with and fed Gabriel.

My wife came home and we all headed out to Costco. I needed to get a new passport picture, so we did that and grabbed a few items that we needed. We had dinner there,  I got this 6 pack of local beer to try out, I like trying new beers to add to my palate. So after that we came home, I completed the application for the passport and of course added the payment check, tomorrow after I get Javi I will go mail it out certified with a tracking number so I can make sure it gets there. So for now, putting Gabriel to bed, my wife is doing out taxes and Javi Is playing.
After this goingto shower and watch some tv.
Was watching tv and little man woke up, so I came in and fed him, giving him time to chill before I put him in his crib. Got to get some rest, lots of things to do tomorrow.

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