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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Step off I'm doing the hump

Got to sleep in a tiny bit since Javi didn't go to school because of his eye doctor appointment. Got up, cleaned the bed, got dressed and got Javi ready and drove down to the appointment. Javi did ok, he started freaking out when they were putting the dilation drops in his eyes. But overall he did ok. We passed by getting coffee and came home to chill.

Spent the time playing with Gabriel and building legos with Javi. He did a good job with them, he likes to build things with them. My wife came for lunch and hung out,  I confirmed that my sister booked our Disney trip for October. I will be paying my part of that later this week. Only thing I have to get is the Halloween party tickets.
Going to try and bathe both boys before Gabriel's bed time.

Got both boys bathed and ready for bed. Javi helped with bathing his brother and he is playing waiting for my wife to get home. Gabriel is now sleeping, hopefully this lasts until his next bottle feeding. He is in the crib, he almost started crying when I put him down there but I was able to calm him a bit. Going to give him a few minutes before going out to play with Javi.
I talked to my sister as well to get some clarity on my Moms situation, it's a bit confusing and scary, but with God's help we will get through it.

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