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Friday, February 2, 2018

Groundhog day

Looks like there will be 6 more weeks of winter due to Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. Gabriel woke up around 6, but I was able to get him back down and he got up at 6:45. I took him to the other room and he pooped. Around 7:15 my wife and Javi came out and took him to the kitchen. I got dressed, switched the mattress around since my wife was complaining, helped get both kids ready and off to drop off Javi at school.
Drop off went well, after we went to Costco to get gas and headed over to the post office to mail out a letter for my wife and my passport renewal application. The system was down for a bit so it was cash only, that was ok, however the way those post office employees were was not ok, they seemed to he bothered by us being there and like they were doing us a favor by helping us out. This is a big reason the post office and most retailers lose business, the lack of customer service and making people feel welcomed.
After that came home, swept the kitchen, will mop it later, have to clean the bathroom, I'll do that when my mom is here and after j get Javi. Waiting for clothes to dry to fold them.

My Mom came over with Santi, he has a 'illness' of some sort and couldn't go to school. My wife came by had lunch and was able to get the missing paperwork that we needed to register Javi for kindergarten. I left Gabriel with my Mom and went to pick up Javi at school, dropped off the paperwork and he is ready to go.
After I got Javi we went to Babies R Us and bought the twin bed for him, it was already on clearance,  but it went down even further. We hut up the Dollar Tree and came home,  since Javi had a bad day at school, he was relegated to no tv or tablet. Finished folding the laundry and put Gabriel down for a nap.

Made dinner and we were going to go out, but we decided go stay in. We are catching up on some shows. I have a craving for something sweet. I had a raisin bread that my mom gave me and 2 vodka cranberries, they were delicious. Watching some tv and going to bed soon. Javi has swimming tomorrow and we have tickets to watch Winchester tomorrow.

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