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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Last Tuesday on leave

Gabriel woke up at around 6:30 and was just making noises and playing. Right now I am getting ready to go drop Javi off at school and go do a smog check, my breakfast plans got canceled so I will be coming home after. It's still cold outside, so I'll be bundling up.
Dropped Javi off, got his rain coat. Took off to get the smog check on the car, it was quick. After I passed by Target to get Javi some snacks, dropped off some clothes for donation and bought some lotto tickets. It would be nice to hit that jackpot :)
Got home and grabbed the laundry to start folding, Gabriel got a little restless and now he is napping with me. Debating what I will do with Javi later after pick up.

Took off a bit early to go gert Javi some apple juice and Capri suns. Ran into an old partner from Starbucks that I helped in hiring. She seems to be doing well and looked happy, so that is a good thing. Right now headed to pick up Javi from school, hopefully he had a good day. After here it's time to go home, clean up and lunch for Javi. Later I think we are going to Costco.
Got Javi and came home, made him pick up his toys. Gave him some bisteak and rice to eat for lunch. To my surprise he ate it all. My mother in law went to Costco so we are skipping it, also Javi's glasses are ready for pick up.

We went to Target to get the glasses. They look good on him. We walked around, Gabriel was fussy so we headed home, but first my wife wanted some McDonald's so we went to the drive thru. Got home ate and right now trying to put Gabriel to sleep. After this a shower, some tv and rest.

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