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Monday, February 5, 2018

Super sick monday

I got up around 6:40, Javi was complaining about his stuffy nose, gave him a boogie wipe, turned over and saw that Gabriel was in the bed. Took him out of the room around 6:50, a little later I got dressed and helped get the boys ready to go take Javi tonl school. Drop off was good, after Gabriel fell asleep. Came home had breakfast and waited for him to wake up.
When he woke up I changed him, fed him and we played. Right now he is napping, when he gets up it will be in time for his bottle.
Gabriel got up, changed and fed him, played for a bit, he went back for a nap around 11. Waited for my wife to get home for lunch, then my mom will get here with Javi and Myrna.

Gabriel was still tired, he took another nap. Around 2 we. And over to Tanforan to hop n play. Right now we are watching Javi and Myrna play, Gabriel is having a bottle, looking at the play area wanting to go.
It took a bit but he fell asleep while the kids played, they had fun until Javi had to share his caprisun. When the baby woke up I changed him and took him for stroll while my mom took the kids to eat some Panda express. After that we went to Target and came home.

Got home, started laundry. My wife bathed both kids, I ate some sardines and fried rice. While I was putting Gabriel to bed, my wife and Javi went to pick up my mother in law at the airport, she was returning from Nicaragua. Now I am watching Raw and a little later I will shower and watch some tv and go to bed.

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