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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's day

Woke up and Javi brought the Valentine's day gift I gave him and gave it to my wife. I told him it was his and gave her the box of chocolates and card I got her. I went to get dressed and got some last minute things ready for Javi totake him to school.
School drop off was good. It was a bit cold this morning, he went in, I reminded him to behave and that later we are going swimming. Let's see how the rest of the morning goes with little man at home.
Got home, he was napping but woke up about 15 minutes or so after I got there, we played and around 10 I tried to give him is milk but he didn't want it. He was tired and fell asleep from 10:50 to 12:05 ish. When he got up my wife played with him a bit.

Quick target run for some travel items for Javi for his trip. Then went to my sister's house and waited for my mom, Javi and myrna. Now I am about to change to see if Javi wants to swim or if I go solo for a bit for some exercise.
Took Javi swimming and he did a good job without the life jacket. It looks like he is able to swim pretty well without it, he is getting less scared with every time out. After I put the life jacket on and he was able to do his cannon balls.
We came back into my sister's house and Javi played with Myrna. Gabriel had finished his Apple sauce and his cookies and now he is napping. We will be leaving soon to go get ready for our Valentine's day dinner.

So my mom came over with Myrna and we took off for the restaurant. The parking lot was full but we were able to get a spot where someone was just leaving. We checked in and got our table, my wife ordered a pink lemonade alcohol drink, I had a blue moon beer. For starters she had the lobster bisque and I had the clam chowder. We shared the garlic bread that was on the table, for dinner she had the filet mignon and I had the prime rib, both were so good. For dessert I had a coffee and a creme brulee, very delicious.
After we came home, my wife fed Gabriel, I put him down. I went to take Javi to bed and noticed that he tried to eat a fun dip on his bed, made a mess. So I cleaned it and had him go to bed.
I just finished watching the last episode of Seinfeld and now I will start It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Tomorrow is Javi's last day of school this week and drop off at night as he is going with my sister to LA.

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