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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Going up on a Tuesday

Got up this morning, made Javi a waffle and got him some water. I went to put the clothes to dry and got ready to take Javi to school. After drop off I went to Costco to get gas and came home to fold clothes. Gabriel was asleep, he stayed with his Abuela. When he woke up I changed him and played a bit before giving him some sweet potato.
More folding of clothes and playing with Gabriel before I washed the dishes and gave him a bottle, right now he is sleeping on me. I'll let him stay here for now since the clothes is still drying and it did take a bit to get him to sleep.

My mom came over and now we are at Javi's school waiting for himbto get out so we can go to Tanforan to go to the movies to see Peter Rabbit, we will also go to target to get him some breadsticks and snacks. We got to the theatre and bought popcorn and ICEE. We went to our seats and saw the movie, it was actually entertaining, I really didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did. Javi and my mom really liked it as well.
After the movie we went to Target to get Javi his travel snacks for his trip. Got home, my wife had him write his name on his Valentine's day cards and he put them away for tomorrow.

My wife got home and we were talking about her day at work. I gave Gabriel a bath and I went to pick up some lotto tickets and sushi. We won $10 on the ticket.  After I got home I fed Gabriel and put him to bed. Showered, hung out with my wife for a bit, signed the Valentine's day cards and drew something for Javi on his easel. Now going to finish watching some Seinfeld and go to bed. Tomorrow we go swimming and out to dinner.

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