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Saturday, February 3, 2018

Twas the night before the Super Bowl

Gabriel woke up at 12:20 am for a feeding, I have him his milk and put him back down in his crib, he didn't wake up again until close to 5 am for another one. Javi woke up around 7, complaining that he didn't want to go to swim class and that he was itchy. He was upset when we told him that he was going. Plans for today are swim class, pick up my mom and go watch Winchester, after that it's a free day.
Swim class was good for Javi, he went under the water and did good while swimming with the teacher. I got him dressed and we went to pick up my mom and brought her to the house so she can watch the boys while we went to the movies.

We went to Tanforan and walked around a bit before the movie. We sat in those massage chairs, they felt good. We made our way into the movies and out of all the places we could have sat, the most annoying people were behind us. Luckily the theatre was a bit empty so we were able to move. The movie was ok, I enjoyed it, it took a bit to pick up, but it was enjoyable. After we came home and go ready to go to Serramonte. We ate at Dave and Buster's the food was ok, could have been better but oh well. We hit up Macy's, lids,  the Disney store and target, ran into my co worker Mimi and her boyfriend Jon, sans baby. My wife caught up with them while I took Javi to the bathroom.
After that we took my mom home and came home.

Just getting in, my nephew let us know he may be stopping by. We'll see.
So my nephew came by for a bit,  we caught up for a little time as he was going to a party close by. He played mainly with Gabriel, Javi was busy watching Trolls on Netflix. After my wife gave Gabriel a bath, changed and fed him. I connected a Pac man game I got and played a little, right now I am in the room waiting for Javi to go to sleep. After I will go out and watch some tv or something.

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