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Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thursday thoughts

Woke up this morning because Javi jumped into the bed while Gabriel was making noises. Made the bed, got ready and now going to head out to drop Javi off at school. Still very sleepy, didn't have good rest last night. Kept having strange dreams that would wake me up.
Got javi out of the house, it was an ordeal as he continues wanting to not cooperate with anything. We got to school at 8:10 and we walked over, he had a box for his sharing item. Walked back to the car, it is cold this morning. Let's see what happens next.
Got home and Gabriel was napping, he woke up, we played a bit. He pooped and looked tired, I got him to nap again and he was out until about 10:50, tried giving him a bottle, he wasn't having it. So I got him ready for a walk and to meet my wife so we could go pick up the application for day care.

Got the paperwork, made our way home. Right now I am waiting for Javi to get out of class, Gabriel is at home with his Abuela. Going to take Javi to get a surprise happy meal and go home to chill. Later going to get his bag ready for his trip and take him to my sister's house.
Got Javi his happy meal and he was playing,  he watched some of this woody wood pecker movie on Netflix and some of The Land Before Time. While he did that Gabriel had a bottle and a nap.
When my wife got home we packed Javi's things for his trip.

Javi is packed and ready to go. Have some laundry going. My iPad looks like it didn't take the last charge too well, so going to have to monitor that. My wife put Gabriel to sleep, but Javi woke him up so right now I am trying to get him back to sleep before I take Javi to my sister's house.
This is Javi's first big trip that he goes on with out either of us. He has slept over for a night but this time he won't see us until late Sunday. So, obviously we are a little concerned about it, but I know that he will be fine.
I went to drop Javi off and he tells me that he will miss me when he is in Hell A (LA)  I told him that I will miss him as well for sure and that we will be talking via video phone. Reminded him to behave and listen. When I took him in I gave my sister the run down on his things and gave him a hug and a kiss good bye. I'll see him on Sunday.
Came home, showered and watched some Sunny in Philadelphia and now going to bed.

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