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Monday, February 12, 2018

Another Monday

Got up, got ready to get on the road to take Javi to his Dr appointment in Santa Clara. Just as we thought he will need the surgery for hydrocel. The Dr was able to answer our questions and concerns, he will be scheduled in about 2 months or so. After we came back ate breakfast at IHOP and took Javi to get a long overdue haircut. Now we are home, going to get things ready for swimming and to go to my sister's house.

My mom came by, I put the base in her car so she can be able to take Gabriel if needed. We came to my sister's house and we talked about the trip Javi will be taking with them this weekend. She went to the Dr and me and Javi went swimming. He did great again, not afraid of putting his head under water. We made a deal that today he could use his life jacket for the whole time but on Wednesday he has to take it off a bit to practice since he won't be here for his swim class on Saturday.
We also got a text that is a bit concerning, the owners of the house we rent want to stop by to see the interior and instruct us on a new way to pay the rent. I hope they do not raise our rent as we are trying to save up to pay off our debt and to get a house. So hopefully they keep us where we are at and we can still save to get the house.

Got home, started laundry. Watched Raw and had dinner. We were looking at some possible properties in the area and were able to talk to someone about them. So that is a positive. The rest of the night will be putting Gabriel to sleep, shower, laundry and tv.

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