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Monday, July 2, 2018

Thank God for a short work week

I know I rested a lot, but I didn't wake up feeling that way. I got ready, washed a bottle, got my coffee ready and headed out.
The drive was smooth, it's cold out today.
This week will be a short one for me. I only work today and tomorrow. I get the Camry back so I may even leave a bit early.
Starting today we all get a 3% raise. Just have to make it to Tuesday 4:30 and I'll have 5 days off work.
Morning went well. I was able to edit some of the screens for the power point. Set up a meeting tomorrow and one for Monday to go over it again to see what we keep and discard.

Had lunch, more tacos! Anyway, was watching GLOW and talked to my mom and my wife for a bit. I got the call that the car will not be ready today, it will be ready tomorrow, so I will be leaving early to go drop off the rental and get the Camry. After here I go home to to wait for my wife to get in so I can go get the kiddies.

Made it home with time to put a load of clothes to wash. When my wife got home, I went to get the kids. Spent a little time at my sister's house and came home. Made my wife a sandwich and myself more tacos. As clockwork would have it, since my wife had a headache she decided to get an attitude with me and somehow I am wrong for making her food. It is what it is. Right now I am finishing up the laundry and waiting to wash the dishes before going to bed.

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