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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Almost done

It's Thursday. I woke up when I stretched and got a cramp in my right leg. Went to get ready, washed and sanitized bottles, made my coffee and drove to work. The drive was good, it's cold out. Today we will be practicing the presentation to see which style will work best.
Monika came by to practice the presentation. It looks like there will be some edits and also we will be splitting in half. Later today we may present to our group.
I went to the post office to get the money order and send payment for Javi's extended care at school.

Had lunch and went to Peet's to get coffee. Right now sitting here hanging out trying to stay awake. I went over to 1440 to finish with the updates and run through the slides again before our meeting. We presented to our unit and the feedback was good. We are going to do more run throughs tomorrow and see how it goes.

After work I headed to Tanforan to meet my mom at hop n play. The kids had fun. After myrna was acting up so I shut down all requests to purchase anything. Drove home, made Javi some food, my wife bathed both boys, I just put Gabriel to bed and I am about to shower and see what I have for dinner.
Made me a sandwich and had a beer, watched a bit of tv and off to bed.

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