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Saturday, July 21, 2018

Swimming day... maybe

Got up and Javi was having tummy issues. My wife was going from 0-100 real quick. Told her that it was just probably because he hasn't pooped. Called Kaiser and they suggested kids pesto bismol and some other items. I went out to Target to get them and came home.
When I got here I convinced  Javi to go poop and he did. He feels much better now. He may or may not go swim today.
Javi did not swim, but Gabriel did. My sister hung out with Javi while we did that. After we went to the house.

Got home, gave Gabriel a shower and showered myself. Got ready, went over to pick up Myrna and dropped them off. Headed to hop n play for  Samina's birthday party. It was fun, the boys enjoyed themselves and after we came home to rest and change for the dinner tonight.

We drove to San Mateo to eat at Espetus, it was good. Most of us ate, after we drove home. Gabriel was grouchy because he was tired. Fed him and put him to sleep. Washed and sanitized bottles and now going to shower.
We were watching A Quiet Place a d Gabriel woke up, we are about to go to bed.

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